/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE test_proxy.c * @brief Extremely simple proxy and registrar for testing nua * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Thu Nov 3 22:49:46 EET 2005 */ #include "config.h" #include <string.h> struct proxy; struct proxy_transaction; struct registration_entry; struct binding; #define SU_ROOT_MAGIC_T struct proxy #define NTA_LEG_MAGIC_T struct proxy #define NTA_OUTGOING_MAGIC_T struct proxy_transaction #define NTA_INCOMING_MAGIC_T struct proxy_transaction #include <sofia-sip/su_wait.h> #include <sofia-sip/nta.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_header.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_status.h> #include <sofia-sip/sip_util.h> #include <sofia-sip/auth_module.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_tagarg.h> #include <sofia-sip/msg_addr.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #define LIST_PROTOS(STORAGE, PREFIX, T) \ STORAGE void PREFIX ##_insert(T **list, T *node), \ PREFIX ##_remove(T *node) #define LIST_BODIES(STORAGE, PREFIX, T, NEXT, PREV) \ STORAGE void PREFIX ##_insert(T **list, T *node) \ { \ if ((node->NEXT = *list)) { \ node->PREV = node->NEXT->PREV; \ node->NEXT->PREV = &node->NEXT; \ } \ else \ node->PREV = list; \ *list = node; \ } \ STORAGE void PREFIX ##_remove(T *node) \ { \ if (node->PREV) \ if ((*node->PREV = node->NEXT)) \ node->NEXT->PREV = node->PREV; \ node->PREV = NULL; \ } \ extern int LIST_DUMMY_VARIABLE #include <test_proxy.h> struct proxy { su_home_t home[1]; su_root_t *parent; su_clone_r clone; tagi_t *tags; su_root_t *root; auth_mod_t *auth; nta_agent_t *agent; url_t const *uri; nta_leg_t *defleg; nta_leg_t *example_net; nta_leg_t *example_org; nta_leg_t *example_com; sip_contact_t *transport_contacts; struct proxy_transaction *stateless; struct proxy_transaction *transactions; struct registration_entry *entries; struct { sip_time_t min_expires, expires, max_expires; sip_time_t session_expires, min_se; } prefs; }; LIST_PROTOS(static, registration_entry, struct registration_entry); static struct registration_entry *registration_entry_new(struct proxy *, url_t const *); static void registration_entry_destroy(struct registration_entry *e); struct registration_entry { struct registration_entry *next, **prev; struct proxy *proxy; /* backpointer */ url_t *aor; /* address-of-record */ struct binding *bindings; /* list of bindings */ sip_contact_t *contacts; }; struct binding { struct binding *next, **prev; sip_contact_t *contact; /* bindings */ sip_time_t registered, expires; /* When registered and when expires */ sip_call_id_t *call_id; uint32_t cseq; }; static struct binding *binding_new(su_home_t *home, sip_contact_t *contact, sip_call_id_t *call_id, uint32_t cseq, sip_time_t registered, sip_time_t expires); static void binding_destroy(su_home_t *home, struct binding *b); static int binding_is_active(struct binding const *b) { return b->expires > sip_now(); } LIST_PROTOS(static, proxy_transaction, struct proxy_transaction); struct proxy_transaction *proxy_transaction_new(struct proxy *); static void proxy_transaction_destroy(struct proxy_transaction *t); struct proxy_transaction { struct proxy_transaction *next, **prev; struct proxy *proxy; /* backpointer */ sip_request_t *rq; /* request line */ nta_incoming_t *server; /* server transaction */ nta_outgoing_t *client; /* client transaction */ }; static sip_contact_t *create_transport_contacts(struct proxy *p); static int proxy_request(struct proxy *proxy, nta_leg_t *leg, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip); static int proxy_ack_cancel(struct proxy_transaction *t, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip); static int proxy_response(struct proxy_transaction *t, nta_outgoing_t *client, sip_t const *sip); static int process_register(struct proxy *proxy, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip); static int domain_request(struct proxy *proxy, nta_leg_t *leg, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip); static int process_options(struct proxy *proxy, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip); static struct registration_entry * registration_entry_find(struct proxy const *proxy, url_t const *uri); static auth_challenger_t registrar_challenger[1]; static auth_challenger_t proxy_challenger[1]; /* Proxy entry point */ static int test_proxy_init(su_root_t *root, struct proxy *proxy) { struct proxy_transaction *t; auth_challenger_t _proxy_challenger[1] = {{ SIP_407_PROXY_AUTH_REQUIRED, sip_proxy_authenticate_class, sip_proxy_authentication_info_class }}; auth_challenger_t _registrar_challenger[1] = {{ SIP_401_UNAUTHORIZED, sip_www_authenticate_class, sip_authentication_info_class }}; *proxy_challenger = *_proxy_challenger; *registrar_challenger = *_registrar_challenger; proxy->root = root; proxy->auth = auth_mod_create(root, TAG_NEXT(proxy->tags)); proxy->agent = nta_agent_create(root, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:*"), NULL, NULL, NTATAG_UA(0), NTATAG_SERVER_RPORT(1), NTATAG_CLIENT_RPORT(1), TAG_END()); proxy->transport_contacts = create_transport_contacts(proxy); proxy->defleg = nta_leg_tcreate(proxy->agent, proxy_request, proxy, NTATAG_NO_DIALOG(1), TAG_END()); proxy->example_net = nta_leg_tcreate(proxy->agent, domain_request, proxy, NTATAG_NO_DIALOG(1), URLTAG_URL("sip:example.net"), TAG_END()); proxy->example_org = nta_leg_tcreate(proxy->agent, domain_request, proxy, NTATAG_NO_DIALOG(1), URLTAG_URL("sip:example.org"), TAG_END()); proxy->example_com = nta_leg_tcreate(proxy->agent, domain_request, proxy, NTATAG_NO_DIALOG(1), URLTAG_URL("sip:example.com"), TAG_END()); proxy->prefs.min_expires = 30; proxy->prefs.expires = 3600; proxy->prefs.max_expires = 3600; proxy->prefs.session_expires = 180; proxy->prefs.min_se = 90; if (!proxy->defleg || !proxy->example_net || !proxy->example_org || !proxy->example_com) return -1; t = su_zalloc(proxy->home, sizeof *t); if (!t) return -1; proxy->stateless = t; t->proxy = proxy; t->server = nta_incoming_default(proxy->agent); t->client = nta_outgoing_default(proxy->agent, proxy_response, t); if (!t->client || !t->server) return -1; proxy->uri = nta_agent_contact(proxy->agent)->m_url; return 0; } static void test_proxy_deinit(su_root_t *root, struct proxy *proxy) { struct proxy_transaction *t; auth_mod_destroy(proxy->auth); if ((t = proxy->stateless)) { nta_incoming_destroy(t->server), t->server = NULL; nta_outgoing_destroy(t->client), t->client = NULL; } nta_agent_destroy(proxy->agent); while (proxy->entries) registration_entry_destroy(proxy->entries); free(proxy->tags); } /* Create tst proxy object */ struct proxy *test_proxy_create(su_root_t *root, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { struct proxy *p = su_home_new(sizeof *p); if (p) { ta_list ta; p->parent = root; ta_start(ta, tag, value); p->tags = tl_llist(ta_tags(ta)); ta_end(ta); if (su_clone_start(root, p->clone, p, test_proxy_init, test_proxy_deinit) == -1) su_home_unref(p->home), p = NULL; } return p; } /* Destroy the proxy object */ void test_proxy_destroy(struct proxy *p) { if (p) { su_clone_wait(p->parent, p->clone); su_home_unref(p->home); } } /* Return the proxy URI */ url_t const *test_proxy_uri(struct proxy const *p) { return p ? p->uri : NULL; } void test_proxy_set_expiration(struct proxy *p, sip_time_t min_expires, sip_time_t expires, sip_time_t max_expires) { if (p) { p->prefs.min_expires = min_expires; p->prefs.expires = expires; p->prefs.max_expires = max_expires; } } void test_proxy_get_expiration(struct proxy *p, sip_time_t *return_min_expires, sip_time_t *return_expires, sip_time_t *return_max_expires) { if (p) { if (return_min_expires) *return_min_expires = p->prefs.min_expires; if (return_expires) *return_expires = p->prefs.expires; if (return_max_expires) *return_max_expires = p->prefs.max_expires; } } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static sip_contact_t *create_transport_contacts(struct proxy *p) { su_home_t *home = p->home; sip_via_t *v; sip_contact_t *retval = NULL, **mm = &retval; if (!p->agent) return NULL; for (v = nta_agent_via(p->agent); v; v = v->v_next) { char const *proto = v->v_protocol; if (v->v_next && strcasecmp(v->v_host, v->v_next->v_host) == 0 && str0cmp(v->v_port, v->v_next->v_port) == 0 && ((proto == sip_transport_udp && v->v_next->v_protocol == sip_transport_tcp) || (proto == sip_transport_tcp && v->v_next->v_protocol == sip_transport_udp))) /* We have udp/tcp pair, insert URL without tport parameter */ *mm = sip_contact_create_from_via_with_transport(home, v, NULL, NULL); if (*mm) mm = &(*mm)->m_next; *mm = sip_contact_create_from_via_with_transport(home, v, NULL, proto); if (*mm) mm = &(*mm)->m_next; } return retval; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int challenge_request(struct proxy *, nta_incoming_t *, sip_t const *); /** Forward request */ static int proxy_request(struct proxy *proxy, nta_leg_t *leg, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip) { url_t const *request_uri, *target; struct proxy_transaction *t = NULL; sip_request_t *rq = NULL; sip_max_forwards_t *mf; sip_method_t method = sip->sip_request->rq_method; sip_session_expires_t *x = NULL, x0[1]; sip_min_se_t *min_se = NULL, min_se0[1]; mf = sip->sip_max_forwards; if (mf && mf->mf_count <= 1) { if (sip->sip_request->rq_method == sip_method_options) { return process_options(proxy, irq, sip); } nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_483_TOO_MANY_HOPS, TAG_END()); return 483; } if (method != sip_method_ack && method != sip_method_cancel && str0casecmp(sip->sip_from->a_url->url_host, "example.net") == 0) { /* Challenge everything but CANCEL and ACK coming from Mr. C */ int status = challenge_request(proxy, irq, sip); if (status) return status; } if (method == sip_method_invite) { if (!sip->sip_min_se || sip->sip_min_se->min_delta < proxy->prefs.min_se) { min_se = sip_min_se_init(min_se0); min_se->min_delta = proxy->prefs.min_se; } if (!sip->sip_session_expires) { x = sip_session_expires_init(x0); x->x_delta = proxy->prefs.session_expires; } else if (sip->sip_session_expires->x_delta < proxy->prefs.min_se && sip_has_supported(sip->sip_supported, "timer")) { if (min_se == NULL) min_se = sip->sip_min_se; assert(min_se); nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_422_SESSION_TIMER_TOO_SMALL, SIPTAG_MIN_SE(min_se), TAG_END()); return 422; } } /* We don't do any route processing */ request_uri = sip->sip_request->rq_url; if (!request_uri->url_host || (strcasecmp(request_uri->url_host, "example.org") && strcasecmp(request_uri->url_host, "example.net") && strcasecmp(request_uri->url_host, "example.com"))) { target = request_uri; } else { struct registration_entry *e; struct binding *b; if (sip->sip_request->rq_method == sip_method_register) return process_register(proxy, irq, sip); e = registration_entry_find(proxy, request_uri); if (e == NULL) { nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_404_NOT_FOUND, TAG_END()); return 404; } for (b = e->bindings; b; b = b->next) if (binding_is_active(b)) break; if (b == NULL) { nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_480_TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE, TAG_END()); return 480; } target = b->contact->m_url; } t = proxy_transaction_new(proxy); if (t == NULL) { nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, TAG_END()); return 500; } nta_incoming_bind(t->server = irq, proxy_ack_cancel, t); rq = sip_request_create(proxy->home, sip->sip_request->rq_method, sip->sip_request->rq_method_name, (url_string_t *)target, NULL); if (rq == NULL) { nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, TAG_END()); proxy_transaction_destroy(t); return 500; } t->rq = rq; /* Forward request */ t->client = nta_outgoing_mcreate(proxy->agent, proxy_response, t, NULL, nta_incoming_getrequest(irq), /* rewrite request */ SIPTAG_REQUEST(rq), SIPTAG_SESSION_EXPIRES(x), SIPTAG_MIN_SE(min_se), TAG_END()); if (t->client == NULL) { proxy_transaction_destroy(t); nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, TAG_END()); return 500; } else if (sip->sip_request->rq_method == sip_method_ack) proxy_transaction_destroy(t); return 0; } static int challenge_request(struct proxy *p, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip) { int status; auth_status_t *as; msg_t *msg; as = auth_status_new(p->home); if (!as) return 500; as->as_method = sip->sip_request->rq_method_name; msg = nta_incoming_getrequest(irq); as->as_source = msg_addrinfo(msg); as->as_user_uri = sip->sip_from->a_url; as->as_display = sip->sip_from->a_display; if (sip->sip_payload) as->as_body = sip->sip_payload->pl_data, as->as_bodylen = sip->sip_payload->pl_len; auth_mod_check_client(p->auth, as, sip->sip_proxy_authorization, proxy_challenger); if ((status = as->as_status)) { nta_incoming_treply(irq, as->as_status, as->as_phrase, SIPTAG_HEADER((void *)as->as_info), SIPTAG_HEADER((void *)as->as_response), TAG_END()); } else if (as->as_match) { msg_header_remove(msg, NULL, as->as_match); } msg_destroy(msg); su_home_unref(as->as_home); return status; } int proxy_ack_cancel(struct proxy_transaction *t, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip) { if (sip == NULL) { proxy_transaction_destroy(t); return 0; } if (sip->sip_request->rq_method == sip_method_cancel) { /* We don't care about response to CANCEL (or ACK) * so we give NULL as callback pointer (and nta immediately * destroys transaction object or marks it disposable) */ if (nta_outgoing_tcancel(t->client, NULL, NULL, TAG_END())) return 200; else return 500; } else { return 500; } } int proxy_response(struct proxy_transaction *t, nta_outgoing_t *client, sip_t const *sip) { int final; if (sip) { msg_t *response = nta_outgoing_getresponse(client); final = sip->sip_status->st_status >= 200; sip_via_remove(response, sip_object(response)); nta_incoming_mreply(t->server, response); } else { final = 1; nta_incoming_treply(t->server, SIP_408_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, TAG_END()); } if (final) proxy_transaction_destroy(t); return 0; } struct proxy_transaction * proxy_transaction_new(struct proxy *proxy) { struct proxy_transaction *t; t = su_zalloc(proxy->home, sizeof *t); if (t) { t->proxy = proxy; proxy_transaction_insert(&proxy->transactions, t); } return t; } static void proxy_transaction_destroy(struct proxy_transaction *t) { if (t == t->proxy->stateless) return; proxy_transaction_remove(t); nta_incoming_destroy(t->server); nta_outgoing_destroy(t->client); su_free(t->proxy->home, t->rq); su_free(t->proxy->home, t); } LIST_BODIES(static, proxy_transaction, struct proxy_transaction, next, prev); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int domain_request(struct proxy *proxy, nta_leg_t *leg, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip) { sip_method_t method = sip->sip_request->rq_method; if (method == sip_method_register) return process_register(proxy, irq, sip); if (method == sip_method_options) return process_options(proxy, irq, sip); return 501; } static int process_options(struct proxy *proxy, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip) { nta_incoming_treply(irq, SIP_200_OK, SIPTAG_CONTACT(proxy->transport_contacts), TAG_END()); return 200; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static int process_register2(struct proxy *p, auth_status_t *as, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip); static int set_status(auth_status_t *as, int status, char const *phrase); static int validate_contacts(struct proxy *p, auth_status_t *as, sip_t const *sip); static int check_out_of_order(struct proxy *p, auth_status_t *as, struct registration_entry *e, sip_t const *); static int binding_update(struct proxy *p, auth_status_t *as, struct registration_entry *e, sip_t const *sip); sip_contact_t *binding_contacts(su_home_t *home, struct binding *bindings); int process_register(struct proxy *proxy, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip) { auth_status_t *as; msg_t *msg; int status; as = auth_status_new(proxy->home); if (!as) return 500; as->as_method = sip->sip_request->rq_method_name; msg = nta_incoming_getrequest(irq); as->as_source = msg_addrinfo(msg); msg_destroy(msg); as->as_user_uri = sip->sip_from->a_url; as->as_display = sip->sip_from->a_display; if (sip->sip_payload) as->as_body = sip->sip_payload->pl_data, as->as_bodylen = sip->sip_payload->pl_len; process_register2(proxy, as, irq, sip); assert(as->as_status >= 200); nta_incoming_treply(irq, as->as_status, as->as_phrase, SIPTAG_HEADER((void *)as->as_info), SIPTAG_HEADER((void *)as->as_response), TAG_END()); status = as->as_status; su_home_unref(as->as_home); return status; } static int process_register2(struct proxy *p, auth_status_t *as, nta_incoming_t *irq, sip_t const *sip) { struct registration_entry *e = NULL; auth_mod_check_client(p->auth, as, sip->sip_authorization, registrar_challenger); if (as->as_status) return as->as_status; assert(as->as_response == NULL); if (validate_contacts(p, as, sip)) return as->as_status; e = registration_entry_find(p, sip->sip_to->a_url); if (!sip->sip_contact) { as->as_response = (msg_header_t *)e->contacts; return set_status(as, SIP_200_OK); } if (e && check_out_of_order(p, as, e, sip)) return as->as_status; if (!e) e = registration_entry_new(p, sip->sip_to->a_url); if (!e) return set_status(as, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); if (binding_update(p, as, e, sip)) return as->as_status; msg_header_free(p->home, (void *)e->contacts); e->contacts = binding_contacts(p->home, e->bindings); as->as_response = (msg_header_t *)e->contacts; return set_status(as, SIP_200_OK); } static int set_status(auth_status_t *as, int status, char const *phrase) { return as->as_phrase = phrase, as->as_status = status; } static int validate_contacts(struct proxy *p, auth_status_t *as, sip_t const *sip) { sip_contact_t const *m; sip_time_t expires; sip_time_t now = sip_now(); for (m = sip->sip_contact; m; m = m->m_next) { if (m->m_url->url_type == url_any) { if (!sip->sip_expires || sip->sip_expires->ex_delta || sip->sip_expires->ex_time || sip->sip_contact->m_next) return set_status(as, SIP_400_BAD_REQUEST); else return 0; } expires = sip_contact_expires(m, sip->sip_expires, sip->sip_date, p->prefs.expires, now); if (expires > 0 && expires < p->prefs.min_expires) { as->as_response = (msg_header_t *) sip_min_expires_format(as->as_home, "%u", (unsigned)p->prefs.min_expires); return set_status(as, SIP_423_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF); } } return 0; } /** Check for out-of-order register request */ static int check_out_of_order(struct proxy *p, auth_status_t *as, struct registration_entry *e, sip_t const *sip) { struct binding const *b; sip_call_id_t const *id; sip_contact_t *m; if (e == NULL || !sip->sip_contact) return 0; id = sip->sip_call_id; /* RFC 3261 subsection 10.3 step 6 and step 7 (p. 66): */ /* Check for reordered register requests */ for (b = e->bindings; b; b = b->next) { if (binding_is_active(b) && strcmp(sip->sip_call_id->i_id, b->call_id->i_id) == 0 && sip->sip_cseq->cs_seq <= b->cseq) { for (m = sip->sip_contact; m; m = m->m_next) { if (m->m_url->url_type == url_any || url_cmp_all(m->m_url, b->contact->m_url) == 0) return set_status(as, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } } return 0; } static struct registration_entry * registration_entry_find(struct proxy const *proxy, url_t const *uri) { struct registration_entry *e; /* Our routing table */ for (e = proxy->entries; e; e = e->next) { if (url_cmp(uri, e->aor) == 0) return e; } return NULL; } static struct registration_entry * registration_entry_new(struct proxy *proxy, url_t const *aor) { struct registration_entry *e; e = su_zalloc(proxy->home, sizeof *e); if (!e) return NULL; e->proxy = proxy; e->aor = url_hdup(proxy->home, aor); if (!e->aor) { su_free(proxy->home, e); return NULL; } registration_entry_insert(&proxy->entries, e); return e; } static void registration_entry_destroy(struct registration_entry *e) { if (e) { registration_entry_remove(e); su_free(e->proxy->home, e->aor); while (e->bindings) binding_destroy(e->proxy->home, e->bindings); msg_header_free(e->proxy->home, (void *)e->contacts); su_free(e->proxy->home, e); } } LIST_BODIES(static, registration_entry, struct registration_entry, next, prev); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Bindings */ static struct binding *binding_new(su_home_t *home, sip_contact_t *contact, sip_call_id_t *call_id, uint32_t cseq, sip_time_t registered, sip_time_t expires) { struct binding *b; b = su_zalloc(home, sizeof *b); if (b) { sip_contact_t m[1]; *m = *contact; m->m_next = NULL; b->contact = sip_contact_dup(home, m); b->call_id = sip_call_id_dup(home, call_id); b->cseq = cseq; b->registered = registered; b->expires = expires; if (!b->contact || !b->call_id) binding_destroy(home, b), b = NULL; if (b) msg_header_remove_param(b->contact->m_common, "expires"); } return b; } static void binding_destroy(su_home_t *home, struct binding *b) { if (b->prev) { if ((*b->prev = b->next)) b->next->prev = b->prev; } msg_header_free(home, (void *)b->contact); msg_header_free(home, (void *)b->call_id); su_free(home, b); } static int binding_update(struct proxy *p, auth_status_t *as, struct registration_entry *e, sip_t const *sip) { struct binding *b, *old, *next, *last, *bindings = NULL, **bb = &bindings; sip_contact_t *m; sip_time_t expires; sip_time_t now = sip_now(); assert(sip->sip_contact); /* Create new bindings */ for (m = sip->sip_contact; m; m = m->m_next) { if (m->m_url->url_type == url_any) break; expires = sip_contact_expires(m, sip->sip_expires, sip->sip_date, p->prefs.expires, now); if (expires > p->prefs.max_expires) expires = p->prefs.max_expires; msg_header_remove_param(m->m_common, "expires"); b = binding_new(p->home, m, sip->sip_call_id, sip->sip_cseq->cs_seq, now, now + expires); if (!b) break; *bb = b, b->prev = bb, bb = &b->next; } last = NULL; if (m == NULL) { /* Merge new bindings with old ones */ for (old = e->bindings; old; old = next) { next = old->next; for (b = bindings; b != last; b = b->next) { if (url_cmp_all(old->contact->m_url, b->contact->m_url) != 0) continue; if (strcmp(old->call_id->i_id, b->call_id->i_id) == 0) { b->registered = old->registered; } binding_destroy(p->home, old); break; } } for (bb = &e->bindings; *bb; bb = &(*bb)->next) ; if ((*bb = bindings)) bindings->prev = bb; } else if (m->m_url->url_type == url_any) { /* Unregister all */ for (b = e->bindings; b; b = b->next) { b->expires = now; } } else { /* Infernal error */ for (old = bindings; old; old = next) { next = old->next; binding_destroy(p->home, old); } return set_status(as, SIP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } return 0; } sip_contact_t *binding_contacts(su_home_t *home, struct binding *bindings) { sip_contact_t *retval = NULL, **mm = &retval; struct binding *b; sip_time_t now = sip_now(); for (b = bindings; b; b = b->next) { char const *expires; if (b->expires <= now) continue; *mm = sip_contact_copy(home, b->contact); if (*mm) { expires = su_sprintf(home, "expires=%u", (unsigned)(b->expires - now)); msg_header_add_param(home, (*mm)->m_common, expires); mm = &(*mm)->m_next; } } return retval; }