'use strict'; var cur_call = null; var confMan = null; var verto; var ringing = false; var autocall = false; var chatting_with = false; $( ".selector" ).pagecontainer({ "theme": "a" }); function display(msg) { $("#calltitle").html(msg); } function clearConfMan() { if (confMan) { confMan.destroy(); confMan = null; } $("#conf").hide(); $("#message").hide(); chatting_with = null; } function goto_dialog(where) { $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer( "change", "#dialog-" + where, { role: "dialog" } ); } function goto_page(where, force) { $( ":mobile-pagecontainer" ).pagecontainer( "change", "#page-" + where); } var first_login = false; var online_visible = false; function online(on) { if (on) { $("#online").show(); $("#offline").hide(); first_login = true; } else { $("#online").hide(); $("#offline").show(); } online_visible = on; } function setupChat() { $("#chatwin").html(""); $("#chatsend").click(function() { if (!cur_call && chatting_with) { return; } cur_call.message({to: chatting_with, body: $("#chatmsg").val(), from_msg_name: cur_call.params.caller_id_name, from_msg_number: cur_call.params.caller_id_number }); $("#chatmsg").val(""); }); $("#chatmsg").keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13 && !event.shiftKey) { $( "#chatsend" ).trigger( "click" ); } }); } function check_vid() { var use_vid = $("#use_vid").is(':checked'); return use_vid; } var callbacks = { onMessage: function(verto, dialog, msg, data) { switch (msg) { case $.verto.enum.message.pvtEvent: // console.error("pvtEvent", data.pvtData); if (data.pvtData) { switch (data.pvtData.action) { case "conference-liveArray-part": clearConfMan(); break; case "conference-liveArray-join": clearConfMan(); confMan = new $.verto.confMan(verto, { tableID: "#conf_list", statusID: "#conf_count", mainModID: "#conf_mod", displayID: "#conf_display", dialog: dialog, hasVid: check_vid(), laData: data.pvtData }); $("#conf").show(); $("#chatwin").html(""); $("#message").show(); chatting_with = data.pvtData.chatID; break; } } break; case $.verto.enum.message.info: var body = data.body; if (body.match(/\.gif|\.jpg|\.jpeg|\.png/)) { var mod = ""; if (body.match(/dropbox.com/)) { mod = "?dl=1"; } body = body.replace(/(http[s]{0,1}:\/\/\S+)/g, "$1
<\/a>"); } else { body = body.replace(/(http[s]{0,1}:\/\/\S+)/g, "
$1<\/a>"); } if (body.slice(-1) !== "\n") { body += "\n"; } body = body.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '
'); var from = data.from_msg_name || data.from; $("#chatwin").append("" + from + ":
" + body); $('#chatwin').animate({"scrollTop": $('#chatwin')[0].scrollHeight}, "fast"); break; case $.verto.enum.message.display: var party = dialog.params.remote_caller_id_name + "<" + dialog.params.remote_caller_id_number + ">"; display("Talking to: " + dialog.cidString()); break; default: break; } }, onDialogState: function(d) { cur_call = d; if (d.state == $.verto.enum.state.ringing) { ringing = true; } else { ringing = false; } switch (d.state) { case $.verto.enum.state.ringing: display("Call From: " + d.cidString()); $("#ansbtn").click(function() { cur_call.answer({ useStereo: $("#use_stereo").is(':checked'), callee_id_name: $("#name").val(), callee_id_number: $("#cid").val(), }); $('#dialog-incoming-call').dialog('close'); }); $("#declinebtn").click(function() { cur_call.hangup(); $('#dialog-incoming-call').dialog('close'); }); goto_dialog("incoming-call"); $("#dialog-incoming-call-txt").text("Incoming call from: " + d.cidString()); if (d.params.wantVideo) { $("#vansbtn").click(function() { $("#use_vid").prop("checked", true); cur_call.answer({ useVideo: true, useStereo: $("#use_stereo").is(':checked') }); }); // the buttons in this jquery mobile wont hide .. gotta wrap them in a div as a workaround $("#vansdiv").show(); } else { $("#vansdiv").hide(); } break; case $.verto.enum.state.trying: display("Calling: " + d.cidString()); goto_page("incall"); break; case $.verto.enum.state.early: case $.verto.enum.state.active: display("Talking to: " + d.cidString()); goto_page("incall"); break; case $.verto.enum.state.hangup: $("#main_info").html("Call ended with cause: " + d.cause); goto_page("main"); case $.verto.enum.state.destroy: $("#hangup_cause").html(""); clearConfMan(); cur_call = null; break; case $.verto.enum.state.held: break; default: display(""); break; } }, onWSLogin: function(v, success) { display(""); cur_call = null; ringing = false; if (success) { online(true); /* verto.subscribe("presence", { handler: function(v, e) { console.error("PRESENCE:", e); } }); */ if (!window.location.hash) { goto_page("main"); } if (autocall) { autocall = false; docall(); } } else { goto_page("login"); goto_dialog("login-error"); } }, onWSClose: function(v, success) { if ($('#online').is(':visible')) { display(""); online(false); } var today = new Date(); $("#errordisplay").html("Connection Error.
Last Attempt: " + today); goto_page("main"); }, onEvent: function(v, e) { console.debug("GOT EVENT", e); }, }; $("#hold").click(function(e) { cur_call.toggleHold(); goto_dialog("hold"); }); $("#cancelxferbtn").click(function(e) { $("#xferto").val(""); $("#xferdiv").hide(); }); $(".startxferbtn").click(function(e) { if ($('#xferdiv').is(':visible')) { var xfer = $("#xferto").val(); if (xfer) { cur_call.transfer(xfer); } $("#xferto").val(""); $("#xferdiv").hide(); } else { $("#xferdiv").show(); } }); $("#clearbtn").click(function(e) { $("#ext").val(""); }); $(".dialbtn").click(function(e) { $("#ext").val($("#ext").val() + e.currentTarget.textContent); }); $(".dtmf").click(function(e) { if ($('#xferdiv').is(':visible')) { $("#xferto").val($("#xferto").val() + e.currentTarget.textContent); } else { cur_call.dtmf(e.currentTarget.textContent); } }); $("#hupbtn").click(function() { verto.hangup(); cur_call = null; }); $("#webcam").click(function() { check_vid(); }); function docall() { $('#ext').trigger('change'); if (cur_call) { return; } $("#main_info").html("Trying"); cur_call = verto.newCall({ destination_number: $("#ext").val(), caller_id_name: $("#name").val(), caller_id_number: $("#cid").val(), useVideo: check_vid(), useStereo: $("#use_stereo").is(':checked') }); } $("#callbtn").click(function() { docall(); }); function pop(id, cname, dft) { var tmp = $.cookie(cname) || dft; $.cookie(cname, tmp, { expires: 365 }); $(id).val(tmp).change(function() { $.cookie(cname, $(id).val(), { expires: 365 }); }); } function init() { cur_call = null; pop("#ext", "verto_demo_ext", "3500"); pop("#name", "verto_demo_name", "FreeSWITCH User"); pop("#cid", "verto_demo_cid", "1008"); pop("#textto", "verto_demo_textto", "1000"); pop("#login", "verto_demo_login", "1008"); pop("#passwd", "verto_demo_passwd", "1234"); pop("#hostName", "verto_demo_hostname", window.location.hostname); pop("#wsURL", "verto_demo_wsurl", "wss://" + window.location.hostname + ":8082"); var tmp = $.cookie("verto_demo_vid_checked") || "false"; $.cookie("verto_demo_vid_checked", tmp, { expires: 365 }); $("#use_vid").prop("checked", tmp === "true").change(function(e) { tmp = $("#use_vid").is(':checked'); $.cookie("verto_demo_vid_checked", tmp ? "true" : "false", { expires: 365 }); }); tmp = $.cookie("verto_demo_stereo_checked") || "false"; $.cookie("verto_demo_stereo_checked", tmp, { expires: 365 }); $("#use_stereo").prop("checked", tmp === "true").change(function(e) { tmp = $("#use_stereo").is(':checked'); $.cookie("verto_demo_stereo_checked", tmp ? "true" : "false", { expires: 365 }); }); tmp = $.cookie("verto_demo_stun_checked") || "false"; $.cookie("verto_demo_stun_checked", tmp, { expires: 365 }); $("#use_stun").prop("checked", tmp === "true").change(function(e) { tmp = $("#use_stun").is(':checked'); $.cookie("verto_demo_stun_checked", tmp ? "true" : "false", { expires: 365 }); if (verto) { verto.iceServers(tmp); } alert(tmp); }); verto = new $.verto({ login: $("#login").val() + "@" + $("#hostName").val(), passwd: $("#passwd").val(), socketUrl: $("#wsURL").val(), tag: "webcam", ringFile: "sounds/bell_ring2.wav", videoParams: { "minWidth": "1280", "minHeight": "720" }, iceServers: $("#use_stun").is(':checked') },callbacks); $("#login").change(function(e) { $("#cid").val(e.currentTarget.value); $.cookie("verto_demo_cid", e.currentTarget.value, { expires: 365 }); }); $("#vtxtbtn").click(function() { verto.message({ to: $("#textto").val(), body: $("#textmsg").val() }); $("#textmsg").val(""); }); $("#logoutbtn").click(function() { verto.logout(); online(false); }); $("#loginbtn").click(function() { online(false); verto.loginData({ login: $("#login").val() + "@" + $("#hostName").val(), passwd: $("#passwd").val() }); verto.login(); goto_page("main"); }); $("#xferdiv").hide(); $("#webcam").hide(); online(false); setupChat(); $("#ext").keyup(function (event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { $( "#callbtn" ).trigger( "click" ); } }); $(document).keypress(function(event) { if (!(cur_call && event.target.id == "page-incall")) return; var key = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode); var i = parseInt(key); if (key === "#" || key === "*" || key === "0" || (i > 0 && i <= 9)) { cur_call.dtmf(key); } }); if (window.location.hostname !== "webrtc.freeswitch.org") { $("#directory").hide(); } } $(document).ready(function() { var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1); var a = []; if (hash && hash.indexOf("page-") == -1) { window.location.hash = ""; $("#ext").val(hash); autocall = true; } if (hash && (a = hash.split("&"))) { window.location.hash = a[0]; } init(); }); var lastTo = 0; $(document).bind("pagecontainerchange", function(e, data) { if (lastTo) { clearTimeout(lastTo); } switch (window.location.hash) { case "#page-incall": lastTo = setTimeout(function() { if (!cur_call) { goto_page("main"); } }, 1000); break; case "#page-main": if (cur_call) { goto_page("incall"); } break; case "#page-login": lastTo = setTimeout(function() { if (online_visible) { goto_page("main"); } }, 1000); break; } });