/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE auth_plugin_delayed.c * * @brief Plugin for delayed authentication. * * This authentication plugin provides authentication operation that is * intentionally delayed. It serves as an example of server-side * authentication plugins. * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com>. * * @date Created: Wed Apr 11 15:14:03 2001 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #define SU_MSG_ARG_T struct auth_splugin_t #if HAVE_FUNC #elif HAVE_FUNCTION #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #else static char const __func__[] = "auth_plugin_delayed"; #endif #include <sofia-sip/su_debug.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_wait.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_alloc.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_tagarg.h> #include "sofia-sip/auth_module.h" #include "sofia-sip/auth_plugin.h" struct auth_plugin_t { su_root_t *ap_root; auth_scheme_t *ap_base; auth_splugin_t *ap_list; auth_splugin_t**ap_tail; }; /* Digest (or Basic) with delay */ static int delayed_auth_init(auth_mod_t *am, auth_scheme_t *base, su_root_t *root, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...); static void delayed_auth_method(auth_mod_t *am, auth_status_t *as, msg_auth_t *auth, auth_challenger_t const *ach); static void delayed_auth_challenge(auth_mod_t *am, auth_status_t *as, auth_challenger_t const *ach); static void delayed_auth_cancel(auth_mod_t *am, auth_status_t *as); static void delayed_auth_destroy(auth_mod_t *am); auth_scheme_t auth_scheme_delayed[1] = {{ "Delayed", sizeof (struct { auth_mod_t mod[1]; auth_plugin_t plug[1]; }), delayed_auth_init, delayed_auth_method, delayed_auth_challenge, delayed_auth_cancel, delayed_auth_destroy }}; static int delayed_auth_init(auth_mod_t *am, auth_scheme_t *base, su_root_t *root, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { auth_plugin_t *ap = AUTH_PLUGIN(am); int retval = -1; ta_list ta; ta_start(ta, tag, value); if (root && base && auth_init_default(am, base, root, ta_tags(ta)) != -1) { ap->ap_root = root; ap->ap_base = base; ap->ap_tail = &ap->ap_list; retval = 0; } ta_end(ta); return retval; } struct auth_splugin_t { void const *asp_cookie; auth_splugin_t *asp_next; auth_splugin_t **asp_prev; auth_mod_t *asp_am; auth_status_t *asp_as; msg_auth_t *asp_header; auth_challenger_t const *asp_ach; int asp_canceled; }; /* This is unique identifier */ #define delayed_asp_cookie ((void const *)(intptr_t)delayed_auth_cancel) static void delayed_auth_method_recv(su_root_magic_t *rm, su_msg_r msg, auth_splugin_t *u); static void delayed_auth_method(auth_mod_t *am, auth_status_t *as, msg_auth_t *auth, auth_challenger_t const *ach) { auth_plugin_t *ap = AUTH_PLUGIN(am); su_msg_r mamc = SU_MSG_R_INIT; auth_splugin_t *asp; if (su_msg_create(mamc, su_root_task(ap->ap_root), su_root_task(ap->ap_root), delayed_auth_method_recv, sizeof *asp) == SU_FAILURE) { as->as_status = 500; as->as_phrase = "Asynchronous authentication failure"; return; } asp = su_msg_data(mamc); assert(asp); asp->asp_cookie = delayed_asp_cookie; asp->asp_am = am; asp->asp_as = as; asp->asp_header = auth; asp->asp_ach = ach; asp->asp_canceled = 0; if (su_msg_send(mamc) == SU_FAILURE) { su_msg_destroy(mamc); as->as_status = 500; as->as_phrase = "Asynchronous authentication failure"; return; } as->as_plugin = asp; as->as_status = 100; as->as_phrase = "Trying"; return; } static void delayed_auth_method_recv(su_root_magic_t *rm, su_msg_r msg, auth_splugin_t *asp) { auth_mod_t *am = asp->asp_am; auth_plugin_t *ap = AUTH_PLUGIN(am); if (asp->asp_canceled) return; ap->ap_base->asch_check(am, asp->asp_as, asp->asp_header, asp->asp_ach); if (asp->asp_as->as_callback) asp->asp_as->as_callback(asp->asp_as->as_magic, asp->asp_as); } static void delayed_auth_challenge(auth_mod_t *am, auth_status_t *as, auth_challenger_t const *ach) { auth_plugin_t *ap = AUTH_PLUGIN(am); /* Invoke member function of base scheme */ ap->ap_base->asch_challenge(am, as, ach); } static void delayed_auth_cancel(auth_mod_t *am, auth_status_t *as) { auth_plugin_t *ap = AUTH_PLUGIN(am); (void)ap; /* xyzzy */ if (as->as_plugin && as->as_plugin->asp_cookie == delayed_asp_cookie) as->as_plugin->asp_canceled = 1; as->as_status = 500, as->as_phrase = "Authentication canceled"; } static void delayed_auth_destroy(auth_mod_t *am) { auth_plugin_t *ap = AUTH_PLUGIN(am); /* Invoke member function of base scheme */ ap->ap_base->asch_destroy(am); }