Source: freeswitch Maintainer: Michael Jerris Section: net Priority: extra Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), automake1.9, autoconf, libtool, unixodbc-dev, libasound2-dev, libcurl3-dev, libssl-dev Standards-Version: 3.7.2 Package: freeswitch Architecture: any Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, unixodbc, libasound2, libcurl3, openssl Suggests: monit Description: A telephony platform that really kicks some ass... FreeSWITCH is an open source telephony platform designed to facilitate the creation of voice and chat driven products scaling from a soft-phone up to a soft-switch. It can be used as a simple switching engine, a media gateway or a media server to host IVR applications using simple scripts or XML to control the callflow. . Homepage: