# # FreeSWITCH auto-build Makefile (OpenBSD 5.x) # http://www.freeswitch.org # put this file anywhere and type make to # create a fully-built freeswitch.git from scratch # in that same directory. # # PKG=rsync-3.1.0 git automake-1.14.1 autoconf-2.69p1 libtool gmake bzip2 jpeg wget pcre speex libldns PREFIX=/usr/local/freeswitch DOWNLOAD=http://files.freeswitch.org/downloads/libs OPENSSL=1.0.1i LIBEDIT=20140618-3.1 CURL=7.35.0 freeswitch: has-git deps freeswitch.git/Makefile cd freeswitch.git && AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.69 AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.14 LIBTOOL=/usr/local/bin/libtoolize gmake freeswitch.git/Makefile: freeswitch.git/configure cd freeswitch.git && PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig ./configure LDFLAGS='-L$(PREFIX)/lib -Wl,-rpath=$(PREFIX)/lib' CFLAGS='-I$(PREFIX)/include' --prefix=$(PREFIX) freeswitch.git/configure: freeswitch.git/bootstrap.sh cd freeswitch.git && AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.69 AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.14 LIBTOOL=/usr/local/bin/libtoolize sh bootstrap.sh freeswitch.git/bootstrap.sh: has-git test -d freeswitch.git || git clone https://stash.freeswitch.org/scm/fs/freeswitch.git freeswitch.git install: cd freeswitch.git && AUTOCONF_VERSION=2.69 AUTOMAKE_VERSION=1.14 LIBTOOL=/usr/local/bin/libtoolize gmake install cd-sounds-install cd-moh-install clean: @rm -rf openssl* ldns* jpeg* pcre* perl* pkg-config* speex* sqlite* libedit* curl* *~ (cd freeswitch.git && git clean -fdx && git reset --hard HEAD && git pull) has-git: @git --version || PKG_PATH=http://openbsd.mirrors.pair.com/`uname -r`/packages/`machine -a`/ pkg_add -r git deps: libedit openssl curl @PKG_PATH=http://openbsd.mirrors.pair.com/`uname -r`/packages/`machine -a`/ pkg_add -r $(PKG) openssl: openssl-$(OPENSSL)/.done openssl-$(OPENSSL)/.done: openssl-$(OPENSSL) openssl-$(OPENSSL): (test -d $@) || (wget -4 -O $@.tar.gz $(DOWNLOAD)/$@.tar.gz && tar zxfv $@.tar.gz) (cd $@ && ./Configure --prefix=$(PREFIX) BSD-x86_64 shared && make && sudo make install && touch .done) libedit: libedit-$(LIBEDIT)/Makefile libedit-$(LIBEDIT)/Makefile: libedit-$(LIBEDIT) libedit-$(LIBEDIT): (test -d $@) || (wget -4 -O $@.tar.gz $(DOWNLOAD)/$@.tar.gz && tar zxfv $@.tar.gz) (cd $@ && ./configure --prefix=$(PREFIX) && make && sudo make install) curl: curl-$(CURL)/.done curl-$(CURL)/.done: curl-$(CURL) curl-$(CURL): (test -d $@) || (wget -4 -O $@.tar.gz $(DOWNLOAD)/$@.tar.gz && tar zxfv $@.tar.gz) (rm -rf $(PREFIX)/lib/libcurl.*) (cd $@ && PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$(PREFIX)/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH LDFLAGS='-L$(PREFIX)/lib -Wl,-rpath-link=$(PREFIX)/lib' CFLAGS='-I$(PREFIX)/include' ./configure --prefix=$(PREFIX) && make && sudo make install && touch .done)