/*========================================================================= XML-RPC Server Method Registry =========================================================================== These are the functions that implement the XML-RPC method registry. A method registry is a list of XML-RPC methods for a server to implement, along with the details of how to implement each -- most notably a function pointer for a function that executes the method. To build an XML-RPC server, just add a communication facility. Copyright information is at end of file =========================================================================*/ #include #include #include #include "xmlrpc_config.h" #include "bool.h" #include "mallocvar.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/base_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/string_int.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/base.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/server.h" #include "method.h" #include "system_method.h" #include "version.h" #include "registry.h" unsigned int const xmlrpc_server_version_major = XMLRPC_VERSION_MAJOR; unsigned int const xmlrpc_server_version_minor = XMLRPC_VERSION_MINOR; unsigned int const xmlrpc_server_version_point = XMLRPC_VERSION_POINT; void xmlrpc_server_version(unsigned int * const majorP, unsigned int * const minorP, unsigned int * const pointP) { *majorP = XMLRPC_VERSION_MAJOR; *minorP = XMLRPC_VERSION_MINOR; *pointP = XMLRPC_VERSION_POINT; } xmlrpc_registry * xmlrpc_registry_new(xmlrpc_env * const envP) { xmlrpc_registry * registryP; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); MALLOCVAR(registryP); if (registryP == NULL) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Could not allocate memory for registry"); else { registryP->introspectionEnabled = true; registryP->defaultMethodFunction = NULL; registryP->preinvokeFunction = NULL; registryP->shutdownServerFn = NULL; registryP->dialect = xmlrpc_dialect_i8; xmlrpc_methodListCreate(envP, ®istryP->methodListP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) xmlrpc_installSystemMethods(envP, registryP); if (envP->fault_occurred) free(registryP); } return registryP; } void xmlrpc_registry_free(xmlrpc_registry * const registryP) { XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(registryP); xmlrpc_methodListDestroy(registryP->methodListP); free(registryP); } static void registryAddMethod(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, const char * const methodName, xmlrpc_method1 method1, xmlrpc_method2 method2, const char * const signatureString, const char * const help, void * const userData, size_t const stackSize) { const char * const helpString = help ? help : "No help is available for this method."; xmlrpc_methodInfo * methodP; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(registryP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(methodName); XMLRPC_ASSERT(method1 != NULL || method2 != NULL); xmlrpc_methodCreate(envP, method1, method2, userData, signatureString, helpString, stackSize, &methodP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_methodListAdd(envP, registryP->methodListP, methodName, methodP); if (envP->fault_occurred) xmlrpc_methodDestroy(methodP); } } void xmlrpc_registry_add_method_w_doc( xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, const char * const host ATTR_UNUSED, const char * const methodName, xmlrpc_method1 const method, void * const serverInfo, const char * const signatureString, const char * const help) { XMLRPC_ASSERT(host == NULL); registryAddMethod(envP, registryP, methodName, method, NULL, signatureString, help, serverInfo, 0); } void xmlrpc_registry_add_method(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, const char * const host, const char * const methodName, xmlrpc_method1 const method, void * const serverInfoP) { xmlrpc_registry_add_method_w_doc( envP, registryP, host, methodName, method, serverInfoP, "?", "No help is available for this method."); } void xmlrpc_registry_add_method2(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, const char * const methodName, xmlrpc_method2 method, const char * const signatureString, const char * const help, void * const serverInfo) { registryAddMethod(envP, registryP, methodName, NULL, method, signatureString, help, serverInfo, 0); } void xmlrpc_registry_add_method3( xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, const struct xmlrpc_method_info3 * const infoP) { registryAddMethod(envP, registryP, infoP->methodName, NULL, infoP->methodFunction, infoP->signatureString, infoP->help, infoP->serverInfo, infoP->stackSize); } void xmlrpc_registry_set_default_method( xmlrpc_env * const envP ATTR_UNUSED, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP ATTR_UNUSED, xmlrpc_default_method const function, void * const userData) { XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(registryP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(function); /* Note: this may be the first default method, or it may be a replacement of the current one. */ registryP->defaultMethodFunction = function; registryP->defaultMethodUserData = userData; } /* This is our guess at what a method function requires when the user doesn't say. */ #define METHOD_FUNCTION_STACK 128*1024 static size_t methodStackSize(const xmlrpc_methodInfo * const methodP) { return methodP->stackSize == 0 ? METHOD_FUNCTION_STACK : methodP->stackSize; } size_t xmlrpc_registry_max_stackSize(xmlrpc_registry * const registryP) { /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return the maximum amount of stack required by the methods in registry *registryP. If there are no methods, return 0. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ xmlrpc_methodNode * p; size_t stackSize; for (p = registryP->methodListP->firstMethodP, stackSize = 0; p; p = p->nextP) { stackSize = MAX(stackSize, methodStackSize(p->methodP)); } return stackSize; } void xmlrpc_registry_set_preinvoke_method( xmlrpc_env * const envP ATTR_UNUSED, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP ATTR_UNUSED, xmlrpc_preinvoke_method const function, void * const userData) { XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(registryP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(function); registryP->preinvokeFunction = function; registryP->preinvokeUserData = userData; } void xmlrpc_registry_set_shutdown(xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, xmlrpc_server_shutdown_fn * const shutdownFn, void * const context) { XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(registryP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(shutdownFn); registryP->shutdownServerFn = shutdownFn; registryP->shutdownContext = context; } void xmlrpc_registry_set_dialect(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, xmlrpc_dialect const dialect) { if (dialect != xmlrpc_dialect_i8 && dialect != xmlrpc_dialect_apache) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Invalid dialect argument -- not of type " "xmlrpc_dialect. Numerical value is %u", dialect); else registryP->dialect = dialect; } static void callNamedMethod(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_methodInfo * const methodP, xmlrpc_value * const paramArrayP, void * const callInfoP, xmlrpc_value ** const resultPP) { if (methodP->methodFnType2) *resultPP = methodP->methodFnType2(envP, paramArrayP, methodP->userData, callInfoP); else { assert(methodP->methodFnType1); *resultPP = methodP->methodFnType1(envP, paramArrayP, methodP->userData); } } void xmlrpc_dispatchCall(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, const char * const methodName, xmlrpc_value * const paramArrayP, void * const callInfoP, xmlrpc_value ** const resultPP) { if (registryP->preinvokeFunction) registryP->preinvokeFunction(envP, methodName, paramArrayP, registryP->preinvokeUserData); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_methodInfo * methodP; xmlrpc_methodListLookupByName(registryP->methodListP, methodName, &methodP); if (methodP) callNamedMethod(envP, methodP, paramArrayP, callInfoP, resultPP); else { if (registryP->defaultMethodFunction) *resultPP = registryP->defaultMethodFunction( envP, callInfoP, methodName, paramArrayP, registryP->defaultMethodUserData); else { /* No matching method, and no default. */ xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_NO_SUCH_METHOD_ERROR, "Method '%s' not defined", methodName); } } } /* For backward compatibility, for sloppy users: */ if (envP->fault_occurred) *resultPP = NULL; } /*========================================================================= ** xmlrpc_registry_process_call **========================================================================= ** */ static void serializeFault(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_env const fault, xmlrpc_mem_block * const responseXmlP) { xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_env_init(&env); xmlrpc_serialize_fault(&env, responseXmlP, &fault); if (env.fault_occurred) xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Executed XML-RPC method completely and it " "generated a fault response, but we failed " "to encode that fault response as XML-RPC " "so we could send it to the client. %s", env.fault_string); xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); } void xmlrpc_registry_process_call2(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, const char * const callXml, size_t const callXmlLen, void * const callInfo, xmlrpc_mem_block ** const responseXmlPP) { xmlrpc_mem_block * responseXmlP; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); XMLRPC_ASSERT_PTR_OK(callXml); xmlrpc_traceXml("XML-RPC CALL", callXml, callXmlLen); /* Allocate our output buffer. ** If this fails, we need to die in a special fashion. */ responseXmlP = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_NEW(char, envP, 0); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { const char * methodName; xmlrpc_value * paramArrayP; xmlrpc_env fault; xmlrpc_env parseEnv; xmlrpc_env_init(&fault); xmlrpc_env_init(&parseEnv); xmlrpc_parse_call(&parseEnv, callXml, callXmlLen, &methodName, ¶mArrayP); if (parseEnv.fault_occurred) xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( &fault, XMLRPC_PARSE_ERROR, "Call XML not a proper XML-RPC call. %s", parseEnv.fault_string); else { xmlrpc_value * resultP; xmlrpc_dispatchCall(&fault, registryP, methodName, paramArrayP, callInfo, &resultP); if (!fault.fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_serialize_response2(envP, responseXmlP, resultP, registryP->dialect); xmlrpc_DECREF(resultP); } xmlrpc_strfree(methodName); xmlrpc_DECREF(paramArrayP); } if (!envP->fault_occurred && fault.fault_occurred) serializeFault(envP, fault, responseXmlP); xmlrpc_env_clean(&parseEnv); xmlrpc_env_clean(&fault); if (envP->fault_occurred) XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_FREE(char, responseXmlP); else { *responseXmlPP = responseXmlP; xmlrpc_traceXml("XML-RPC RESPONSE", XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, responseXmlP), XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, responseXmlP)); } } } xmlrpc_mem_block * xmlrpc_registry_process_call(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_registry * const registryP, const char * const host ATTR_UNUSED, const char * const callXml, size_t const callXmlLen) { xmlrpc_mem_block * responseXmlP; xmlrpc_registry_process_call2(envP, registryP, callXml, callXmlLen, NULL, &responseXmlP); return responseXmlP; } /* Copyright (C) 2001 by First Peer, Inc. All rights reserved. ** Copyright (C) 2001 by Eric Kidd. All rights reserved. ** Copyright (C) 2001 by Luke Howard. All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ** ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ** DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ** OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ** HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ** LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ** OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ** SUCH DAMAGE. */