/* * Copyright (c) 2017, Shane Bryldt * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of the original author; nor the names of any contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER * OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "blade.h" struct blade_sessionmgr_s { blade_handle_t *handle; ks_hash_t *sessions; // id, blade_session_t* ks_hash_t *callbacks; // id, blade_session_callback_data_t* }; struct blade_session_callback_data_s { const char *id; void *data; blade_session_callback_t callback; }; static void blade_sessionmgr_cleanup(void *ptr, void *arg, ks_pool_cleanup_action_t action, ks_pool_cleanup_type_t type) { //blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr = (blade_sessionmgr_t *)ptr; //ks_assert(bsmgr); switch (action) { case KS_MPCL_ANNOUNCE: break; case KS_MPCL_TEARDOWN: break; case KS_MPCL_DESTROY: break; } } static void blade_session_callback_data_cleanup(void *ptr, void *arg, ks_pool_cleanup_action_t action, ks_pool_cleanup_type_t type) { blade_session_callback_data_t *bscd = (blade_session_callback_data_t *)ptr; ks_assert(bscd); switch (action) { case KS_MPCL_ANNOUNCE: break; case KS_MPCL_TEARDOWN: ks_pool_free(&bscd->id); break; case KS_MPCL_DESTROY: break; } } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_sessionmgr_create(blade_sessionmgr_t **bsmgrP, blade_handle_t *bh) { ks_pool_t *pool = NULL; blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr = NULL; ks_assert(bsmgrP); ks_pool_open(&pool); ks_assert(pool); bsmgr = ks_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(blade_sessionmgr_t)); bsmgr->handle = bh; ks_hash_create(&bsmgr->sessions, KS_HASH_MODE_CASE_INSENSITIVE, KS_HASH_FLAG_RWLOCK | KS_HASH_FLAG_DUP_CHECK | KS_HASH_FLAG_FREE_KEY, pool); ks_assert(bsmgr->sessions); ks_hash_create(&bsmgr->callbacks, KS_HASH_MODE_CASE_INSENSITIVE, KS_HASH_FLAG_RWLOCK | KS_HASH_FLAG_DUP_CHECK | KS_HASH_FLAG_FREE_KEY | KS_HASH_FLAG_FREE_VALUE, pool); ks_assert(bsmgr->callbacks); ks_pool_set_cleanup(bsmgr, NULL, blade_sessionmgr_cleanup); *bsmgrP = bsmgr; return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_sessionmgr_destroy(blade_sessionmgr_t **bsmgrP) { blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr = NULL; ks_pool_t *pool; ks_assert(bsmgrP); ks_assert(*bsmgrP); bsmgr = *bsmgrP; *bsmgrP = NULL; pool = ks_pool_get(bsmgr); ks_pool_close(&pool); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(blade_handle_t *) blade_sessionmgr_handle_get(blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr) { ks_assert(bsmgr); return bsmgr->handle; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_sessionmgr_shutdown(blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr) { ks_hash_iterator_t *it = NULL; ks_assert(bsmgr); ks_hash_read_lock(bsmgr->sessions); for (it = ks_hash_first(bsmgr->sessions, KS_UNLOCKED); it; it = ks_hash_next(&it)) { void *key = NULL; blade_session_t *value = NULL; ks_hash_this(it, (const void **)&key, NULL, (void **)&value); blade_session_hangup(value); } ks_hash_read_unlock(bsmgr->sessions); while (ks_hash_count(bsmgr->sessions) > 0) ks_sleep_ms(100); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(blade_session_t *) blade_sessionmgr_session_lookup(blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr, const char *id) { blade_session_t *bs = NULL; ks_assert(bsmgr); ks_assert(id); bs = ks_hash_search(bsmgr->sessions, (void *)id, KS_READLOCKED); if (bs) blade_session_read_lock(bs, KS_TRUE); ks_hash_read_unlock(bsmgr->sessions); return bs; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_sessionmgr_session_add(blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr, blade_session_t *bs) { char *key = NULL; ks_assert(bsmgr); ks_assert(bs); key = ks_pstrdup(ks_pool_get(bsmgr), blade_session_id_get(bs)); ks_hash_insert(bsmgr->sessions, (void *)key, bs); ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session Added: %s\n", key); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_sessionmgr_session_remove(blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr, blade_session_t *bs) { const char *id = NULL; blade_routemgr_t *routemgr = NULL; ks_assert(bsmgr); ks_assert(bs); blade_session_write_lock(bs, KS_TRUE); id = blade_session_id_get(bs); ks_hash_remove(bsmgr->sessions, (void *)id); ks_log(KS_LOG_DEBUG, "Session Removed: %s\n", id); routemgr = blade_handle_routemgr_get(bsmgr->handle); if (blade_routemgr_local_check(routemgr, id)) { blade_routemgr_local_set(routemgr, NULL); blade_routemgr_master_set(routemgr, NULL); // @todo this is the upstream session that has actually terminated, any downstream connections should also be terminated // properly, such that the downstream clients will not attempt to reconnect with the same session id, but will instead // reestablish new sessions and likewise terminate downstream sessions // @todo this also reflects that downstream connections should not be accepted in the transport implementation until an // upstream connection has been established, unless it is the master node which has no upstream session, plumbing to // support this does not yet exist } blade_session_write_unlock(bs); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_sessionmgr_callback_add(blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr, void *data, blade_session_callback_t callback, const char **id) { ks_pool_t *pool = NULL; blade_session_callback_data_t *bscd = NULL; uuid_t uuid; ks_assert(bsmgr); ks_assert(callback); ks_assert(id); pool = ks_pool_get(bsmgr); ks_uuid(&uuid); bscd = ks_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(blade_session_callback_data_t)); bscd->id = ks_uuid_str(pool, &uuid); bscd->data = data; bscd->callback = callback; ks_pool_set_cleanup(bscd, NULL, blade_session_callback_data_cleanup); ks_hash_insert(bsmgr->callbacks, (void *)ks_pstrdup(pool, bscd->id), bscd); *id = bscd->id; return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(ks_status_t) blade_sessionmgr_callback_remove(blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr, const char *id) { ks_assert(bsmgr); ks_assert(id); ks_hash_remove(bsmgr->callbacks, (void *)id); return KS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } KS_DECLARE(void) blade_sessionmgr_callback_execute(blade_sessionmgr_t *bsmgr, blade_session_t *bs, blade_session_state_condition_t condition) { ks_assert(bsmgr); ks_assert(bs); if (blade_session_state_get(bs) == BLADE_SESSION_STATE_NONE) return; ks_hash_read_lock(bsmgr->callbacks); for (ks_hash_iterator_t *it = ks_hash_first(bsmgr->callbacks, KS_UNLOCKED); it; it = ks_hash_next(&it)) { void *key = NULL; blade_session_callback_data_t *value = NULL; ks_hash_this(it, (const void **)&key, NULL, (void **)&value); value->callback(bs, condition, value->data); } ks_hash_read_unlock(bsmgr->callbacks); } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 noet: */