/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@nofile http-server.c * @brief Test HTTP server * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com>. * * @date Created: Sat Oct 19 02:56:23 2002 ppessi * */ #include "config.h" #include <stddef.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <assert.h> #if HAVE_SIGNAL #include <signal.h> #endif typedef struct context_s context_t; #define NTH_SITE_MAGIC_T context_t #define SU_ROOT_MAGIC_T context_t #include <sofia-sip/nth.h> #include <sofia-sip/tport_tag.h> #include <sofia-sip/http_header.h> struct context_s { su_home_t c_home[1]; su_root_t *c_root; nth_site_t *c_site; char const *c_server; char const *c_expires; char const *c_content_type; http_content_length_t *c_content_length; msg_payload_t *c_body; }; char const name[] = "http-server"; static void usage(int rc) { fprintf(rc ? stderr : stdout, "usage: %s OPTIONS url [content]\n", name ); exit(rc); } static int request(context_t *context, nth_site_t *site, nth_request_t *req, http_t const *http, char const *path); su_msg_r server_intr_msg = SU_MSG_R_INIT; #if HAVE_SIGNAL static RETSIGTYPE server_intr_handler(int signum); #endif static void server_break(context_t *c, su_msg_r msg, su_msg_arg_t *arg); static msg_payload_t *read_payload(su_home_t *home, char const *fname); static msg_payload_t *fread_payload(su_home_t *home, FILE *f); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { su_home_t *home; context_t *c, context[1] = {{{SU_HOME_INIT(context)}}}; char *o_url = NULL, *o_body = NULL; int o_extra = 0; int o_timeout = 300; char *s; c = context; su_init(); su_home_init(home = context->c_home); #define MATCH(s, v) \ ((strncmp(s, v, strlen(v)) == 0)) #define MATCH1(s, v) \ ((strncmp(s, v, strlen(v)) == 0) && \ (s = (s[strlen(v)] ? s + strlen(v) : argv++[1]))) #define MATCH2(s, v) \ ((strncmp(s, v, strlen(v)) == 0) && \ (s[strlen(v)] == '=' ? (s = s + strlen(v) + 1) : (s = argv++[1]))) while ((s = argv++[1])) { if (*s != '-') break; s++; if (MATCH2(s, "-expires")) { c->c_expires = s; continue; } else if (MATCH2(s, "-tcp-timeout")) { o_timeout = strtoul(s, &s, 0); continue; } else if (MATCH2(s, "-ct")) { c->c_content_type = s; continue; } else if (MATCH2(s, "-content-type")) { c->c_content_type = s; continue; } else if (MATCH2(s, "-server")) { c->c_server = s; continue; } else if (MATCH(s, "-help")) { usage(0); continue; } else if (MATCH(s, "x")||MATCH(s, "-extra")) { o_extra = 1; continue; } else usage(2); } if (!(o_url = s)) usage(1); else o_body = argv++[1]; context->c_root = su_root_create(context); context->c_body = read_payload(context->c_home, o_body); if (!context->c_body) { perror("contents"); exit(1); } context->c_content_length = msg_content_length_create(context->c_home, context->c_body->pl_len); su_msg_create(server_intr_msg, su_root_task(context->c_root), su_root_task(context->c_root), server_break, 0); #if HAVE_SIGNAL signal(SIGINT, server_intr_handler); #if HAVE_SIGQUIT signal(SIGQUIT, server_intr_handler); signal(SIGHUP, server_intr_handler); #endif #endif if (context->c_root) { context->c_site = nth_site_create(NULL, /* This is a top-level site */ request, context, (url_string_t *)o_url, NTHTAG_ROOT(context->c_root), TPTAG_TIMEOUT(o_timeout * 1000), TAG_END()); if (context->c_site) { su_root_run(context->c_root); nth_site_destroy(context->c_site); } su_root_destroy(context->c_root); } su_deinit(); return 0; } static void server_break(context_t *c, su_msg_r msg, su_msg_arg_t *arg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: received signal, exiting\n", name); su_root_break(c->c_root); } static RETSIGTYPE server_intr_handler(int signum) { su_msg_send(server_intr_msg); } static int request(context_t *c, nth_site_t *site, nth_request_t *req, http_t const *http, char const *path) { fprintf(stderr, "request to /%s\n", path); if (path && strlen(path)) return 404; if (http->http_request->rq_method != http_method_get) { nth_request_treply(req, HTTP_405_NOT_ALLOWED, HTTPTAG_ALLOW_STR("GET"), TAG_END()); return 405; } nth_request_treply(req, HTTP_200_OK, HTTPTAG_SERVER_STR(c->c_server), HTTPTAG_EXPIRES_STR(c->c_expires), HTTPTAG_CONTENT_TYPE_STR(c->c_content_type), HTTPTAG_CONTENT_LENGTH(c->c_content_length), HTTPTAG_PAYLOAD(c->c_body), TAG_END()); return 200; } /** Read message body from named file. * * The function read_payload() reads the contents to a SIP payload * structure from a the named file. If @a fname is NULL, the payload * contents are read from standard input. */ msg_payload_t *read_payload(su_home_t *home, char const *fname) { FILE *f; msg_payload_t *pl; if (fname == NULL || strcmp(fname, "-") == 0) f = stdin, fname = "<stdin>"; else f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (f == NULL) return NULL; pl = fread_payload(home, f); if (f != stdin) fclose(f); return pl; } msg_payload_t *fread_payload(su_home_t *home, FILE *f) { msg_payload_t *pl; int n; char *buf; off_t used, size; if (f == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return NULL; } pl = msg_payload_create(home, NULL, 0); if (pl == NULL) return NULL; /* Read block by block */ used = 0; size = 4096; buf = malloc(size); while (buf) { n = fread(buf + used, 1, size - used, f); used += n; if (n < size - used) { if (feof(f)) ; else if (ferror(f)) buf = NULL; break; } buf = realloc(buf, size = 2 * size); } if (buf == NULL) { perror("fread_payload: realloc"); return NULL; } if (used < size) buf[used] = '\0'; pl->pl_common->h_data = pl->pl_data = buf; pl->pl_common->h_len = pl->pl_len = used; return pl; }