/**@MODULEPAGE "stun" - STUN Client and Server Module

@section stun_meta Module Meta Information

The Sofia @b stun module contains macros and functions for STUN server and
client library.

@CONTACT Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com>

@STATUS @SofiaSIP Core library


@section stun_contents Contents of stun Module

The stun module contains the public header files as follows:
- <stun.h>        the public API of the module
- <stun_common.h> low-level functions for parsing and encoding STUN messages
- <stun_tag.h>    defines the su tags used by stun

@section stun_usage Using Sofia STUN Library

To be written. See torture_stun.c and tport/tport.c.

@section todo Todo

- none at the moment
