/* * g722_1 - a library for the G.722.1 and Annex C codecs * * g722_1_tests.c * * Adapted by Steve Underwood <steveu@coppice.org> from the reference * code supplied with ITU G.722.1, which is: * * (C) 2004 Polycom, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /*! \file */ /*! \page g722_1_tests_page G.722.1 codec tests \section g722_1_tests_page_sec_1 What does it do? \section g722_1_tests_page_sec_2 How is it used? */ #if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H) #include "config.h" #endif #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <audiofile.h> #include <g722_1.h> #include "timing.h" #include "g192_bit_stream.h" typedef struct { int encode; int encoded_format; int bit_rate; int sample_rate; int number_of_bits_per_frame; int frame_size; char *source_file; char *dest_file; FILE *fp; FILE *fp_bitstream; } coder_control_t; static int encode_test(coder_control_t *control, int frames) { g722_1_encode_state_t encode_state; g722_1_encode_state_t *s; int16_t amp[frames*MAX_FRAME_SIZE]; uint8_t g722_1_code[frames*MAX_BITS_PER_FRAME/8]; int samples; int frame_cnt; int bytes; int actual_frames; int i; int64_t start; int64_t end; int64_t total; if ((control->fp = fopen(control->source_file, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("Error opening %s.\n", control->source_file); exit(1); } if ((control->fp_bitstream = fopen(control->dest_file, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("Error opening %s.\n", control->dest_file); exit(1); } if ((s = g722_1_encode_init(&encode_state, control->bit_rate, control->sample_rate)) == NULL) { printf("Failed to initialise the encoder.\n"); exit(2); } frame_cnt = 0; total = 0; for (;;) { samples = fread(amp, sizeof(int16_t), frames*control->frame_size, control->fp); if (samples < control->frame_size) break; actual_frames = samples/control->frame_size; start = rdtscll(); bytes = g722_1_encode(s, g722_1_code, amp, samples); end = rdtscll(); frame_cnt += actual_frames; /* Write output bitstream to the output file */ for (i = 0; i < actual_frames; i++) itu_codec_bitstream_write(&g722_1_code[i*bytes/actual_frames], 8*bytes/actual_frames, control->encoded_format, control->fp_bitstream); total += (end - start); } fclose(control->fp); fclose(control->fp_bitstream); printf("%d frames encoded\n", frame_cnt); if (frame_cnt == 0) frame_cnt = 1; printf("%" PRId64 " cycles. %" PRId64 " per frame\n", total, total/frame_cnt); return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static int decode_test(coder_control_t *control, int frames) { g722_1_decode_state_t decode_state; g722_1_decode_state_t *s; int16_t amp[frames*MAX_DCT_LENGTH]; uint8_t g722_1_code[frames*MAX_BITS_PER_FRAME/8]; int bytes; int samples; int frame_cnt; int number_of_bytes_per_frame; int actual_frames; int i; int j; int k; int n; int16_t frame_error_flag; int64_t start; int64_t end; int64_t total; if ((control->fp_bitstream = fopen(control->source_file, "rb")) == NULL) { printf("Error opening %s.\n", control->source_file); exit(1); } if ((control->fp = fopen(control->dest_file, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("Error opening %s.\n", control->dest_file); exit(1); } number_of_bytes_per_frame = control->number_of_bits_per_frame/8; if ((s = g722_1_decode_init(&decode_state, control->bit_rate, control->sample_rate)) == NULL) { printf("Failed to initialise the decoder.\n"); exit(2); } frame_cnt = 0; total = 0; frame_error_flag = 0; n = 0; for (;;) { for (actual_frames = 0, bytes = 0, i = 0; i < frames; i++) { n = itu_codec_bitstream_read(&g722_1_code[i*number_of_bytes_per_frame], &frame_error_flag, number_of_bytes_per_frame*8, control->encoded_format, control->fp_bitstream)/8; bytes += n; if (n == number_of_bytes_per_frame) actual_frames++; if (frame_error_flag || n != number_of_bytes_per_frame) break; } if (frame_error_flag || bytes >= number_of_bytes_per_frame) { if (frame_error_flag) { samples = 0; if (actual_frames > 0) { start = rdtscll(); samples = g722_1_decode(s, amp, g722_1_code, bytes - number_of_bytes_per_frame); end = rdtscll(); total += (end - start); } j = bytes - number_of_bytes_per_frame; if (j < 0) j = 0; k = (actual_frames - 1)*control->frame_size; if (k < 0) k = 0; samples += g722_1_fillin(s, &[k], &g722_1_code[j], number_of_bytes_per_frame); } else { start = rdtscll(); samples = g722_1_decode(s, amp, g722_1_code, bytes); end = rdtscll(); total += (end - start); } frame_cnt += actual_frames; /* For ITU testing, chop off the 2 LSBs. */ for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) amp[i] &= 0xFFFC; /* Write frame of output samples */ fwrite(amp, sizeof(int16_t), samples, control->fp); } if (!frame_error_flag && n != number_of_bytes_per_frame) break; } fclose(control->fp); fclose(control->fp_bitstream); printf("%d frames decoded\n", frame_cnt); if (frame_cnt == 0) frame_cnt = 1; printf("%" PRId64 " cycles. %" PRId64 " per frame\n", total, total/frame_cnt); return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ static void parse_command_line(char *argv[], coder_control_t *control) { control->encode = (strcasecmp(*++argv, "e") == 0); if (strcasecmp(*++argv, "p") == 0) { control->encoded_format = ITU_CODEC_BITSTREAM_PACKED; printf("Encoding format = packed bitstream\n"); } else if (strcasecmp(*argv, "i") == 0) { control->encoded_format = ITU_CODEC_BITSTREAM_G192; printf("Encoding format = ITU-format bitstream\n"); } else { printf("Error. Encoded format must be P for packed, or I for ITU format\n"); exit(1); } control->bit_rate = (int32_t) atoi(*++argv); control->number_of_bits_per_frame = (int16_t) ((control->bit_rate)/50); control->sample_rate = (int16_t) atoi(*++argv); if (control->sample_rate == 16000) { control->frame_size = MAX_FRAME_SIZE >> 1; printf("Sample rate = 16000 (G.722.1, 7kHz bandwidth)\n"); } else if (control->sample_rate == 32000) { control->frame_size = MAX_FRAME_SIZE; printf("Sample rate = 32000 (G.722.1 Annex C, 14kHz bandwidth)\n"); } else { printf("Error. Sample rate must be 16000 or 32000\n"); exit(1); } control->source_file = *++argv; control->dest_file = *++argv; printf("Bit rate = %d\n", control->bit_rate); printf("Framesize = %d samples\n", control->frame_size); printf("Number of bits per frame = %d bits\n", control->number_of_bits_per_frame); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { coder_control_t control; /* Check usage */ if (argc < 7) { printf("Usage: %s <E/D> <P(packed)/I(ITU)> <bit-rate> <sample rate> <input-file> <output-file>\n\n", argv[0]); printf("Valid Rates: 24kbps = 24000\n"); printf(" 32kbps = 32000\n"); printf(" 48kbps = 48000\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Sample rate: 7kHz = 16000\n"); printf(" 14kHz = 32000\n"); printf("\n"); exit(1); } parse_command_line(argv, &control); if (control.encode) encode_test(&control, 2); else decode_test(&control, 2); return 0; } /*- End of function --------------------------------------------------------*/ /*- End of file ------------------------------------------------------------*/