/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef _DEBUG_INCLUDED_H /* allows multiple inclusion */ #define _DEBUG_INCLUDED_H #include "cpr_types.h" #include "plat_api.h" #include "phone_debug.h" #include "CSFLog.h" typedef cc_int32_t (*debug_callback)(cc_int32_t argc, const char *argv[]); typedef cc_int32_t (*show_callback)(cc_int32_t argc, const char *argv[]); typedef cc_int32_t (*clear_callback)(cc_int32_t argc, const char *argv[]); typedef enum { TEST_OPEN, TEST_CLOSE, TEST_KEY, TEST_ONHOOK, TEST_OFFHOOK, TEST_SHOW, TEST_HIDE, TEST_PROFILE, TEST_C3PO } test_command_t; typedef int32_t (*test_callback)(int32_t argc, const char *argv[], test_command_t command); extern int32_t TestMode; extern int32_t TestShow; typedef enum { DEBUG_ENTRY_TYPE_FLAG, DEBUG_ENTRY_TYPE_DEBUG_FUNC, DEBUG_ENTRY_TYPE_SHOW_FUNC } debug_entry_type_e; typedef struct { const char *keyw; union { int32_t *flag; debug_callback func; show_callback show_func; } u; debug_entry_type_e type; boolean show_tech; } debug_entry_t; typedef struct { const char *keyw; union { int32_t *flag; clear_callback func; } u; } clear_entry_t; typedef struct { const char *keyw; const char *abrv; const char *help; boolean hidden; union { int32_t *flag; test_callback func; } u; test_command_t command; } test_entry_t; typedef struct { unsigned char flag; unsigned char hookevent; unsigned char keyevent; // keyevent and key will double as a timer value internally unsigned char key; } testevent_t; // The next 4 defines are used as flag values to specify the event types in the queue. // Note that we cannot use the HOOKSCAN and KEYSCAN that are defined in phone.h, because // HOOKSCAN requires a full integer. In order to minimize space in the test event queue // we need short numbers. #define TEST_NONE 0 #define TEST_KEYSCAN 1 #define TEST_HOOKSCAN 2 #define TEST_TIMER 0x80 #define MAX_DEBUG_NAME 50 #define MAX_SHOW_NAME 50 #define MAX_CLEAR_NAME 50 /* * Prototypes for public functions */ void bind_test_keyword(const char *keyword, const char *abrv, boolean hidden, test_callback func, test_command_t command, const char *help); testevent_t TESTGetEvent(void); // Send debug output to CSFLog #define debugif_printf(format, ...) CSFLogDebug("debugif", format, ## __VA_ARGS__ ) #endif /* _DEBUG_INCLUDED_H */