@mainpage UniMRCP

@section Introduction

UniMRCP is an open source cross-platform MRCP project, which provides everything required for MRCP client and server side deployment.
UniMRCP encapsulates SIP/MRCPv2, RTSP, SDP and RTP/RTCP stacks inside and provides MRCP version independent user level interface for the integration.
@section Source Tree Structure


* apr-toolkit - set of utilities built on top of APR and APR-Util libraries (task abstraction, logging, etc)
* mpf - media processing framework
* mrcp - implementation of MRCP basics (message, parser, resources)
* mrcpv2-transport - implementation of MRCPv2 transport layer
* mrcp-signaling - abstract MRCP signaling (session management) interface
* mrcp-engine - abstract resource engine interface
* mrcp-client - implementation of MRCP client stack based on abstract signaling interface
* mrcp-server - implementation of MRCP server stack based on abstract signaling and engine interfaces
* uni-rtsp - implementation of minimal RTSP stack required for MRCPv1


* mrcp-sofiasip - implementation of abstract signaling interface using SofiaSIP library
* mrcp-unirtsp - implementation of abstract signaling interface using UniRTSP library


* demo-synth - simulation of actual synthesizer engine 
* demo-recog - simulation of actual recognizer engine
* mrcp-recorder - implementation of recorder resource
* mrcp-flite - implementation of synthesizer resource using open source Flite engine
* mrcp-pocketsphinx - implementation of recognizer resource using open source PocketSphinx engine


* libunimrcpclient - unimrcp client stack based on libraries and modules above
* libunimrcpserver - unimrcp server stack based on libraries, modules and plugins above
* unimrcpclient - sample C application based on unimrcp client stack
* umc - sample C++ application based on unimrcp client stack
* unimrcpserver - final unimrcp server application

@section Dependencies

<a href="http://apr.apache.org"> APR - Apache Portable Runtime </a>
<a href="http://sofia-sip.sourceforge.net"> Sofia-SIP - SIP User Agent Library </a>

@section Project Links

<a href="http://www.unimrcp.org"> Website </a>
<a href="http://code.google.com/p/unimrcp/downloads/list"> Downloads </a>
<a href="http://code.google.com/p/unimrcp/w/list"> Wiki </a>
<a href="http://code.google.com/p/unimrcp/issues/list"> Issue Tracker </a>
<a href="http://groups.google.com/group/unimrcp"> Discussion Group </a>
