## SpanDSP - a series of DSP components for telephony
## Makefile.am - Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
## as published by the Free Software Foundation.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
## $Id: Makefile.am,v 1.3 2008/05/03 13:05:04 steveu Exp $


PBM2G3 = pbmtog3
FAX2TIFF = fax2tiff

EXTRA_DIST = itu1.pbm \
             itu2.pbm \
             itu3.pbm \
             itu4.pbm \
             itu5.pbm \
             itu6.pbm \
             itu7.pbm \
             itu8.pbm \
             test1.pbm \
             test2.pbm \
             test3.pbm \

nobase_data_DATA =  itutests.tif \
                    itu1.tif \
                    itu2.tif \
                    itu3.tif \
                    itu4.tif \
                    itu5.tif \
                    itu6.tif \
                    itu7.tif \
                    itu8.tif \
                    test1.tif \
                    test2.tif \
                    test3.tif \
                    test4.tif \
                    dithered.tif \
                    100pages.tif \
                    R1200_1200_A4.tif \
                    R1200_1200_B4.tif \
                    R1200_1200_A3.tif \
                    R600_1200_A4.tif \
                    R600_1200_B4.tif \
                    R600_1200_A3.tif \
                    R600_600_A4.tif \
                    R600_600_B4.tif \
                    R600_600_A3.tif \
                    R16_800_A4.tif \
                    R16_800_B4.tif \
                    R16_800_A3.tif \
                    R16_154_A3.tif \
                    R16_154_A4.tif \
                    R16_154_B4.tif \
                    R300_600_A4.tif \
                    R300_600_B4.tif \
                    R300_600_A3.tif \
                    R300_300_A4.tif \
                    R300_300_B4.tif \
                    R300_300_A3.tif \
                    R8_154_A3.tif \
                    R8_154_A4.tif \
                    R8_154_B4.tif \
                    R8_77_A3.tif \
                    R8_77_A4.tif \
                    R8_77_B4.tif \
                    R8_385_A3.tif \
                    R8_385_A4.tif \

noinst_PROGRAMS =   generate_dithered_tif \

generate_dithered_tif_SOURCES = generate_dithered_tif.c
generate_dithered_tif_LDADD = -ltiff

generate_sized_pages_SOURCES = generate_sized_pages.c
generate_sized_pages_LDADD = -ltiff

	rm -f *.tif *.g3

itutests.tif: itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 \
              test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3
	$(FAX2TIFF) -M -o $@ itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 \
                test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3

100pages.tif: itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 \
              test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3
	$(FAX2TIFF) -M -o $@ \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3 \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3 \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3 \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3 \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3 \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3 \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3 \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3 itu5.g3 itu6.g3 itu7.g3 itu8.g3 test1.g3 test2.g3 test3.g3 test4.g3 \
        itu1.g3 itu2.g3 itu3.g3 itu4.g3

	${FAX2TIFF} -M -o $*.tif $*.g3

	${PBM2G3} $*.pbm >$*.g3
dithered.tif: generate_dithered_tif$(EXEEXT)

R1200_1200_A4.tif \
R1200_1200_B4.tif \
R1200_1200_A3.tif \
R600_1200_A4.tif \
R600_1200_B4.tif \
R600_1200_A3.tif \
R600_600_A4.tif \
R600_600_B4.tif \
R600_600_A3.tif \
R16_800_A4.tif \
R16_800_B4.tif \
R16_800_A3.tif \
R16_154_A3.tif \
R16_154_A4.tif \
R16_154_B4.tif \
R300_600_A4.tif \
R300_600_B4.tif \
R300_600_A3.tif \
R300_300_A4.tif \
R300_300_B4.tif \
R300_300_A3.tif \
R8_154_A3.tif \
R8_154_A4.tif \
R8_154_B4.tif \
R8_77_A3.tif \
R8_77_A4.tif \
R8_77_B4.tif \
R8_385_A3.tif \
R8_385_A4.tif \
R8_385_B4.tif: generate_sized_pages$(EXEEXT)