/* Copyright information is at end of file. */ /* COMPILATION NOTE: Note that the Platform SDK headers and link libraries for Windows XP SP2 or newer are required to compile xmlrpc-c for this module. If you are not using this server, it is safe to exclude the xmlrpc_server_w32httpsys.c file from the xmlrpc project and these dependencies will not be required. You can get the latest platform SDK at http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate/ Be sure after installation to choose the program to "register the PSDK directories with Visual Studio" so the newer headers are found. */ #ifndef UNICODE #define UNICODE #endif #ifndef _UNICODE #define _UNICODE #endif /* See compilation note above if this header is not found! */ #include <http.h> #include <strsafe.h> #include "xmlrpc_config.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/base.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/server.h" #include "xmlrpc-c/server_w32httpsys.h" #include "version.h" #pragma comment( lib, "httpapi" ) #pragma message( "Compiling HTTPS server ..." ) /* XXX - This variable is *not* currently threadsafe. Once the server has ** been started, it must be treated as read-only. */ static xmlrpc_registry *global_registryP; //set TRUE if you want a log static BOOL g_bDebug; //set log filename static char g_fLogFile[MAX_PATH]; //do you want OutputDebugString() to be called? static BOOL g_bDebugString; // // Macros. // #define INITIALIZE_HTTP_RESPONSE( resp, status, reason ) \ do \ { \ RtlZeroMemory( (resp), sizeof(*(resp)) ); \ (resp)->StatusCode = (status); \ (resp)->pReason = (reason); \ (resp)->ReasonLength = (USHORT) strlen(reason); \ } while (FALSE) #define ADD_KNOWN_HEADER(Response, HeaderId, RawValue) \ do \ { \ (Response).Headers.KnownHeaders[(HeaderId)].pRawValue = (RawValue); \ (Response).Headers.KnownHeaders[(HeaderId)].RawValueLength = \ (USHORT) strlen(RawValue); \ } while(FALSE) #define ALLOC_MEM(cb) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (cb)) #define FREE_MEM(ptr) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, (ptr)) // // Prototypes for Internal Functions. // DWORD DoReceiveRequests( HANDLE hReqQueue, const xmlrpc_server_httpsys_parms * const parmsP ); DWORD SendHttpResponse( IN HANDLE hReqQueue, IN PHTTP_REQUEST pRequest, IN USHORT StatusCode, IN PSTR pReason, IN PSTR pEntity ); DWORD SendHttpResponseAuthRequired( IN HANDLE hReqQueue, IN PHTTP_REQUEST pRequest ); void processRPCCall( xmlrpc_env * const envP, IN HANDLE hReqQueue, IN PHTTP_REQUEST pRequest ); __inline void TraceA(const char *format, ...); __inline void TraceW(const wchar_t *format, ...); // // External Function Implementation. // void xmlrpc_server_httpsys( xmlrpc_env * const envP, const xmlrpc_server_httpsys_parms * const parmsP, unsigned int const parm_size ) { ULONG retCode; HANDLE hReqQueue = NULL; HTTPAPI_VERSION HttpApiVersion = HTTPAPI_VERSION_1; WCHAR wszURL[35]; XMLRPC_ASSERT_ENV_OK(envP); if (parm_size < XMLRPC_HSSIZE(authfn)) { xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "You must specify members at least up through " "'authfn' in the server parameters argument. " "That would mean the parameter size would be >= %u " "but you specified a size of %u", XMLRPC_HSSIZE(authfn), parm_size); return; } //Set logging options if (parmsP->logLevel>0) g_bDebug=TRUE; else g_bDebug=FALSE; if (parmsP->logLevel>1) g_bDebugString=TRUE; else g_bDebugString=FALSE; if (!parmsP->logFile) g_bDebug=FALSE; else StringCchPrintfA(g_fLogFile,MAX_PATH,parmsP->logFile); //construct the URL we are listening on if (parmsP->useSSL!=0) StringCchPrintf(wszURL,35,L"https://+:%u/RPC2",parmsP->portNum); else StringCchPrintf(wszURL,35,L"http://+:%u/RPC2",parmsP->portNum); global_registryP = parmsP->registryP; // Initialize HTTP APIs. retCode = HttpInitialize(HttpApiVersion, HTTP_INITIALIZE_SERVER, // Flags NULL // Reserved ); if (retCode != NO_ERROR) { xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "HttpInitialize failed with %lu", retCode); return; } // Create a Request Queue Handle retCode = HttpCreateHttpHandle(&hReqQueue, // Req Queue 0 // Reserved ); if (retCode != NO_ERROR) { xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "HttpCreateHttpHandle failed with %lu", retCode); goto CleanUp; } retCode = HttpAddUrl(hReqQueue, // Req Queue wszURL, // Fully qualified URL NULL // Reserved ); if (retCode != NO_ERROR) { xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "HttpAddUrl failed with %lu", retCode); goto CleanUp; } TraceW(L"we are listening for requests on the following url: %ws", wszURL); // Loop while receiving requests for(;;) { TraceW(L"Calling DoReceiveRequests()"); retCode = DoReceiveRequests(hReqQueue, parmsP); if(NO_ERROR == retCode) { TraceW(L"DoReceiveRequests() returned NO_ERROR, breaking"); break; } } CleanUp: TraceW(L"Tearing down the server.", wszURL); // Call HttpRemoveUrl for the URL that we added. HttpRemoveUrl( hReqQueue, wszURL ); // Close the Request Queue handle. if(hReqQueue) CloseHandle(hReqQueue); // Call HttpTerminate. HttpTerminate(HTTP_INITIALIZE_SERVER, NULL); return; } // // Internal Function Implementations. // __inline void TraceA(const char *format, ...) { if(g_bDebug) { if (format) { va_list arglist; char str[4096]; va_start(arglist, format); StringCchVPrintfA(str, sizeof(str), format, arglist); StringCbCatA(str, sizeof(str), "\n"); if (g_fLogFile) { FILE *fout = fopen(g_fLogFile, "a+t"); if (fout) { fprintf(fout, str); fclose(fout); } } printf(str); if (g_bDebugString) { OutputDebugStringA(str); } va_end(arglist); } } } __inline void TraceW(const wchar_t *format, ...) { if(g_bDebug) { if (format) { va_list arglist; wchar_t str[4096]; va_start(arglist, format); StringCchVPrintfW(str, 4096, format, arglist); StringCbCatW(str, sizeof(str), L"\n"); if (g_fLogFile) { FILE *fout = fopen(g_fLogFile, "a+t"); if (fout) { fwprintf(fout, str); fclose(fout); } } wprintf(str); if (g_bDebugString) { OutputDebugStringW(str); } va_end(arglist); } } } /* * This is a blocking function that merely sits on the request queue * for our URI and processes them one at a time. Once a request comes * in, we check it for content-type, content-length, and verb. As long * as the initial validations are done, we pass the request to the * processRPCCall() function, which collects the body of the request * and processes it. If we get an error back other than network type, * we are responsible for notifing the client. */ DWORD DoReceiveRequests( IN HANDLE hReqQueue, const xmlrpc_server_httpsys_parms * const parmsP ) { ULONG result; HTTP_REQUEST_ID requestId; DWORD bytesRead; PHTTP_REQUEST pRequest; PCHAR pRequestBuffer; ULONG RequestBufferLength; xmlrpc_env env; char szHeaderBuf[255]; long lContentLength; // Allocate a 2K buffer. Should be good for most requests, we'll grow // this if required. We also need space for a HTTP_REQUEST structure. RequestBufferLength = sizeof(HTTP_REQUEST) + 2048; pRequestBuffer = (PCHAR) ALLOC_MEM( RequestBufferLength ); if (pRequestBuffer == NULL) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } pRequest = (PHTTP_REQUEST)pRequestBuffer; // Wait for a new request -- This is indicated by a NULL request ID. HTTP_SET_NULL_ID( &requestId ); for(;;) { RtlZeroMemory(pRequest, RequestBufferLength); result = HttpReceiveHttpRequest( hReqQueue, // Req Queue requestId, // Req ID 0, // Flags pRequest, // HTTP request buffer RequestBufferLength,// req buffer length &bytesRead, // bytes received NULL // LPOVERLAPPED ); if(NO_ERROR == result) { // Got a request with a filled buffer. switch(pRequest->Verb) { case HttpVerbPOST: TraceW(L"Got a POST request for %ws", pRequest->CookedUrl.pFullUrl); //Check if we need use authorization. if(parmsP->authfn) { xmlrpc_env_init(&env); if(pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderAuthorization].RawValueLength < 6) { xmlrpc_env_set_fault( &env, XMLRPC_REQUEST_REFUSED_ERROR, "Authorization header too short."); } else { //unencode the headers if(_strnicmp( "basic", pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderAuthorization].pRawValue,5) !=0) { #ifndef NDEBUG PCHAR pTmp = (PCHAR) ALLOC_MEM(pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderAuthorization ].RawValueLength + 1 ); if( pTmp ) { strncpy(pTmp, pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderAuthorization ].pRawValue, pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderAuthorization ].RawValueLength ); pTmp[pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderAuthorization ].RawValueLength] = 0; TraceA("Got HEADER [%s]",pTmp); FREE_MEM(pTmp); } #endif /* #ifndef NDEBUG */ xmlrpc_env_set_fault( &env, XMLRPC_REQUEST_REFUSED_ERROR, "Authorization header does not start " "with type 'basic'!"); } else { xmlrpc_mem_block * decoded; decoded = xmlrpc_base64_decode( &env, pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderAuthorization ].pRawValue+6, pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderAuthorization ].RawValueLength-6); if(!env.fault_occurred) { char *pDecodedStr; char *pUser; char *pPass; char *pColon; pDecodedStr = (char*) malloc(decoded->_size+1); memcpy(pDecodedStr, decoded->_block, decoded->_size); pDecodedStr[decoded->_size]='\0'; pUser = pPass = pDecodedStr; pColon=strchr(pDecodedStr,':'); if(pColon) { *pColon='\0'; pPass=pColon+1; //The authfn should set env to //fail if auth is denied. parmsP->authfn(&env,pUser,pPass); } else { xmlrpc_env_set_fault( &env, XMLRPC_REQUEST_REFUSED_ERROR, "Decoded auth not of the correct " "format."); } free(pDecodedStr); } if(decoded) XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_FREE(char, decoded); } } if(env.fault_occurred) { //request basic authorization, as the user //did not provide it. xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); TraceW(L"POST request did not provide valid " L"authorization header."); result = SendHttpResponseAuthRequired( hReqQueue, pRequest); break; } xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); } //Check content type to make sure it is text/xml. memcpy(szHeaderBuf, pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderContentType ].pRawValue, pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderContentType ].RawValueLength); szHeaderBuf[pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderContentType ].RawValueLength] = '\0'; if (_stricmp(szHeaderBuf,"text/xml")!=0) { //We handle only text/xml data. Anything else //is not valid. TraceW(L"POST request had an unrecognized " L"content-type: %s", szHeaderBuf); result = SendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, pRequest, 400, "Bad Request", NULL ); break; } //Check content length to make sure it exists and //is not too big. memcpy(szHeaderBuf, pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderContentLength ].pRawValue, pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderContentLength ].RawValueLength); szHeaderBuf[pRequest->Headers.KnownHeaders[ HttpHeaderContentLength ].RawValueLength]='\0'; lContentLength = atol(szHeaderBuf); if (lContentLength<=0) { //Make sure a content length was supplied. TraceW(L"POST request did not include a " L"content-length", szHeaderBuf); result = SendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, pRequest, 411, "Length Required", NULL ); break; } if((size_t) lContentLength > xmlrpc_limit_get(XMLRPC_XML_SIZE_LIMIT_ID)) { //Content-length is too big for us to handle TraceW(L"POST request content-length is too big " L"for us to handle: %d bytes", lContentLength); result = SendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, pRequest, 500, "content-length too large", NULL ); break; } //our initial validations of POST, content-type, //and content-length all check out. Collect and //pass the complete buffer to the XMLRPC-C library xmlrpc_env_init(&env); processRPCCall(&env,hReqQueue, pRequest); if (env.fault_occurred) { //if we fail and it is anything other than a //network error, we should return a failure //response to the client. if (env.fault_code != XMLRPC_NETWORK_ERROR) { if (env.fault_string) result = SendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, pRequest, 500, env.fault_string, NULL ); else result = SendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, pRequest, 500, "Unknown Error", NULL ); } } xmlrpc_env_clean(&env); break; default: //We handle only POST data. Anything else is not valid. TraceW(L"Got an unrecognized Verb request for URI %ws", pRequest->CookedUrl.pFullUrl); result = SendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, pRequest, 405, "Method Not Allowed", NULL ); break; } if(result != NO_ERROR) { break; } // Reset the Request ID so that we pick up the next request. HTTP_SET_NULL_ID( &requestId ); } else if(result == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { // The input buffer was too small to hold the request headers // We have to allocate more buffer & call the API again. // // When we call the API again, we want to pick up the request // that just failed. This is done by passing a RequestID. // This RequestID is picked from the old buffer. requestId = pRequest->RequestId; // Free the old buffer and allocate a new one. RequestBufferLength = bytesRead; FREE_MEM( pRequestBuffer ); pRequestBuffer = (PCHAR) ALLOC_MEM( RequestBufferLength ); if (pRequestBuffer == NULL) { result = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; break; } pRequest = (PHTTP_REQUEST)pRequestBuffer; } else if(ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID == result && !HTTP_IS_NULL_ID(&requestId)) { // The TCP connection got torn down by the peer when we were // trying to pick up a request with more buffer. We'll just move // onto the next request. HTTP_SET_NULL_ID( &requestId ); } else { break; } } // for(;;) if(pRequestBuffer) { FREE_MEM( pRequestBuffer ); } return result; } /* * SendHttpResponse sends a text/html content type back with * the user specified status code and reason. Used for returning * errors to clients. */ DWORD SendHttpResponse( IN HANDLE hReqQueue, IN PHTTP_REQUEST pRequest, IN USHORT StatusCode, IN PSTR pReason, IN PSTR pEntityString ) { HTTP_RESPONSE response; HTTP_DATA_CHUNK dataChunk; DWORD result; DWORD bytesSent; CHAR szServerHeader[20]; // Initialize the HTTP response structure. INITIALIZE_HTTP_RESPONSE(&response, StatusCode, pReason); ADD_KNOWN_HEADER(response, HttpHeaderContentType, "text/html"); StringCchPrintfA(szServerHeader,20, "xmlrpc-c %s",XMLRPC_C_VERSION); ADD_KNOWN_HEADER(response, HttpHeaderServer, szServerHeader); if(pEntityString) { // Add an entity chunk dataChunk.DataChunkType = HttpDataChunkFromMemory; dataChunk.FromMemory.pBuffer = pEntityString; dataChunk.FromMemory.BufferLength = (ULONG) strlen(pEntityString); response.EntityChunkCount = 1; response.pEntityChunks = &dataChunk; } // Since we are sending all the entity body in one call, we don't have // to specify the Content-Length. result = HttpSendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, // ReqQueueHandle pRequest->RequestId, // Request ID 0, // Flags &response, // HTTP response NULL, // pReserved1 &bytesSent, // bytes sent (OPTIONAL) NULL, // pReserved2 (must be NULL) 0, // Reserved3 (must be 0) NULL, // LPOVERLAPPED (OPTIONAL) NULL // pReserved4 (must be NULL) ); if(result != NO_ERROR) { TraceW(L"HttpSendHttpResponse failed with %lu", result); } return result; } /* SendHttpResponseAuthRequired sends a 401 status code requesting * authorization */ DWORD SendHttpResponseAuthRequired( IN HANDLE hReqQueue, IN PHTTP_REQUEST pRequest ) { HTTP_RESPONSE response; DWORD result; DWORD bytesSent; CHAR szServerHeader[20]; // Initialize the HTTP response structure. INITIALIZE_HTTP_RESPONSE(&response, 401, "Authentication Required"); // Add the WWW_Authenticate header. ADD_KNOWN_HEADER(response, HttpHeaderWwwAuthenticate, "Basic realm=\"xmlrpc\""); StringCchPrintfA(szServerHeader,20, "xmlrpc-c %s",XMLRPC_C_VERSION); ADD_KNOWN_HEADER(response, HttpHeaderServer, szServerHeader); // Since we are sending all the entity body in one call, we don't have // to specify the Content-Length. result = HttpSendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, // ReqQueueHandle pRequest->RequestId, // Request ID 0, // Flags &response, // HTTP response NULL, // pReserved1 &bytesSent, // bytes sent (OPTIONAL) NULL, // pReserved2 (must be NULL) 0, // Reserved3 (must be 0) NULL, // LPOVERLAPPED (OPTIONAL) NULL // pReserved4 (must be NULL) ); if(result != NO_ERROR) { TraceW(L"SendHttpResponseAuthRequired failed with %lu", result); } return result; } /* * processRPCCall() is called after some validations. The assumption is that * the request is an HTTP post of content-type text/xml with a content-length * that is less than the maximum the library can handle. * * The caller should check the error status, and if the error was other than * a network type, respond back to the client to let them know the call failed. */ void processRPCCall( xmlrpc_env * const envP, IN HANDLE hReqQueue, IN PHTTP_REQUEST pRequest ) { HTTP_RESPONSE response; DWORD result; DWORD bytesSent; PUCHAR pEntityBuffer; ULONG EntityBufferLength; ULONG BytesRead; #define MAX_ULONG_STR ((ULONG) sizeof("4294967295")) CHAR szContentLength[MAX_ULONG_STR]; CHAR szServerHeader[20]; HTTP_DATA_CHUNK dataChunk; ULONG TotalBytesRead = 0; xmlrpc_mem_block * body; xmlrpc_mem_block * output; BytesRead = 0; body = NULL; output = NULL; // Allocate some space for an entity buffer. EntityBufferLength = 2048; pEntityBuffer = (PUCHAR) ALLOC_MEM( EntityBufferLength ); if (pEntityBuffer == NULL) { xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Out of Memory"); goto Done; } // NOTE: If we had passed the HTTP_RECEIVE_REQUEST_FLAG_COPY_BODY // flag with HttpReceiveHttpRequest(), the entity would have // been a part of HTTP_REQUEST (using the pEntityChunks field). // Since we have not passed that flag, we can be assured that // there are no entity bodies in HTTP_REQUEST. if(pRequest->Flags & HTTP_REQUEST_FLAG_MORE_ENTITY_BODY_EXISTS) { //Allocate some space for an XMLRPC memory block. body = xmlrpc_mem_block_new(envP, 0); if (envP->fault_occurred) goto Done; // The entity body can be sent over multiple calls. Let's collect all // of these in a buffer and send the buffer to the xmlrpc-c library do { // Read the entity chunk from the request. BytesRead = 0; result = HttpReceiveRequestEntityBody( hReqQueue, pRequest->RequestId, 0, pEntityBuffer, EntityBufferLength, &BytesRead, NULL ); switch(result) { case NO_ERROR: if(BytesRead != 0) { XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_APPEND(char, envP, body, pEntityBuffer, BytesRead); if(envP->fault_occurred) goto Done; } break; case ERROR_HANDLE_EOF: // We have read the last request entity body. We can now // process the suppossed XMLRPC data. if(BytesRead != 0) { XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_APPEND(char, envP, body, pEntityBuffer, BytesRead); if(envP->fault_occurred) goto Done; } // We will send the response over multiple calls. // This is achieved by passing the // HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_MORE_DATA flag. // NOTE: Since we are accumulating the TotalBytesRead in // a ULONG, this will not work for entity bodies that // are larger than 4 GB. To work with large entity // bodies, we would have to use a ULONGLONG. TraceA("xmlrpc_server RPC2 handler processing " "RPC request."); // Process the RPC. xmlrpc_registry_process_call2( envP, global_registryP, XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, body), XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, body), NULL, &output); if (envP->fault_occurred) goto Done; // Initialize the HTTP response structure. INITIALIZE_HTTP_RESPONSE(&response, 200, "OK"); //Add the content-length StringCchPrintfA(szContentLength,MAX_ULONG_STR, "%lu", XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, output)); ADD_KNOWN_HEADER( response, HttpHeaderContentLength, szContentLength ); //Add the content-type ADD_KNOWN_HEADER(response, HttpHeaderContentType, "text/xml"); StringCchPrintfA(szServerHeader,20, "xmlrpc-c %s",XMLRPC_C_VERSION); ADD_KNOWN_HEADER(response, HttpHeaderServer, szServerHeader); //send the response result = HttpSendHttpResponse( hReqQueue, // ReqQueueHandle pRequest->RequestId, // Request ID HTTP_SEND_RESPONSE_FLAG_MORE_DATA, &response, // HTTP response NULL, // pReserved1 &bytesSent, // bytes sent (optional) NULL, // pReserved2 0, // Reserved3 NULL, // LPOVERLAPPED NULL // pReserved4 ); if(result != NO_ERROR) { TraceW(L"HttpSendHttpResponse failed with %lu", result); xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_NETWORK_ERROR, "HttpSendHttpResponse failed with %lu", result); goto Done; } // Send entity body from a memory chunk. dataChunk.DataChunkType = HttpDataChunkFromMemory; dataChunk.FromMemory.BufferLength = (ULONG)XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_SIZE(char, output); dataChunk.FromMemory.pBuffer = XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_CONTENTS(char, output); result = HttpSendResponseEntityBody( hReqQueue, pRequest->RequestId, 0, // This is the last send. 1, // Entity Chunk Count. &dataChunk, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL ); if(result != NO_ERROR) { TraceW(L"HttpSendResponseEntityBody failed " L"with %lu", result); xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_NETWORK_ERROR, "HttpSendResponseEntityBody failed with %lu", result); goto Done; } goto Done; break; default: TraceW(L"HttpReceiveRequestEntityBody failed with %lu", result); xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_NETWORK_ERROR, "HttpReceiveRequestEntityBody failed " "with %lu", result); goto Done; } } while(TRUE); } else { // This request does not have an entity body. TraceA("Received a bad request (no body in HTTP post)."); xmlrpc_env_set_fault_formatted( envP, XMLRPC_PARSE_ERROR, "Bad POST request (no body)"); goto Done; } Done: if(pEntityBuffer) FREE_MEM(pEntityBuffer); if(output) XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_FREE(char, output); if(body) XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_FREE(char, body); return; } /* Copyright (C) 2005 by Steven A. Bone, sbone@pobox.com. All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ** ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ** ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ** FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ** DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS ** OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ** HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT ** LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY ** OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ** SUCH DAMAGE. */