/***************************************************************************** * lib_api.c Common API library * * Author(s): Nenad Corbic * * Copyright: (c) 2003 Sangoma Technologies Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * ============================================================================ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib_api.h" #define SINGLE_CHANNEL 0x2 #define RANGE_CHANNEL 0x1 char read_enable=0; char write_enable=0; char primary_enable=0; int tx_cnt=1; int rx_cnt=0; int tx_size=10; int tx_delay=0; int tx_data=-1; int tx_ss7_type=0; int rx_ss7_timer=0; unsigned char card_name[WAN_IFNAME_SZ]; unsigned char if_name[WAN_IFNAME_SZ]; unsigned char sw_if_name[WAN_IFNAME_SZ]; unsigned char sw_card_name[WAN_IFNAME_SZ]; unsigned char tx_file[WAN_IFNAME_SZ]; unsigned char rx_file[WAN_IFNAME_SZ]; unsigned char daddr[TX_ADDR_STR_SZ]; unsigned char saddr[TX_ADDR_STR_SZ]; unsigned char udata[TX_ADDR_STR_SZ]; int files_used=0; int verbose=0; int tx_connections; int ds_prot=0; int ds_prot_opt=0; int ds_max_mult_cnt=0; unsigned int ds_active_ch=0; int ds_7bit_hdlc=0; int direction=-1; int tx_channels=1; int cause=0; int diagn=0; int card_cnt=0; int i_cnt=0; unsigned long parse_active_channel(char* val); int init_args(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; int c_cnt=0; sprintf(daddr,"111"); sprintf(saddr,"222"); sprintf(udata,"C9"); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++){ if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-i")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid Interface Name!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(if_name, argv[i+1],WAN_IFNAME_SZ); i_cnt=1; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-si")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid Switch Interface Name!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(sw_if_name, argv[i+1], WAN_IFNAME_SZ); }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-c")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid Card Name!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(card_name, argv[i+1], WAN_IFNAME_SZ); card_cnt=1; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-sc")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid Switch Card Name!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(sw_card_name, argv[i+1], WAN_IFNAME_SZ); }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-r")){ read_enable=1; c_cnt=1; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-w")){ write_enable=1; c_cnt=1; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-pri")){ primary_enable=1; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-txcnt")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx cnt!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ tx_cnt = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx cnt!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rxcnt")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid rx cnt!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ rx_cnt = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid rx cnt!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-txsize")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx size!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ tx_size = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx size, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-txdelay")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx delay!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ tx_delay = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx delay, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-txdata")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx data!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ tx_data = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx data, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-tx_ss7_type")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx ss7 type!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ tx_ss7_type = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx ss7 type, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rx_ss7_timer")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid rx ss7 timer!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ rx_ss7_timer = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid tx ss7 type, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-txfile")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid Tx File Name!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(tx_file, argv[i+1],WAN_IFNAME_SZ); files_used |= TX_FILE_USED; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rxfile")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid Rx File Name!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(rx_file, argv[i+1],WAN_IFNAME_SZ); files_used |= RX_FILE_USED; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-daddr")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid daddr str!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(daddr, argv[i+1],TX_ADDR_STR_SZ); }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-saddr")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid saddr str!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(saddr, argv[i+1],TX_ADDR_STR_SZ); }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-udata")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid udata str!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } strncpy(udata, argv[i+1],TX_ADDR_STR_SZ); }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-verbose")){ verbose=1; }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-prot")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid prot!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ ds_prot = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid prot, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-prot_opt")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid prot_opt!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ ds_prot_opt = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid prot_opt, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-max_mult_cnt")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid max_mult_cnt!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ ds_max_mult_cnt = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid max_mult_cnt, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-active_ch")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid active ch!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } ds_active_ch = parse_active_channel(argv[i+1]); }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-txchan")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid channels!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ tx_channels = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid channels, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-diagn")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid diagn!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ diagn = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid diagn, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-cause")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid cause!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ cause = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid cause, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-7bit_hdlc")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid 7bit hdlc value!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ ds_7bit_hdlc = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid 7bit hdlc, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } }else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-dir")){ if (i+1 > argc-1){ printf("ERROR: Invalid direction value!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if(isdigit(argv[i+1][0])){ direction = atoi(argv[i+1]); }else{ printf("ERROR: Invalid direction, must be a digit!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } } } if (!i_cnt){ printf("ERROR: No Interface Name!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if (!card_cnt){ printf("ERROR: No Card name!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } if (!c_cnt){ printf("ERROR: No Read or Write Command!\n"); return WAN_FALSE; } return WAN_TRUE; } static unsigned char api_usage[]="\n" "\n" ":\n" " -i #interface name\n" " -c #card name\n" " -r #read enable\n" " -w #write eable\n" "\n" "\n" " -txcnt #number of tx packets (Dflt: 1)\n" " -txsize #tx packet size (Dflt: 10)\n" " -txdelay #delay in sec after each tx packet (Dflt: 0)\n" " -txdata #data to tx <1-255>\n" "\n" " -txfile #Use file to tx instead\n" " -rxfile #Save all rx data to a file\n" " \n" "\n" " -tx_ss7_type # 1=FISU 2=LSSU (repeating)\n" " -rx_ss7_timer #Force receive timeout value \n" "\n" " -rxcnt #number of rx packets before exit\n" " #this number overwrites the txcnt\n" " #Thus, app will only exit after it\n" " #receives the rxcnt number of packets.\n" " \n" " -verbose #Enable verbose mode\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" " -prot #Protocol Bit map: \n" " #1=FISU, 2=LSSU, 4=MSU, 8=RAW HDLC\n" " \n" " -prot_opt #Protocol bit map\n" " #0=None, 1=Delta, 2=Max Multiple\n" "\n" " -active_ch #Active channel\n" " #ALL = all channels \n" " #1 24 = 1 to 24 \n" " #1.24 = 1 and 24 \n" " #1-4.7-15 = 1 to 4 and 7 to 15\n" " \n" " -max_mult_cnt #If Prot_opt == 2 \n" " #max_mult_cnt is the number of \n" " #consecutive duplicate frames \n" " #received before pass up the stack.\n" " \n" " -7bit_hdlc #Enable 7 Bit Hdlc Engine\n" " #1=Enable 0=Disable\n" " \n" " -dir #Direction 0: Rx 1: Tx none: All\n" "\n" "\n" "\n" " -txchan #Number of channels (dflt=1)\n" " -cause #disconnect cause (dflt=0)\n" " -diagn #disconnect diagnostic (dflt=0)\n" "\n"; void usage(unsigned char *api_name) { printf ("\n\nAPI %s USAGE:\n\n%s \n\n%s\n", api_name,api_name,api_usage); } /*============================================================================ * TE1 */ unsigned long get_active_channels(int channel_flag, int start_channel, int stop_channel) { int i = 0; unsigned long tmp = 0, mask = 0; if ((channel_flag & (SINGLE_CHANNEL | RANGE_CHANNEL)) == 0) return tmp; if (channel_flag & RANGE_CHANNEL) { /* Range of channels */ for(i = start_channel; i <= stop_channel; i++) { mask = 1 << (i - 1); tmp |=mask; } } else { /* Single channel */ mask = 1 << (stop_channel - 1); tmp |= mask; } return tmp; } unsigned long parse_active_channel(char* val) { int channel_flag = 0; char* ptr = val; int channel = 0, start_channel = 0; unsigned long tmp = 0; if (strcmp(val,"ALL") == 0) return ENABLE_ALL_CHANNELS; while(*ptr != '\0') { if (isdigit(*ptr)) { channel = strtoul(ptr, &ptr, 10); channel_flag |= SINGLE_CHANNEL; } else { if (*ptr == '-') { channel_flag |= RANGE_CHANNEL; start_channel = channel; } else { tmp |= get_active_channels(channel_flag, start_channel, channel); channel_flag = 0; } ptr++; } } if (channel_flag){ tmp |= get_active_channels(channel_flag, start_channel, channel); } return tmp; } void u_delay(int usec) { struct timeval tv; tv.tv_usec = usec; tv.tv_sec=0; select(0,NULL,NULL, NULL, &tv); }