/* * FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * Copyright (C) 2005-2009, Anthony Minessale II * * Version: MPL 1.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Anthony Minessale II * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Anthony Minessale II * Michael Jerris * Paul D. Tinsley * * * switch_core_sqldb.c -- Main Core Library (statistics tracker) * */ #include #include "private/switch_core_pvt.h" static struct { switch_cache_db_handle_t *event_db; switch_queue_t *sql_queue[2]; switch_memory_pool_t *memory_pool; switch_event_node_t *event_node; switch_thread_t *thread; int thread_running; switch_bool_t manage; switch_mutex_t *io_mutex; switch_mutex_t *dbh_mutex; switch_hash_t *dbh_hash; } sql_manager; #define SWITCH_CORE_DB "core" /*! \brief Open the default system database */ SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) _switch_core_db_handle(switch_cache_db_handle_t **dbh, const char *file, const char *func, int line) { switch_cache_db_connection_options_t options = { {0} }; switch_status_t r; if (runtime.odbc_dsn && runtime.odbc_user && runtime.odbc_pass) { options.odbc_options.dsn = runtime.odbc_dsn; options.odbc_options.user = runtime.odbc_user; options.odbc_options.pass = runtime.odbc_pass; r = _switch_cache_db_get_db_handle(dbh, SCDB_TYPE_ODBC, &options, file, func, line); } else { options.core_db_options.db_path = SWITCH_CORE_DB; r = _switch_cache_db_get_db_handle(dbh, SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB, &options, file, func, line); } if (r == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS && !(*dbh)->io_mutex) { (*dbh)->io_mutex = sql_manager.io_mutex; } return r; } #define SQL_CACHE_TIMEOUT 300 static void sql_close(time_t prune) { switch_hash_index_t *hi; const void *var; void *val; switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh = NULL; int locked = 0; char *key; switch_mutex_lock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); top: locked = 0; for (hi = switch_hash_first(NULL, sql_manager.dbh_hash); hi; hi = switch_hash_next(hi)) { switch_hash_this(hi, &var, NULL, &val); key = (char *) var; if ((dbh = (switch_cache_db_handle_t *) val)) { time_t diff = 0; if (prune > 0 && prune > dbh->last_used) { diff = (time_t) prune - dbh->last_used; } if (prune > 0 && diff < SQL_CACHE_TIMEOUT) { continue; } if (switch_mutex_trylock(dbh->mutex) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Dropping idle DB connection %s\n", key); switch (dbh->type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { switch_odbc_handle_destroy(&dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh); } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { switch_core_db_close(dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh); dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh = NULL; } break; } switch_core_hash_delete(sql_manager.dbh_hash, key); switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->mutex); switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&dbh->pool); goto top; } else { if (!prune) locked++; continue; } } } if (locked) { goto top; } switch_mutex_unlock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_cache_db_release_db_handle(switch_cache_db_handle_t **dbh) { if (dbh && *dbh) { switch_mutex_unlock((*dbh)->mutex); *dbh = NULL; } } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_cache_db_destroy_db_handle(switch_cache_db_handle_t **dbh) { if (dbh && *dbh) { switch_mutex_lock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Deleting DB connection %s\n", (*dbh)->name); switch ((*dbh)->type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { switch_odbc_handle_destroy(&(*dbh)->native_handle.odbc_dbh); } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { switch_core_db_close((*dbh)->native_handle.core_db_dbh); (*dbh)->native_handle.core_db_dbh = NULL; } break; } switch_core_hash_delete(sql_manager.dbh_hash, (*dbh)->name); switch_mutex_unlock((*dbh)->mutex); switch_core_destroy_memory_pool(&(*dbh)->pool); *dbh = NULL; switch_mutex_unlock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); } } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_cache_db_detach(void) { char thread_str[CACHE_DB_LEN] = ""; switch_hash_index_t *hi; const void *var; void *val; char *key; switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh = NULL; snprintf(thread_str, sizeof(thread_str) - 1, "%lu", (unsigned long)(intptr_t)switch_thread_self()); switch_mutex_lock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); for (hi = switch_hash_first(NULL, sql_manager.dbh_hash); hi; hi = switch_hash_next(hi)) { switch_hash_this(hi, &var, NULL, &val); key = (char *) var; if ((dbh = (switch_cache_db_handle_t *) val)) { if (switch_mutex_trylock(dbh->mutex) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (strstr(dbh->name, thread_str)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Detach cached DB handle %s [%s]\n", thread_str, switch_cache_db_type_name(dbh->type)); switch_clear_flag(dbh, CDF_INUSE); } switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->mutex); } } } switch_mutex_unlock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t)_switch_cache_db_get_db_handle(switch_cache_db_handle_t **dbh, switch_cache_db_handle_type_t type, switch_cache_db_connection_options_t *connection_options, const char *file, const char *func, int line) { switch_thread_id_t self = switch_thread_self(); char thread_str[CACHE_DB_LEN] = ""; char db_str[CACHE_DB_LEN] = ""; char db_callsite_str[CACHE_DB_LEN] = ""; switch_cache_db_handle_t *new_dbh = NULL; switch_ssize_t hlen = -1; const char *db_name = NULL; const char *db_user = NULL; const char *db_pass = NULL; switch (type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { db_name = connection_options->odbc_options.dsn; db_user = connection_options->odbc_options.user; db_pass = connection_options->odbc_options.pass; } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { db_name = connection_options->core_db_options.db_path; db_user = ""; db_pass = ""; } break; } if (!db_name) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } snprintf(db_str, sizeof(db_str) - 1, "db=\"%s\";user=\"%s\";pass=\"%s\"", db_name, db_user, db_pass); snprintf(thread_str, sizeof(thread_str) - 1, "%s;thread=\"%lu\"", db_str, (unsigned long)(intptr_t)self); snprintf(db_callsite_str, sizeof(db_callsite_str) - 1, "%s:%d", file, line); switch_mutex_lock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); if ((new_dbh = switch_core_hash_find(sql_manager.dbh_hash, thread_str))) { switch_set_string(new_dbh->last_user, db_callsite_str); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID_LOG, file, func, line, NULL, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Reuse Cached DB handle %s [%s]\n", thread_str, switch_cache_db_type_name(new_dbh->type)); } else { switch_hash_index_t *hi; const void *var; void *val; char *key; unsigned long hash = 0; hash = switch_ci_hashfunc_default(db_str, &hlen); for (hi = switch_hash_first(NULL, sql_manager.dbh_hash); hi; hi = switch_hash_next(hi)) { switch_hash_this(hi, &var, NULL, &val); key = (char *) var; if ((new_dbh = (switch_cache_db_handle_t *) val)) { if (hash == new_dbh->hash && !strncasecmp(new_dbh->name, db_str, strlen(db_str)) && !switch_test_flag(new_dbh, CDF_INUSE) && switch_mutex_trylock(new_dbh->mutex) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_set_flag(new_dbh, CDF_INUSE); switch_set_string(new_dbh->name, thread_str); new_dbh->hash = switch_ci_hashfunc_default(db_str, &hlen); switch_set_string(new_dbh->last_user, db_callsite_str); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID_LOG, file, func, line, NULL, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Reuse Unused Cached DB handle %s [%s]\n", thread_str, switch_cache_db_type_name(new_dbh->type)); break; } } new_dbh = NULL; } } if (!new_dbh) { switch_memory_pool_t *pool = NULL; switch_core_db_t *db = NULL; switch_odbc_handle_t *odbc_dbh = NULL; switch (type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { if (!switch_odbc_available()) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Failure! OBDC NOT AVAILABLE!\n"); goto end; } if ((odbc_dbh = switch_odbc_handle_new(connection_options->odbc_options.dsn, connection_options->odbc_options.user, connection_options->odbc_options.pass))) { if (switch_odbc_handle_connect(odbc_dbh) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_odbc_handle_destroy(&odbc_dbh); } } } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { db = switch_core_db_open_file(connection_options->core_db_options.db_path); } break; default: goto end; } if (!db && !odbc_dbh) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "Failure!\n"); goto end; } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_ID_LOG, file, func, line, NULL, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG10, "Create Cached DB handle %s [%s]\n", thread_str, switch_cache_db_type_name(type)); switch_core_new_memory_pool(&pool); new_dbh = switch_core_alloc(pool, sizeof(*new_dbh)); new_dbh->pool = pool; new_dbh->type = type; switch_set_string(new_dbh->name, thread_str); switch_set_flag(new_dbh, CDF_INUSE); new_dbh->hash = switch_ci_hashfunc_default(db_str, &hlen); if (db) new_dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh = db; else new_dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh = odbc_dbh; switch_mutex_init(&new_dbh->mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_UNNESTED, new_dbh->pool); switch_set_string(new_dbh->creator, db_callsite_str); switch_mutex_lock(new_dbh->mutex); switch_core_hash_insert(sql_manager.dbh_hash, new_dbh->name, new_dbh); } end: if (new_dbh) new_dbh->last_used = switch_epoch_time_now(NULL); switch_mutex_unlock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); *dbh = new_dbh; return *dbh ? SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS : SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } static switch_status_t switch_cache_db_execute_sql_real(switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh, const char *sql, char **err) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; char *errmsg = NULL; if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_lock(dbh->io_mutex); } if (err) *err = NULL; switch (dbh->type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { switch_odbc_statement_handle_t stmt = NULL; if ((status = switch_odbc_handle_exec(dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh, sql, &stmt)) != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) { errmsg = switch_odbc_handle_get_error(dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh, stmt); } switch_odbc_statement_handle_free(&stmt); } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { status = switch_core_db_exec(dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); } break; } if (errmsg) { if (!switch_stristr("already exists", errmsg) && !switch_stristr("duplicate key name", errmsg)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "SQL ERR [%s]\n%s\n", errmsg, sql); } if (err) { *err = errmsg; } else { free(errmsg); } } if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->io_mutex); } return status; } /** OMFG you cruel bastards. Who chooses 64k as a max buffer len for a sql statement, have you ever heard of transactions? **/ static switch_status_t switch_cache_db_execute_sql_chunked(switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh, char *sql, uint32_t chunk_size, char **err) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; char *p, *s, *e; int chunk_count; switch_size_t len; switch_assert(chunk_size); if (err) *err = NULL; len = strlen(sql); if (chunk_size > len) { return switch_cache_db_execute_sql_real(dbh, sql, err); } if (!(chunk_count = strlen(sql) / chunk_size)) { return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } e = end_of_p(sql); s = sql; while(s && s < e) { p = s + chunk_size; if (p > e) { p = e; } while (p > s) { if (*p == '\n' && *(p-1) == ';') { *p = '\0'; *(p-1) = '\0'; p++; break; } p--; } if (p <= s) break; status = switch_cache_db_execute_sql_real(dbh, s, err); if (status != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || (err && *err)) { break; } s = p; } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_cache_db_execute_sql(switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh, char *sql, char **err) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_lock(dbh->io_mutex); } switch (dbh->type) { default: { status = switch_cache_db_execute_sql_chunked(dbh, (char *)sql, 32768, err); } break; } if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->io_mutex); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(char *) switch_cache_db_execute_sql2str(switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh, char *sql, char *str, size_t len, char **err) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_lock(dbh->io_mutex); } switch (dbh->type) { case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { switch_core_db_stmt_t *stmt; if (switch_core_db_prepare(dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh, sql, -1, &stmt, 0)) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Statement Error [%s]!\n", sql); return NULL; } else { int running = 1; int colcount; while (running < 5000) { int result = switch_core_db_step(stmt); const unsigned char *txt; if (result == SWITCH_CORE_DB_ROW) { if ((colcount = switch_core_db_column_count(stmt)) > 0) { if ((txt = switch_core_db_column_text(stmt, 0))) { switch_copy_string(str, (char *) txt, len); status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { goto end; } } break; } else if (result == SWITCH_CORE_DB_BUSY) { running++; switch_cond_next(); continue; } break; } switch_core_db_finalize(stmt); } } break; case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { status = switch_odbc_handle_exec_string(dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh, sql, str, len); } break; } end: if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->io_mutex); } return status == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS ? str : NULL; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_cache_db_persistant_execute(switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh, const char *sql, uint32_t retries) { char *errmsg = NULL; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; uint8_t forever = 0; if (!retries) { forever = 1; retries = 1000; } if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_lock(dbh->io_mutex); } while (retries > 0) { switch_cache_db_execute_sql_real(dbh, sql, &errmsg); if (errmsg) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "SQL ERR [%s]\n", errmsg); switch_safe_free(errmsg); switch_yield(100000); retries--; if (retries == 0 && forever) { retries = 1000; continue; } } else { status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->io_mutex); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_cache_db_persistant_execute_trans(switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh, char *sql, uint32_t retries) { char *errmsg = NULL; switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; uint8_t forever = 0; unsigned begin_retries = 100; uint8_t again = 0; if (!retries) { forever = 1; retries = 1000; } if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_lock(dbh->io_mutex); } again: while (begin_retries > 0) { again = 0; switch_cache_db_execute_sql_real(dbh, "BEGIN", &errmsg); if (errmsg) { begin_retries--; if (strstr(errmsg, "cannot start a transaction within a transaction")) { again = 1; } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "SQL Retry [%s]\n", errmsg); } free(errmsg); errmsg = NULL; if (again) { switch_cache_db_execute_sql_real(dbh, "COMMIT", NULL); goto again; } switch_yield(100000); if (begin_retries == 0) { goto done; } } else { break; } } while (retries > 0) { switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, sql, &errmsg); if (errmsg) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "SQL ERR [%s]\n", errmsg); free(errmsg); errmsg = NULL; switch_yield(100000); retries--; if (retries == 0 && forever) { retries = 1000; continue; } } else { status = SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } } done: switch_cache_db_execute_sql_real(dbh, "COMMIT", NULL); if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->io_mutex); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(switch_status_t) switch_cache_db_execute_sql_callback(switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh, const char *sql, switch_core_db_callback_func_t callback, void *pdata, char **err) { switch_status_t status = SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; char *errmsg = NULL; if (err) *err = NULL; if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_lock(dbh->io_mutex); } switch (dbh->type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { status = switch_odbc_handle_callback_exec(dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh, sql, callback, pdata, err); } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { status = switch_core_db_exec(dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh, sql, callback, pdata, &errmsg); if (errmsg) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "SQL ERR: [%s] %s\n", sql, errmsg); free(errmsg); } } break; } if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->io_mutex); } return status; } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_cache_db_test_reactive(switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh, const char *test_sql, const char *drop_sql, const char *reactive_sql) { char *errmsg; if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_lock(dbh->io_mutex); } switch (dbh->type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { if (switch_odbc_handle_exec(dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh, test_sql, NULL) != SWITCH_ODBC_SUCCESS) { if (drop_sql) { switch_odbc_handle_exec(dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh, drop_sql, NULL); } switch_odbc_handle_exec(dbh->native_handle.odbc_dbh, reactive_sql, NULL); } } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { if (test_sql) { switch_core_db_exec(dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh, test_sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (errmsg) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "SQL ERR [%s]\n[%s]\nAuto Generating Table!\n", errmsg, test_sql); switch_core_db_free(errmsg); errmsg = NULL; if (drop_sql) { switch_core_db_exec(dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh, drop_sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); } if (errmsg) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "SQL ERR [%s]\n[%s]\n", errmsg, reactive_sql); switch_core_db_free(errmsg); errmsg = NULL; } switch_core_db_exec(dbh->native_handle.core_db_dbh, reactive_sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg); if (errmsg) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "SQL ERR [%s]\n[%s]\n", errmsg, reactive_sql); switch_core_db_free(errmsg); errmsg = NULL; } } } } break; } if (dbh->io_mutex) { switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->io_mutex); } } #define SQLLEN 1024 * 1024 static void *SWITCH_THREAD_FUNC switch_core_sql_thread(switch_thread_t * thread, void *obj) { void *pop; uint32_t itterations = 0; uint8_t trans = 0, nothing_in_queue = 0; uint32_t target = 100000; switch_size_t len = 0, sql_len = SQLLEN; char *tmp, *sqlbuf = (char *) malloc(sql_len); char *sql; switch_size_t newlen; int lc = 0; uint32_t loops = 0, sec = 0; uint32_t l1 = 1000; switch_assert(sqlbuf); if (!sql_manager.manage) { l1 = 10; } if (!sql_manager.event_db) { switch_core_db_handle(&sql_manager.event_db); } sql_manager.thread_running = 1; while(sql_manager.thread_running == 1) { if (++loops == l1) { if (++sec == SQL_CACHE_TIMEOUT) { sql_close(switch_epoch_time_now(NULL)); sec = 0; } loops = 0; } if (!sql_manager.manage) { switch_yield(100000); continue; } if (switch_queue_trypop(sql_manager.sql_queue[0], &pop) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS || switch_queue_trypop(sql_manager.sql_queue[1], &pop) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { sql = (char *) pop; if (sql) { newlen = strlen(sql) + 2; if (itterations == 0) { trans = 1; } /* ignore abnormally large strings sql strings as potential buffer overflow */ if (newlen < SQLLEN) { itterations++; if (len + newlen > sql_len) { sql_len = len + SQLLEN; if (!(tmp = realloc(sqlbuf, sql_len))) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "SQL thread ending on mem err\n"); abort(); break; } sqlbuf = tmp; } sprintf(sqlbuf + len, "%s;\n", sql); len += newlen; } switch_core_db_free(sql); } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_NOTICE, "SQL thread ending\n"); break; } } else { nothing_in_queue = 1; } if (trans && ((itterations == target) || (nothing_in_queue && ++lc >= 500))) { if (switch_cache_db_persistant_execute_trans(sql_manager.event_db, sqlbuf, 1) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CRIT, "SQL thread unable to commit transaction, records lost!\n"); } itterations = 0; trans = 0; nothing_in_queue = 0; len = 0; *sqlbuf = '\0'; lc = 0; } if (nothing_in_queue) { switch_cond_next(); } } while (switch_queue_trypop(sql_manager.sql_queue[0], &pop) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { free(pop); } while (switch_queue_trypop(sql_manager.sql_queue[1], &pop) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { free(pop); } free(sqlbuf); sql_manager.thread_running = 0; switch_cache_db_release_db_handle(&sql_manager.event_db); return NULL; } static void core_event_handler(switch_event_t *event) { char *sql = NULL; switch_assert(event); switch (event->event_id) { case SWITCH_EVENT_ADD_SCHEDULE: { const char *id = switch_event_get_header(event, "task-id"); const char *manager = switch_event_get_header(event, "task-sql_manager"); if (id) { sql = switch_mprintf("insert into tasks values(%q,'%q','%q',%q, '%q')", id, switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "task-desc"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "task-group"), manager ? manager : "0", switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); } } break; case SWITCH_EVENT_DEL_SCHEDULE: case SWITCH_EVENT_EXE_SCHEDULE: sql = switch_mprintf("delete from tasks where task_id=%q and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "task-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); break; case SWITCH_EVENT_RE_SCHEDULE: { const char *id = switch_event_get_header(event, "task-id"); const char *manager = switch_event_get_header(event, "task-sql_manager"); if (id) { sql = switch_mprintf("update tasks set task_desc='%q',task_group='%q', task_sql_manager=%q where task_id=%q and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "task-desc"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "task-group"), manager ? manager : "0", id, switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); } } break; case SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_DESTROY: sql = switch_mprintf("delete from channels where uuid='%q' and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); break; case SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_UUID: { sql = switch_mprintf( "update channels set uuid='%q' where uuid='%q' and hostname='%q';" "update calls set caller_uuid='%q' where caller_uuid='%q' and hostname='%q';" "update calls set callee_uuid='%q' where callee_uuid='%q' and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "old-unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "old-unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "old-unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); break; } case SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_CREATE: sql = switch_mprintf("insert into channels (uuid,direction,created,created_epoch, name,state,dialplan,context,hostname) " "values('%q','%q','%q','%ld','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q')", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "call-direction"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "event-date-local"), (long)switch_epoch_time_now(NULL), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-name"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-state"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-dialplan"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-context"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); break; case SWITCH_EVENT_CODEC: sql = switch_mprintf ("update channels set read_codec='%q',read_rate='%q',write_codec='%q',write_rate='%q' where uuid='%q' and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-read-codec-name"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-read-codec-rate"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-write-codec-name"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-write-codec-rate"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); break; case SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_EXECUTE: sql = switch_mprintf("update channels set application='%q',application_data='%q'," "presence_id='%q',presence_data='%q' where uuid='%q' and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "application"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "application-data"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-presence-id"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-presence-data"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); break; case SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_STATE: { char *state = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-state-number"); switch_channel_state_t state_i = CS_DESTROY; if (!zstr(state)) { state_i = atoi(state); } switch (state_i) { case CS_HANGUP: case CS_DESTROY: break; case CS_ROUTING: sql = switch_mprintf("update channels set state='%s',cid_name='%q',cid_num='%q'," "ip_addr='%s',dest='%q',dialplan='%q',context='%q',presence_id='%q',presence_data='%q' " "where uuid='%s' and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-state"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-caller-id-name"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-caller-id-number"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-network-addr"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-destination-number"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-dialplan"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-context"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-presence-id"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-presence-data"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); break; default: sql = switch_mprintf("update channels set state='%s' where uuid='%s' and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "channel-state"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); break; } break; } case SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_BRIDGE: sql = switch_mprintf("insert into calls values ('%s', '%ld', '%s','%q','%q','%q','%q','%s','%q','%q','%q','%q','%s','%q')", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "event-date-local"), (long)switch_epoch_time_now(NULL), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "event-calling-function"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-caller-id-name"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-caller-id-number"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-destination-number"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-channel-name"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-unique-id"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "Other-Leg-caller-id-name"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "Other-Leg-caller-id-number"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "Other-Leg-destination-number"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "Other-Leg-channel-name"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "Other-Leg-unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); break; case SWITCH_EVENT_CHANNEL_UNBRIDGE: sql = switch_mprintf("delete from calls where caller_uuid='%s' and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); break; case SWITCH_EVENT_SHUTDOWN: sql = switch_mprintf("delete from channels where hostname='%q';" "delete from interfaces where hostname='%q';" "delete from calls where hostname='%q'", switch_core_get_variable("hostname"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); break; case SWITCH_EVENT_LOG: return; case SWITCH_EVENT_MODULE_LOAD: { const char *type = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "type"); const char *name = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "name"); const char *description = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "description"); const char *syntax = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "syntax"); const char *key = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "key"); const char *filename = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "filename"); if (!zstr(type) && !zstr(name)) { sql = switch_mprintf("insert into interfaces (type,name,description,syntax,ikey,filename,hostname) values('%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q','%q')", type, name, switch_str_nil(description), switch_str_nil(syntax), switch_str_nil(key), switch_str_nil(filename), switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); } break; } case SWITCH_EVENT_MODULE_UNLOAD: { const char *type = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "type"); const char *name = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "name"); if (!zstr(type) && !zstr(name)) { sql = switch_mprintf("delete from interfaces where type='%q' and name='%q' and hostname='%q'", type, name, switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); } break; } case SWITCH_EVENT_CALL_SECURE: { const char *type = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "secure_type"); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_DEBUG, "Secure Type: %s\n", type); if (zstr(type)) { break; } sql = switch_mprintf("update channels set secure='%s' where uuid='%s' and hostname='%q'", type, switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "caller-unique-id"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); break; } case SWITCH_EVENT_NAT: { const char *op = switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "op"); switch_bool_t sticky = switch_true(switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "sticky")); if (!strcmp("add", op)) { sql = switch_mprintf("insert into nat (port, proto, sticky, hostname) values (%s, %s, %d,'%q')", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "port"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "proto"), sticky, switch_core_get_variable("hostname") ); } else if (!strcmp("del", op)) { sql = switch_mprintf("delete from nat where port=%s and proto=%s and hostname='%q'", switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "port"), switch_event_get_header_nil(event, "proto"), switch_core_get_variable("hostname")); } else if (!strcmp("status", op)) { /* call show nat api */ } else if (!strcmp("status_response", op)) { /* ignore */ } else { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown op for SWITCH_EVENT_NAT: %s\n", op); } break; } default: break; } if (sql) { if (switch_stristr("update channels", sql)) { switch_queue_push(sql_manager.sql_queue[1], sql); } else { switch_queue_push(sql_manager.sql_queue[0], sql); } sql = NULL; } } static char create_complete_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE complete (\n" " sticky INTEGER,\n" " a1 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a2 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a3 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a4 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a5 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a6 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a7 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a8 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a9 VARCHAR(128),\n" " a10 VARCHAR(128),\n" " hostname VARCHAR(256)\n" ");\n"; static char create_alias_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE aliases (\n" " sticky INTEGER,\n" " alias VARCHAR(128),\n" " command VARCHAR(4096),\n" " hostname VARCHAR(256)\n" ");\n"; static char create_channels_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE channels (\n" " uuid VARCHAR(256),\n" " direction VARCHAR(32),\n" " created VARCHAR(128),\n" " created_epoch INTEGER,\n" " name VARCHAR(1024),\n" " state VARCHAR(64),\n" " cid_name VARCHAR(1024),\n" " cid_num VARCHAR(256),\n" " ip_addr VARCHAR(256),\n" " dest VARCHAR(1024),\n" " application VARCHAR(128),\n" " application_data VARCHAR(4096),\n" " dialplan VARCHAR(128),\n" " context VARCHAR(128),\n" " read_codec VARCHAR(128),\n" " read_rate VARCHAR(32),\n" " write_codec VARCHAR(128),\n" " write_rate VARCHAR(32),\n" " secure VARCHAR(32),\n" " hostname VARCHAR(256),\n" " presence_id VARCHAR(4096),\n" " presence_data VARCHAR(4096)\n" ");\ncreate index uuindex on channels (uuid,hostname);\n"; static char create_calls_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE calls (\n" " call_created VARCHAR(128),\n" " call_created_epoch INTEGER,\n" " function VARCHAR(1024),\n" " caller_cid_name VARCHAR(1024),\n" " caller_cid_num VARCHAR(256),\n" " caller_dest_num VARCHAR(256),\n" " caller_chan_name VARCHAR(1024),\n" " caller_uuid VARCHAR(256),\n" " callee_cid_name VARCHAR(1024),\n" " callee_cid_num VARCHAR(256),\n" " callee_dest_num VARCHAR(256),\n" " callee_chan_name VARCHAR(1024),\n" " callee_uuid VARCHAR(256),\n" " hostname VARCHAR(256)\n" ");\n" "create index eruuindex on calls (caller_uuid,hostname);\n" "create index eeuuindex on calls (callee_uuid,hostname);\n"; static char create_interfaces_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE interfaces (\n" " type VARCHAR(128),\n" " name VARCHAR(1024),\n" " description VARCHAR(4096),\n" " ikey VARCHAR(1024),\n" " filename VARCHAR(4096),\n" " syntax VARCHAR(4096),\n" " hostname VARCHAR(256)\n" ");\n"; static char create_tasks_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE tasks (\n" " task_id INTEGER,\n" " task_desc VARCHAR(4096),\n" " task_group VARCHAR(1024),\n" " task_sql_manager INTEGER,\n" " hostname VARCHAR(256)\n" ");\n"; static char create_nat_sql[] = "CREATE TABLE nat (\n" " sticky INTEGER,\n" " port INTEGER,\n" " proto INTEGER,\n" " hostname VARCHAR(256)\n" ");\n"; switch_status_t switch_core_sqldb_start(switch_memory_pool_t *pool, switch_bool_t manage) { switch_threadattr_t *thd_attr; switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh; sql_manager.memory_pool = pool; sql_manager.manage = manage; switch_mutex_init(&sql_manager.dbh_mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, sql_manager.memory_pool); switch_mutex_init(&sql_manager.io_mutex, SWITCH_MUTEX_NESTED, sql_manager.memory_pool); switch_core_hash_init(&sql_manager.dbh_hash, sql_manager.memory_pool); top: /* Activate SQL database */ if (switch_core_db_handle(&dbh) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Error Opening DB!\n"); if (runtime.odbc_dsn) { runtime.odbc_dsn = NULL; runtime.odbc_user = NULL; runtime.odbc_pass = NULL; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_WARNING, "Falling back to core_db.\n"); goto top; } switch_clear_flag((&runtime), SCF_USE_SQL); return SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE; } switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_INFO, "Opening DB\n"); switch (dbh->type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { char sql[512] = ""; char *tables[] = {"channels", "calls", "interfaces", "tasks", NULL}; int i; const char *hostname = switch_core_get_variable("hostname"); for(i = 0; tables[i]; i++) { switch_snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql), "delete from %s where hostname='%s'", tables[i], hostname); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, sql, NULL); } } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "drop table channels", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "drop table calls", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "drop table interfaces", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "drop table tasks", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "PRAGMA count_changes=OFF;", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "PRAGMA cache_size=8000", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY;", NULL); } break; } switch_cache_db_test_reactive(dbh, "select hostname from complete", "DROP TABLE complete", create_complete_sql); switch_cache_db_test_reactive(dbh, "select hostname from aliases", "DROP TABLE aliases", create_alias_sql); switch_cache_db_test_reactive(dbh, "select hostname from nat", "DROP TABLE nat", create_nat_sql); switch (dbh->type) { case SCDB_TYPE_ODBC: { char *err; switch_cache_db_test_reactive(dbh, "select hostname from channels", "DROP TABLE channels", create_channels_sql); switch_cache_db_test_reactive(dbh, "select hostname from calls", "DROP TABLE calls", create_calls_sql); switch_cache_db_test_reactive(dbh, "select ikey from interfaces", "DROP TABLE interfaces", create_interfaces_sql); switch_cache_db_test_reactive(dbh, "select hostname from tasks", "DROP TABLE tasks", create_tasks_sql); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "begin;delete from channels where hostname='';delete from channels where hostname='';commit;", &err); if (err) { runtime.odbc_dsn = NULL; runtime.odbc_user = NULL; runtime.odbc_pass = NULL; switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Transactions not supported on your DB, disabling ODBC\n"); switch_cache_db_release_db_handle(&dbh); free(err); goto top; } } break; case SCDB_TYPE_CORE_DB: { switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, create_channels_sql, NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, create_calls_sql, NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, create_interfaces_sql, NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, create_tasks_sql, NULL); } break; } switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "delete from complete where sticky=0", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "delete from aliases where sticky=0", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "delete from nat where sticky=0", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index alias1 on aliases (alias)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index tasks1 on tasks (hostname,task_id)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete1 on complete (a1,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete2 on complete (a2,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete3 on complete (a3,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete4 on complete (a4,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete5 on complete (a5,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete6 on complete (a6,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete7 on complete (a7,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete8 on complete (a8,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete9 on complete (a9,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index complete10 on complete (a10,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index nat_map_port_proto on nat (port,proto,hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index channels1 on channels(hostname)", NULL); switch_cache_db_execute_sql(dbh, "create index calls1 on calls(hostname)", NULL); if (sql_manager.manage) { if (switch_event_bind_removable("core_db", SWITCH_EVENT_ALL, SWITCH_EVENT_SUBCLASS_ANY, core_event_handler, NULL, &sql_manager.event_node) != SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't bind event handler!\n"); } switch_queue_create(&sql_manager.sql_queue[0], SWITCH_SQL_QUEUE_LEN, sql_manager.memory_pool); switch_queue_create(&sql_manager.sql_queue[1], SWITCH_SQL_QUEUE_LEN, sql_manager.memory_pool); } switch_threadattr_create(&thd_attr, sql_manager.memory_pool); switch_threadattr_stacksize_set(thd_attr, SWITCH_THREAD_STACKSIZE); switch_thread_create(&sql_manager.thread, thd_attr, switch_core_sql_thread, NULL, sql_manager.memory_pool); while (!sql_manager.thread_running) { switch_yield(10000); } switch_cache_db_release_db_handle(&dbh); return SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void switch_core_sqldb_stop(void) { switch_status_t st; switch_event_unbind(&sql_manager.event_node); if (sql_manager.thread && sql_manager.thread_running) { if (sql_manager.manage) { switch_queue_push(sql_manager.sql_queue[0], NULL); switch_queue_push(sql_manager.sql_queue[1], NULL); switch_log_printf(SWITCH_CHANNEL_LOG, SWITCH_LOG_CONSOLE, "Waiting for unfinished SQL transactions\n"); } sql_manager.thread_running = -1; switch_thread_join(&st, sql_manager.thread); } sql_close(0); switch_core_hash_destroy(&sql_manager.dbh_hash); } SWITCH_DECLARE(void) switch_cache_db_status(switch_stream_handle_t *stream) { /* return some status info suitable for the cli */ switch_hash_index_t *hi; switch_cache_db_handle_t *dbh = NULL; void *val; const void *var; char *key; switch_bool_t locked = SWITCH_FALSE; time_t now = switch_epoch_time_now(NULL); char cleankey_str[CACHE_DB_LEN]; char *pos1 = NULL; char *pos2 = NULL; switch_mutex_lock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); for (hi = switch_hash_first(NULL, sql_manager.dbh_hash); hi; hi = switch_hash_next(hi)) { switch_hash_this(hi, &var, NULL, &val); key = (char *) var; if ((dbh = (switch_cache_db_handle_t *) val)) { char *needle = "pass=\""; time_t diff = 0; diff = now - dbh->last_used; if (switch_mutex_trylock(dbh->mutex) == SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS) { switch_mutex_unlock(dbh->mutex); locked = SWITCH_FALSE; } else { locked = SWITCH_TRUE; } /* sanitize password */ memset(cleankey_str, 0, sizeof(cleankey_str)); pos1 = strstr(key, needle) + strlen(needle); pos2 = strstr(pos1, "\""); strncpy(cleankey_str, key, pos1-key); strcpy(&cleankey_str[pos1-key], pos2); stream->write_function(stream, "%s\n\tType: %s\n\tLast used: %d\n\tFlags: %s, %s\n" "\tCreator: %s\n\tLast User: %s\n", cleankey_str, switch_cache_db_type_name(dbh->type), diff, locked ? "Locked" : "Unlocked", switch_test_flag(dbh, CDF_INUSE) ? "Attached" : "Detached", dbh->creator, dbh->last_user); } } switch_mutex_unlock(sql_manager.dbh_mutex); } /* For Emacs: * Local Variables: * mode:c * indent-tabs-mode:t * tab-width:4 * c-basic-offset:4 * End: * For VIM: * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4: */