/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@ingroup su_socket * @CFILE su.c OS-independent socket functions * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Thu Mar 18 19:40:51 1999 pessi */ #include "config.h" #if HAVE_SYS_SOCKIO_H #include <sys/sockio.h> #endif #include <sofia-sip/su.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_log.h> #include <sofia-sip/su_alloc.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #if HAVE_SIGNAL #include <signal.h> #endif #if !SU_HAVE_BSDSOCK && !SU_HAVE_WINSOCK #error Bad configuration #endif #ifndef FD_CLOEXEC #define FD_CLOEXEC (1) #endif int su_socket_close_on_exec = 0; int su_socket_blocking = 0; #if HAVE_OPEN_C && HAVE_NET_IF_H #include <net/if.h> #endif #if SU_HAVE_BSDSOCK && HAVE_OPEN_C char su_global_ap_name[IFNAMSIZ]; extern int su_get_local_ip_addr(su_sockaddr_t *su); #endif /** Create a socket endpoint for communication. * * @param af addressing family * @param socktype socket type * @param proto protocol number specific to the addressing family * * The newly created socket is nonblocking unless global variable * su_socket_blocking is set to true. * * Also, the newly created socket is closed on exec() if global variable * su_socket_close_on_exec is set to true. Note that a multithreaded program * can fork() and exec() before the close-on-exec flag is set. * * @return A valid socket descriptor or INVALID_SOCKET (-1) upon an error. */ su_socket_t su_socket(int af, int socktype, int proto) { #if HAVE_OPEN_C struct ifconf ifc; int numifs = 64; char *buffer; struct ifreq ifr; int const su_xtra = 0; #endif su_socket_t s = socket(af, socktype, proto); if (s != INVALID_SOCKET) { #if SU_HAVE_BSDSOCK if (su_socket_close_on_exec) fcntl(s, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); /* Close on exec */ #endif if (!su_socket_blocking) /* All sockets are born blocking */ su_setblocking(s, 0); } #if HAVE_OPEN_C /* Use AP we have raised up */ memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(struct ifreq)); strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, (char const *) su_global_ap_name, IFNAMSIZ); /* Assign socket to an already active access point (interface) */ ioctl(s, SIOCSIFNAME, &ifr); ioctl(s, SIOCIFSTART, &ifr); #endif return s; } #if HAVE_OPEN_C #include <errno.h> su_sockaddr_t su_ap[1]; int ifindex; void *aConnection; extern void *su_localinfo_ap_set(su_sockaddr_t *su, int *index); extern int su_localinfo_ap_deinit(void *aconn); #define NUMIFS 64 int su_localinfo_ap_name_to_index(int ap_index) { struct ifconf ifc; struct ifreq *ifr, *ifr_next; int error = EFAULT; char *buffer, buf[NUMIFS * sizeof(struct ifreq)]; su_socket_t s; s= socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (s < 0) return -1; ifc.ifc_len = NUMIFS * sizeof (struct ifreq); memset(buf, 0, ifc.ifc_len); ifc.ifc_buf = buf; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *)&ifc) < 0) { return error; } buffer = ifc.ifc_buf + ifc.ifc_len; for (ifr = ifc.ifc_req; (void *)ifr < (void *)buffer; ifr = ifr_next) { struct ifreq ifreq[1]; int scope, if_index, flags = 0, gni_flags = 0; char *if_name; su_sockaddr_t su2[1]; #if SA_LEN if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len > sizeof(ifr->ifr_addr)) ifr_next = (struct ifreq *) (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len + (char *)(&ifr->ifr_addr)); else #else ifr_next = ifr + 1; #endif if_name = ifr->ifr_name; #if defined(SIOCGIFINDEX) ifreq[0] = *ifr; if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFINDEX, ifreq) < 0) { return -1; } #if HAVE_IFR_INDEX if_index = ifreq->ifr_index; #elif HAVE_IFR_IFINDEX if_index = ifreq->ifr_ifindex; #else #error Unknown index field in struct ifreq #endif if (ap_index == if_index) { strncpy(su_global_ap_name, (const char *) if_name, sizeof(su_global_ap_name)); error = 0; }; #else #error su_localinfo() cannot map interface name to number #endif } close(s); return error; } #endif #if SU_HAVE_BSDSOCK || DOCUMENTATION_ONLY /** Initialize socket implementation. * * Before using any sofia-sip-ua functions, the application should call * su_init() in order to initialize run-time environment including sockets. * This function may prepare plugins if there are any. * * @par POSIX Implementation * The su_init() initializes debugging logs and ignores the SIGPIPE signal. * * @par Windows Implementation * The function su_init() initializes Winsock2 library on Windows. * * @par Symbian Implementation * The function su_init() prompts user to select an access point (interface * towards Internet) and uses the activated access point for the socket * operations. */ int su_init(void) { #if HAVE_OPEN_C char apname[60]; su_socket_t s; #endif su_home_threadsafe(NULL); #if HAVE_SIGPIPE signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* we want to get EPIPE instead */ #endif #if HAVE_OPEN_C /* This code takes care of enabling an access point (interface) */ aConnection = su_localinfo_ap_set(su_ap, &ifindex); su_localinfo_ap_name_to_index(ifindex); #endif su_log_init(su_log_default); su_log_init(su_log_global); return 0; } /** Deinitialize socket implementation. */ void su_deinit(void) { #if HAVE_OPEN_C su_localinfo_ap_deinit(aConnection); #endif } /** Close an socket descriptor. */ int su_close(su_socket_t s) { return close(s); } int su_setblocking(su_socket_t s, int blocking) { int mode = fcntl(s, F_GETFL, 0); if (mode < 0) return -1; if (blocking) mode &= ~(O_NDELAY | O_NONBLOCK); else mode |= O_NDELAY | O_NONBLOCK; return fcntl(s, F_SETFL, mode); } #endif #if SU_HAVE_WINSOCK int su_init(void) { WORD wVersionRequested; WSADATA wsaData; wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 0); if (WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData) !=0) { return -1; } su_log_init(su_log_default); su_log_init(su_log_global); return 0; } void su_deinit(void) { WSACleanup(); } /** Close a socket descriptor. */ int su_close(su_socket_t s) { return closesocket(s); } /** Control socket. */ int su_ioctl(su_socket_t s, int request, ...) { int retval; void *argp; va_list va; va_start(va, request); argp = va_arg(va, void *); retval = ioctlsocket(s, request, argp); va_end(va); return retval; } int su_is_blocking(int errcode) { return errcode == EAGAIN || errcode == EWOULDBLOCK || errcode == EINPROGRESS; } int su_setblocking(su_socket_t s, int blocking) { unsigned long nonBlock = !blocking; return ioctlsocket(s, FIONBIO, &nonBlock); } #endif /* SU_HAVE_WINSOCK */ int su_soerror(su_socket_t s) { int error = 0; socklen_t errorlen = sizeof(error); getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void *)&error, &errorlen); return error; } int su_getsocktype(su_socket_t s) { int socktype = 0; socklen_t intlen = sizeof(socktype); if (getsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TYPE, (void *)&socktype, &intlen) < 0) return -1; return socktype; } int su_setreuseaddr(su_socket_t s, int reuse) { return setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (void *)&reuse, (socklen_t)sizeof(reuse)); } #if HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H #include <sys/filio.h> #endif #if SU_HAVE_WINSOCK issize_t su_getmsgsize(su_socket_t s) { unsigned long n = (unsigned long)-1; if (ioctlsocket(s, FIONREAD, &n) == -1) return -1; return (issize_t)n; } #elif HAVE_OPEN_C issize_t su_getmsgsize(su_socket_t s) { int n = -1; if (su_ioctl(s, E32IONREAD, &n) == -1) return -1; return (issize_t)n; } #else issize_t su_getmsgsize(su_socket_t s) { int n = -1; if (su_ioctl(s, FIONREAD, &n) == -1) return -1; return (issize_t)n; } #endif #if SU_HAVE_WINSOCK && SU_HAVE_IN6 /** Return a pointer to the in6addr_any. */ struct in_addr6 const *su_in6addr_any(void) { static const struct in_addr6 a = SU_IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT; return &a; } /** Return a pointer to IPv6 loopback address */ struct in_addr6 const *su_in6addr_loopback(void) { static const struct in_addr6 a = SU_IN6ADDR_LOOPBACK_INIT; return &a; } #endif #if SU_HAVE_WINSOCK || DOCUMENTATION_ONLY /** Call send() with POSIX-compatible signature */ ssize_t su_send(su_socket_t s, void *buffer, size_t length, int flags) { if (length > INT_MAX) length = INT_MAX; return (ssize_t)send(s, buffer, (int)length, flags); } /** Call sendto() with POSIX-compatible signature */ ssize_t su_sendto(su_socket_t s, void *buffer, size_t length, int flags, su_sockaddr_t const *to, socklen_t tolen) { if (length > INT_MAX) length = INT_MAX; return (ssize_t)sendto(s, buffer, (int)length, flags, &to->su_sa, (int) tolen); } /** Call recv() with POSIX-compatible signature */ ssize_t su_recv(su_socket_t s, void *buffer, size_t length, int flags) { if (length > INT_MAX) length = INT_MAX; return (ssize_t)recv(s, buffer, (int)length, flags); } /** Call recvfrom() with POSIX-compatible signature */ ssize_t su_recvfrom(su_socket_t s, void *buffer, size_t length, int flags, su_sockaddr_t *from, socklen_t *fromlen) { int retval, ilen = 0; if (fromlen) ilen = *fromlen; if (length > INT_MAX) length = INT_MAX; retval = recvfrom(s, buffer, (int)length, flags, &from->su_sa, fromlen ? &ilen : NULL); if (fromlen) *fromlen = ilen; return (ssize_t)retval; } /** Scatter/gather send */ issize_t su_vsend(su_socket_t s, su_iovec_t const iov[], isize_t iovlen, int flags, su_sockaddr_t const *su, socklen_t sulen) { int ret; DWORD bytes_sent = (DWORD)su_failure; ret = WSASendTo(s, (LPWSABUF)iov, (DWORD)iovlen, &bytes_sent, flags, &su->su_sa, sulen, NULL, NULL); if (ret < 0) return (issize_t)ret; else return (issize_t)bytes_sent; } /** Scatter/gather recv */ issize_t su_vrecv(su_socket_t s, su_iovec_t iov[], isize_t iovlen, int flags, su_sockaddr_t *su, socklen_t *sulen) { int ret; DWORD bytes_recv = (DWORD)su_failure; DWORD dflags = flags; int fromlen = sulen ? *sulen : 0; ret = WSARecvFrom(s, (LPWSABUF)iov, (DWORD)iovlen, &bytes_recv, &dflags, &su->su_sa, sulen ? &fromlen : NULL, NULL, NULL); if (sulen) *sulen = fromlen; if (ret < 0) return (issize_t)ret; else return (issize_t)bytes_recv; } #else issize_t su_vsend(su_socket_t s, su_iovec_t const iov[], isize_t iovlen, int flags, su_sockaddr_t const *su, socklen_t sulen) { struct msghdr hdr[1] = {{0}}; hdr->msg_name = (void *)su; hdr->msg_namelen = sulen; hdr->msg_iov = (struct iovec *)iov; hdr->msg_iovlen = iovlen; return sendmsg(s, hdr, flags); } issize_t su_vrecv(su_socket_t s, su_iovec_t iov[], isize_t iovlen, int flags, su_sockaddr_t *su, socklen_t *sulen) { struct msghdr hdr[1] = {{0}}; issize_t retval; hdr->msg_name = (void *)su; if (su && sulen) hdr->msg_namelen = *sulen; hdr->msg_iov = (struct iovec *)iov; hdr->msg_iovlen = iovlen; retval = recvmsg(s, hdr, flags); if (su && sulen) *sulen = hdr->msg_namelen; return retval; } #endif /** Compare two socket addresses */ int su_cmp_sockaddr(su_sockaddr_t const *a, su_sockaddr_t const *b) { int rv; /* Check that a and b are non-NULL */ if ((rv = (a != NULL) - (b != NULL)) || a == NULL /* && b == NULL */) return rv; if ((rv = a->su_family - b->su_family)) return rv; if (a->su_family == AF_INET) rv = memcmp(&a->su_sin.sin_addr, &b->su_sin.sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr)); #if SU_HAVE_IN6 else if (a->su_family == AF_INET6) rv = memcmp(&a->su_sin6.sin6_addr, &b->su_sin6.sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr)); #endif else rv = memcmp(a, b, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if (rv) return rv; return a->su_port - b->su_port; } /** Check if socket address b match with a. * * The function su_match_sockaddr() returns true if the socket address @a b * matches with the socket address @a a. This happens if either all the * interesting fields are identical: address family, port number, address, * and scope ID (in case of IPv6) or that the @a a contains a wildcard * (zero) in their place. */ int su_match_sockaddr(su_sockaddr_t const *a, su_sockaddr_t const *b) { /* Check that a and b are non-NULL */ if (a == NULL) return 1; if (b == NULL) return 0; if (a->su_family != 0 && a->su_family != b->su_family) return 0; if (a->su_family == 0 || SU_SOCKADDR_INADDR_ANY(a)) ; else if (a->su_family == AF_INET) { if (memcmp(&a->su_sin.sin_addr, &b->su_sin.sin_addr, sizeof(struct in_addr))) return 0; } #if SU_HAVE_IN6 else if (a->su_family == AF_INET6) { if (a->su_scope_id != 0 && a->su_scope_id != b->su_scope_id) return 0; if (memcmp(&a->su_sin6.sin6_addr, &b->su_sin6.sin6_addr, sizeof(struct in6_addr))) return 0; } #endif else if (memcmp(a, b, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) return 0; if (a->su_port == 0) return 1; return a->su_port == b->su_port; } /** Convert mapped/compat address to IPv4 address */ void su_canonize_sockaddr(su_sockaddr_t *su) { #if SU_HAVE_IN6 if (su->su_family != AF_INET6) return; if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&su->su_sin6.sin6_addr) && !IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT(&su->su_sin6.sin6_addr)) return; su->su_family = AF_INET; su->su_array32[1] = su->su_array32[5]; su->su_array32[2] = 0; su->su_array32[3] = 0; #endif }