/*- * Copyright (c) 2000 * Konstantin Chuguev. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Konstantin Chuguev * and its contributors. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * iconv (Charset Conversion Library) v1.0 */ #include <stdlib.h> #define ICONV_INTERNAL #include <iconv.h> static const char * const names[] = { "unicode-1-1-utf-7", "utf-7", NULL }; static const char * const * utf7_names(struct iconv_ces *ces) { return names; } static APR_INLINE int lackofbytes(int bytes, apr_size_t *bytesleft) { if (bytes > *bytesleft) return 1; (*bytesleft) -= bytes; return 0; } static const char *base64_str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/"; #define base64(ch) (base64_str[(ch) & 0x3F]) static APR_INLINE int output(char ch, unsigned char **outbuf) { *(*outbuf)++ = ch; return 1; } static int encode(char *state, ucs_t ch, unsigned char **outbuf) { switch (state[0]) { case 2: output(base64(state[1] | (ch >> 14)), outbuf); output(base64(ch >> 8), outbuf); output(base64(ch >> 2), outbuf); state[1] = ch << 4; state[0] = 3; break; case 3: output(base64(state[1] | (ch >> 12)), outbuf); output(base64(ch >> 6), outbuf); output(base64(ch), outbuf); state[0] = 1; break; default: output(base64(ch >> 10), outbuf); output(base64(ch >> 4), outbuf); state[1] = ch << 2; state[0] = 2; } return 1; } enum { utf7_printable, utf7_base64, utf7_encoded, utf7_shift_in, utf7_shift_out, utf7_end }; #define between(ch, min, max) ((min) <= (ch) && (ch) <= (max)) static int char_type(ucs_t ch) { switch (ch) { case UCS_CHAR_NONE: return utf7_end; case '-': return utf7_shift_out; case '+': return utf7_shift_in; case ':': case '?': return utf7_printable; } return (between(ch, '/', '9') || between(ch, 'A', 'Z') || between(ch, 'a', 'z')) ? utf7_base64 : (ch <= ' ' || (between(ch, '\'', '.') && ch != '*')) ? utf7_printable : utf7_encoded; } static apr_ssize_t convert_from_ucs(struct iconv_ces *module, ucs_t in, unsigned char **outbuf, apr_size_t *outbytesleft) { #define utf7_state ((char *)(module->data)) int ch = char_type(in), needbytes = 3; if (iconv_char32bit(in)) return -1; if (utf7_state[0]) { needbytes = utf7_state[0] > 1 ? 1 : 0; switch (ch) { case utf7_encoded: case utf7_shift_in: return lackofbytes(needbytes + 2, outbytesleft) ? 0 : encode(utf7_state, in, outbuf); case utf7_base64: case utf7_shift_out: needbytes ++; case utf7_printable: needbytes ++; break; default: if (needbytes) { output(base64(utf7_state[1]), outbuf); (*outbytesleft) --; } return 1; } if (lackofbytes(needbytes, outbytesleft)) return 0; if (utf7_state[0] > 1) output(base64(utf7_state[1]), outbuf); if (ch != utf7_printable) output('-', outbuf); utf7_state[0] = 0; return output((unsigned char)in, outbuf); } switch (ch) { case utf7_end: return 1; case utf7_base64: case utf7_printable: case utf7_shift_out: (*outbytesleft) --; return output((unsigned char)in, outbuf); case utf7_shift_in: needbytes = 2; } if (lackofbytes(needbytes, outbytesleft)) return 0; output('+', outbuf); return ch == utf7_shift_in ? output('-', outbuf) : encode(utf7_state, in, outbuf); #undef utf7_state } static ucs_t base64_input(const unsigned char **inbuf, int *error) { unsigned char ch = *(*inbuf)++; if (between(ch, 'A', 'Z')) return ch - 'A'; else if (between(ch, 'a', 'z')) return ch - 'a' + 26; else if (between(ch, '0', '9')) return ch - '0' + 52; else if (ch == '+') return 62; else if (ch == '/') return 63; *error = 1; return UCS_CHAR_INVALID; } static ucs_t decode(char *state, const unsigned char **inbuf) { int errflag = 0; ucs_t res, ch; switch (state[0]) { case 2: res = ((unsigned)(state[1]) << 14) | (base64_input(inbuf, &errflag) << 8) | (base64_input(inbuf, &errflag) << 2) | ((ch = base64_input(inbuf, &errflag)) >> 4); if (errflag) return UCS_CHAR_INVALID; state[1] = ch; state[0] = 3; break; case 3: res = ((unsigned)(state[1]) << 12) | (base64_input(inbuf, &errflag) << 6) | base64_input(inbuf, &errflag); if (errflag) return UCS_CHAR_INVALID; state[0] = 1; break; default: res = (base64_input(inbuf, &errflag) << 10) | (base64_input(inbuf, &errflag) << 4) | ((ch = base64_input(inbuf, &errflag)) >> 2); if (errflag) return UCS_CHAR_INVALID; state[1] = ch; state[0] = 2; } return res & 0xFFFF; } static ucs_t convert_to_ucs(struct iconv_ces *module, const unsigned char **inbuf, apr_size_t *inbytesleft) { #define utf7_state ((char *)(module->data)) int ch = char_type(*(unsigned char *)*inbuf), needbytes = 0; if (ch == utf7_encoded) return lackofbytes(1, inbytesleft) ? UCS_CHAR_NONE : UCS_CHAR_INVALID; if (utf7_state[0]) { switch (ch) { case utf7_shift_out: if (*inbytesleft < 2) return UCS_CHAR_NONE; needbytes = 1; ch = char_type(*(++((unsigned char *)*inbuf))); (*inbytesleft) --; case utf7_printable: utf7_state[0] = 0; break; default: return lackofbytes(utf7_state[0] > 2 ? 2 : 3, inbytesleft) ? UCS_CHAR_NONE : decode(utf7_state, inbuf); } } if (ch == utf7_shift_in) { if (*inbytesleft < 2) { (*inbuf) -= needbytes; (*inbytesleft) += needbytes; return UCS_CHAR_NONE; } switch (char_type(*(++(unsigned char *)*inbuf))) { case utf7_shift_out: (*inbuf) ++; (*inbytesleft) -= 2; return '+'; case utf7_base64: case utf7_shift_in: if (lackofbytes(4, inbytesleft)) { (*inbuf) -= (++needbytes); (*inbytesleft) += needbytes; return UCS_CHAR_NONE; } return decode(utf7_state, inbuf); } (*inbytesleft) --; return UCS_CHAR_INVALID; } (*inbytesleft) --; return *((unsigned char *)*inbuf) ++; #undef utf7_state } static const struct iconv_ces_desc iconv_ces_desc = { apr_iconv_ces_open_func, apr_iconv_ces_close_func, apr_iconv_ces_reset_func, utf7_names, apr_iconv_ces_nbits7, apr_iconv_ces_zero, convert_from_ucs, convert_to_ucs, NULL }; struct iconv_module_desc iconv_module = { ICMOD_UC_CES, apr_iconv_mod_noevent, NULL, &iconv_ces_desc };