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** Name: fileio.c
** Description: Program to copy one file to another. 
** Modification History:
** 14-May-97 AGarcia- Converted the test to accomodate the debug_mode flag.
**	         The debug mode will print all of the printfs associated with this test.
**			 The regress mode will be the default mode. Since the regress tool limits
**           the output to a one line status:PASS or FAIL,all of the printf statements
**			 have been handled with an if (debug_mode) statement.
** 04-June-97 AGarcia removed the Test_Result function. Regress tool has been updated to
**			recognize the return code from tha main program.
** 12-June-97 Revert to return code 0 and 1, remove debug option (obsolete).

** Includes
#include "prinit.h"
#include "prthread.h"
#include "prlock.h"
#include "prcvar.h"
#include "prmon.h"
#include "prmem.h"
#include "prio.h"
#include "prlog.h"

#include <stdio.h>

#ifdef XP_MAC
#include "prsem.h"
#include "prlog.h"
#define printf PR_LogPrint
extern void SetupMacPrintfLog(char *logFile);
#include "obsolete/prsem.h"

#define TBSIZE 1024

static PRUint8 tbuf[TBSIZE];

static PRFileDesc *t1, *t2;

PRIntn failed_already=0;
PRIntn debug_mode;
static void InitialSetup(void)
	PRUintn	i;
	PRInt32 nWritten, rv;
	t1 = PR_Open("t1.tmp", PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_RDWR, 0);
	PR_ASSERT(t1 != NULL);	
	for (i=0; i<TBSIZE; i++)
		tbuf[i] = i;
	nWritten = PR_Write((PRFileDesc*)t1, tbuf, TBSIZE);
	PR_ASSERT(nWritten == TBSIZE);	
	rv = PR_Seek(t1,0,PR_SEEK_SET);
	PR_ASSERT(rv == 0);	

   	t2 = PR_Open("t2.tmp", PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_RDWR, 0);
	PR_ASSERT(t2 != NULL);	

static void VerifyAndCleanup(void)
	PRUintn	i;
	PRInt32 nRead, rv;
	for (i=0; i<TBSIZE; i++)
		tbuf[i] = 0;
	rv = PR_Seek(t2,0,PR_SEEK_SET);
	PR_ASSERT(rv == 0);	

	nRead = PR_Read((PRFileDesc*)t2, tbuf, TBSIZE);
	for (i=0; i<TBSIZE; i++)
		if (tbuf[i] != (PRUint8)i) {
			if (debug_mode) printf("data mismatch for index= %d \n", i);
			else failed_already=1;


    if (debug_mode) printf("fileio test passed\n");

/*------------------ Following is the real test program ---------*/
	Program to copy one file to another.  Two temporary files get
	created.  First one gets written in one write call.  Then,
	a reader thread reads from this file into a double buffer.
	The writer thread writes from double buffer into the other
	temporary file.  The second temporary file gets verified
	for accurate data.

PRSemaphore	*emptyBufs;	/* number of empty buffers */
PRSemaphore *fullBufs;	/* number of buffers that are full */

#define BSIZE	100

struct {
	char data[BSIZE];
	PRUintn nbytes;		/* number of bytes in this buffer */
} buf[2];

static void PR_CALLBACK reader(void *arg)
	PRUintn	i = 0;
	PRInt32	nbytes;
	do {
		(void) PR_WaitSem(emptyBufs);
		nbytes = PR_Read((PRFileDesc*)arg, buf[i].data, BSIZE);
		if (nbytes >= 0) {
			buf[i].nbytes = nbytes;
			i = (i + 1) % 2;
	} while (nbytes > 0);

static void PR_CALLBACK writer(void *arg)
	PRUintn	i = 0;
	PRInt32	nbytes;
	do {
		(void) PR_WaitSem(fullBufs);
		nbytes = buf[i].nbytes;
		if (nbytes > 0) {
			nbytes = PR_Write((PRFileDesc*)arg, buf[i].data, nbytes);
			i = (i + 1) % 2;
	} while (nbytes > 0);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	PRThread *r, *w;


#ifdef XP_MAC
	debug_mode = 1;

    emptyBufs = PR_NewSem(2);	/* two empty buffers */

    fullBufs = PR_NewSem(0);	/* zero full buffers */

	/* Create initial temp file setup */
	/* create the reader thread */
	r = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD,
				      reader, t1, 

	w = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD,
				      writer, t2, 

    /* Do the joining for both threads */
    (void) PR_JoinThread(r);
    (void) PR_JoinThread(w);

    /* Do the verification and clean up */



        return 1;
        return 0;
