/* * This file is part of the Sofia-SIP package * * Copyright (C) 2005 Nokia Corporation. * * Contact: Pekka Pessi <pekka.pessi@nokia.com> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * */ /**@CFILE test_init.c * @brief Init nua test context * * @author Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@nokia.com> * @author Martti Mela <Martti Mela@nokia.com> * * @date Created: Wed Aug 17 12:12:12 EEST 2005 ppessi */ #include "config.h" #include "test_nua.h" #include <sofia-sip/tport_tag.h> #include <sofia-sip/auth_module.h> #if HAVE_FUNC #elif HAVE_FUNCTION #define __func__ __FUNCTION__ #else #define __func__ name #endif static char passwd_name[] = "tmp_sippasswd.XXXXXX"; static void remove_tmp(void) { if (passwd_name[0]) unlink(passwd_name); } static char const passwd[] = "alice:secret:\n" "bob:secret:\n" "charlie:secret:\n"; int test_nua_init(struct context *ctx, int start_proxy, url_t const *o_proxy, int start_nat, tag_type_t tag, tag_value_t value, ...) { BEGIN(); struct event *e; sip_contact_t const *m = NULL; sip_from_t const *sipaddress = NULL; sip_allow_t const *allow = NULL; sip_supported_t const *supported = NULL; char const *appl_method = NULL; url_t const *p_uri, *a_uri, *b_uri; /* Proxy URI */ char const *initial_route = NULL; /* Initial route towards internal proxy */ char const *a_bind, *a_bind2; url_t *e_proxy = NULL; int err = -1; url_t b_proxy[1]; a_bind = a_bind2 = "sip:*"; #if SU_HAVE_OSX_CF_API if (ctx->osx_runloop) ctx->root = su_root_osx_runloop_create(NULL); else #endif ctx->root = su_root_create(NULL); TEST_1(ctx->root); /* Disable threading by command line switch -s */ su_root_threading(ctx->root, ctx->threading); if (start_proxy && !o_proxy) { int temp; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.1.1: init proxy P\n"); #ifndef _WIN32 temp = mkstemp(passwd_name); #else temp = open(passwd_name, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 666); #endif TEST_1(temp != -1); atexit(remove_tmp); /* Make sure temp file is unlinked */ TEST_SIZE(write(temp, passwd, strlen(passwd)), strlen(passwd)); TEST_1(close(temp) == 0); ctx->p = test_proxy_create(ctx->root, TAG_IF(ctx->proxy_logging, TPTAG_LOG(1)), TAG_END()); if (ctx->p) { ctx->a.domain = test_proxy_add_domain(ctx->p, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:example.com")->us_url, AUTHTAG_METHOD("Digest"), AUTHTAG_REALM("test-proxy"), AUTHTAG_OPAQUE("kuik"), AUTHTAG_DB(passwd_name), AUTHTAG_QOP("auth-int"), AUTHTAG_ALGORITHM("md5"), AUTHTAG_NEXT_EXPIRES(60), TAG_END()); ctx->b.domain = test_proxy_add_domain(ctx->p, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:example.org")->us_url, AUTHTAG_METHOD("Digest"), AUTHTAG_REALM("test-proxy"), AUTHTAG_OPAQUE("kuik"), AUTHTAG_DB(passwd_name), AUTHTAG_QOP("auth-int"), AUTHTAG_ALGORITHM("md5"), AUTHTAG_NEXT_EXPIRES(60), TAG_END()); test_proxy_domain_set_outbound(ctx->b.domain, 1); ctx->c.domain = test_proxy_add_domain(ctx->p, URL_STRING_MAKE("sip:example.net")->us_url, AUTHTAG_METHOD("Digest"), AUTHTAG_REALM("test-proxy"), AUTHTAG_OPAQUE("kuik"), AUTHTAG_DB(passwd_name), AUTHTAG_QOP("auth-int"), AUTHTAG_ALGORITHM("md5"), AUTHTAG_NEXT_EXPIRES(60), AUTHTAG_MAX_NCOUNT(1), AUTHTAG_ALLOW("ACK, CANCEL"), TAG_END()); test_proxy_domain_set_record_route(ctx->c.domain, 1); ctx->proxy_tests = 1; } if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.1.1: PASSED\n"); } p_uri = a_uri = b_uri = test_proxy_uri(ctx->p); if (o_proxy) { TEST_1(e_proxy = url_hdup(ctx->home, (void *)o_proxy)); ctx->external_proxy = e_proxy; } if (start_nat && p_uri == NULL) p_uri = e_proxy; if (ctx->p) initial_route = test_proxy_route_uri(ctx->p, &ctx->lr); if (start_nat && p_uri != NULL) { int family = 0; su_sockaddr_t su[1]; socklen_t sulen = sizeof su; char b[64]; size_t len; ta_list ta; if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.1.2: creating test NAT\n"); /* Try to use different family than proxy. */ if (p_uri->url_host[0] == '[') family = AF_INET; #if defined(SU_HAVE_IN6) else family = AF_INET6; #endif ta_start(ta, tag, value); ctx->nat = test_nat_create(ctx->root, family, ta_tags(ta)); ta_end(ta); /* * NAT thingy works so that we set the outgoing proxy URI to point * towards its "private" address and give the real address of the proxy * as its "public" address. If we use different IP families here, we may * even manage to test real connectivity problems as proxy and endpoint * can not talk to each other. */ if (test_nat_private(ctx->nat, su, &sulen) < 0) { printf("%s:%u: NUA-2.1.2: failed to get private NAT address\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); } #if defined(SU_HAVE_IN6) else if (su->su_family == AF_INET6) { a_uri = (void *) su_sprintf(ctx->home, "sip:[%s]:%u", inet_ntop(su->su_family, SU_ADDR(su), b, sizeof b), ntohs(su->su_port)); a_bind = "sip:[::]:*"; } #endif else if (su->su_family == AF_INET) { a_uri = (void *) su_sprintf(ctx->home, "sip:%s:%u", inet_ntop(su->su_family, SU_ADDR(su), b, sizeof b), ntohs(su->su_port)); } #if defined(SU_HAVE_IN6) if (p_uri->url_host[0] == '[') { su->su_len = sulen = (sizeof su->su_sin6), su->su_family = AF_INET6; len = strcspn(p_uri->url_host + 1, "]"); assert(len < sizeof b); memcpy(b, p_uri->url_host + 1, len); b[len] = '\0'; inet_pton(su->su_family, b, SU_ADDR(su)); } else { su->su_len = sulen = (sizeof su->su_sin), su->su_family = AF_INET; inet_pton(su->su_family, p_uri->url_host, SU_ADDR(su)); } #else su->su_len = sulen = (sizeof su->su_sin), su->su_family = AF_INET; inet_pton(su->su_family, p_uri->url_host, SU_ADDR(su)); #endif su->su_port = htons(strtoul(url_port(p_uri), NULL, 10)); if (test_nat_public(ctx->nat, su, sulen) < 0) { printf("%s:%u: NUA-2.1.2: failed to set public address\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); a_uri = NULL; } if (print_headings) { if (ctx->nat && a_uri) { printf("TEST NUA-2.1.2: PASSED\n"); } else { printf("TEST NUA-2.1.2: FAILED\n"); } } } if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.2.1: init endpoint A\n"); if (a_uri == NULL) a_uri = p_uri; ctx->a.instance = nua_generate_instance_identifier(ctx->home); ctx->a.nua = nua_create(ctx->root, a_callback, ctx, NUTAG_PROXY(a_uri ? a_uri : e_proxy), NUTAG_INITIAL_ROUTE_STR(initial_route), SIPTAG_FROM_STR("sip:alice@example.com"), NUTAG_URL(a_bind), TAG_IF(a_bind != a_bind2, NUTAG_SIPS_URL(a_bind2)), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR("m=audio 5004 RTP/AVP 0 8"), NTATAG_SIP_T1X64(2000), NUTAG_INSTANCE(ctx->a.instance), TAG_IF(ctx->a.logging, TPTAG_LOG(1)), TAG_END()); TEST_1(ctx->a.nua); nua_get_params(ctx->a.nua, TAG_ANY(), TAG_END()); run_a_until(ctx, nua_r_get_params, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = ctx->a.specials->head); err = tl_gets(e->data->e_tags, NTATAG_CONTACT_REF(m), SIPTAG_FROM_REF(sipaddress), SIPTAG_ALLOW_REF(allow), NUTAG_APPL_METHOD_REF(appl_method), SIPTAG_SUPPORTED_REF(supported), TAG_END()); TEST(err, 5); TEST_1(m); TEST_1(ctx->a.contact = sip_contact_dup(ctx->home, m)); TEST_1(ctx->a.to = sip_to_dup(ctx->home, sipaddress)); TEST_1(ctx->a.allow = sip_allow_dup(ctx->home, allow)); TEST_1(ctx->a.appl_method = su_strdup(ctx->home, appl_method)); TEST_1(ctx->a.supported = sip_supported_dup(ctx->home, supported)); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->a.specials); if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.2.1: PASSED\n"); if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.2.2: init endpoint B\n"); ctx->b.instance = nua_generate_instance_identifier(ctx->home); if (ctx->p) { /* B uses TCP when talking with proxy */ *b_proxy = *b_uri; b_uri = b_proxy; b_proxy->url_params = "transport=tcp"; } ctx->b.nua = nua_create(ctx->root, b_callback, ctx, NUTAG_PROXY(b_uri ? b_uri : e_proxy), SIPTAG_FROM_STR("sip:bob@example.org"), NUTAG_URL("sip:*"), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR("m=audio 5006 RTP/AVP 8 0"), NUTAG_INSTANCE(ctx->b.instance), /* Quicker timeout */ NTATAG_SIP_T1X64(2000), TPTAG_KEEPALIVE(100), TAG_IF(ctx->b.logging, TPTAG_LOG(1)), TAG_END()); TEST_1(ctx->b.nua); nua_get_params(ctx->b.nua, TAG_ANY(), TAG_END()); run_b_until(ctx, nua_r_get_params, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = ctx->b.specials->head); err = tl_gets(e->data->e_tags, NTATAG_CONTACT_REF(m), SIPTAG_FROM_REF(sipaddress), SIPTAG_ALLOW_REF(allow), NUTAG_APPL_METHOD_REF(appl_method), SIPTAG_SUPPORTED_REF(supported), TAG_END()); TEST(err, 5); TEST_1(m); TEST_1(ctx->b.contact = sip_contact_dup(ctx->home, m)); TEST_1(ctx->b.to = sip_to_dup(ctx->home, sipaddress)); TEST_1(ctx->b.allow = sip_allow_dup(ctx->home, allow)); TEST_1(ctx->b.appl_method = su_strdup(ctx->home, appl_method)); TEST_1(ctx->b.supported = sip_supported_dup(ctx->home, supported)); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->b.specials); if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.2.2: PASSED\n"); if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.2.3: init endpoint C\n"); /* ctx->c.instance = nua_generate_instance_identifier(ctx->home); */ ctx->c.to = sip_from_make(ctx->home, "Charlie <sip:charlie@example.net>"); ctx->c.nua = nua_create(ctx->root, c_callback, ctx, NUTAG_PROXY(p_uri ? p_uri : e_proxy), NUTAG_URL("sip:*"), SOATAG_USER_SDP_STR("m=audio 5400 RTP/AVP 8 0"), NUTAG_INSTANCE(ctx->c.instance), TAG_IF(ctx->c.logging, TPTAG_LOG(1)), TAG_END()); TEST_1(ctx->c.nua); nua_get_params(ctx->c.nua, TAG_ANY(), TAG_END()); run_c_until(ctx, nua_r_get_params, save_until_final_response); TEST_1(e = ctx->c.specials->head); err = tl_gets(e->data->e_tags, NTATAG_CONTACT_REF(m), SIPTAG_ALLOW_REF(allow), NUTAG_APPL_METHOD_REF(appl_method), SIPTAG_SUPPORTED_REF(supported), TAG_END()); TEST(err, 4); TEST_1(m); TEST_1(ctx->c.contact = sip_contact_dup(ctx->home, m)); TEST_1(ctx->c.allow = sip_allow_dup(ctx->home, allow)); TEST_1(ctx->c.appl_method = su_strdup(ctx->home, appl_method)); TEST_1(ctx->c.supported = sip_supported_dup(ctx->home, supported)); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->c.specials); if (print_headings) printf("TEST NUA-2.2.3: PASSED\n"); END(); } /* ====================================================================== */ int test_deinit(struct context *ctx) { BEGIN(); struct call *call; if (!ctx->threading) su_root_step(ctx->root, 100); if (ctx->a.nua) { for (call = ctx->a.call; call; call = call->next) nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; nua_shutdown(ctx->a.nua); run_a_until(ctx, nua_r_shutdown, until_final_response); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->a.events); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->a.specials); nua_destroy(ctx->a.nua), ctx->a.nua = NULL; } if (ctx->b.nua) { for (call = ctx->b.call; call; call = call->next) nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; nua_shutdown(ctx->b.nua); run_b_until(ctx, nua_r_shutdown, until_final_response); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->b.events); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->b.specials); nua_destroy(ctx->b.nua), ctx->b.nua = NULL; } if (ctx->c.nua) { for (call = ctx->c.call; call; call = call->next) nua_handle_destroy(call->nh), call->nh = NULL; nua_shutdown(ctx->c.nua); run_c_until(ctx, nua_r_shutdown, until_final_response); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->c.events); free_events_in_list(ctx, ctx->c.specials); nua_destroy(ctx->c.nua), ctx->c.nua = NULL; } test_proxy_destroy(ctx->p), ctx->p = NULL; test_nat_destroy(ctx->nat), ctx->nat = NULL; su_root_destroy(ctx->root), ctx->root = NULL; END(); }