/* iksemel (XML parser for Jabber) ** Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Gurer Ozen <madcat@e-kolay.net> ** This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License. */ #include "common.h" #include "iksemel.h" struct hash_s; typedef struct hash_s hash; hash *hash_new (unsigned int table_size); char *hash_insert (hash *table, const char *name); void hash_print (hash *h, char *title_fmt, char *line_fmt); void hash_delete (hash *table); #include <sys/stat.h> #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG #include <getopt.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG static struct option longopts[] = { { "stats", 0, 0, 's' }, { "histogram", 0, 0, 't' }, { "help", 0, 0, 'h' }, { "version", 0, 0, 'V' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; #endif static char *shortopts = "sthV"; static void print_usage (void) { puts ("Usage: ikslint [OPTIONS] FILE\n" "This tool checks the well-formedness of an XML document.\n" " -s, --stats Print statistics.\n" " -t, --histogram Print tag histogram.\n" " -h, --help Print this text and exit.\n" " -V, --version Print version and exit.\n" #ifndef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG "(long options are not supported on your system)\n" #endif "Report bugs to <iksemel-dev@jabberstudio.org>."); } /* calculate and print statistics */ int lint_pr_stats = 0; /* print tag histogram */ int lint_pr_hist = 0; hash *tag_table; char **tag_list; int tag_size, tag_pos; void tag_push (const char *name) { if (!tag_list) { tag_size = 128; tag_list = malloc (sizeof (char *) * tag_size); if (!tag_list) exit (2); } tag_list[tag_pos] = hash_insert (tag_table, name); if (!tag_list[tag_pos]) exit (2); tag_pos++; if (tag_pos == tag_size) { char **tmp; tmp = malloc (sizeof (char *) * tag_size * 2); if (!tmp) exit (2); memcpy (tmp, tag_list, sizeof (char *) * tag_size); free (tag_list); tag_list = tmp; tag_size *= 2; } } char * tag_pull (void) { tag_pos--; return tag_list[tag_pos]; } struct stats { unsigned int level; unsigned int max_depth; unsigned int nr_tags; unsigned int nr_stags; unsigned int cdata_size; }; int tagHook (void *udata, char *name, char **atts, int type) { struct stats *st = (struct stats *) udata; char *tmp; switch (type) { case IKS_OPEN: tag_push (name); st->level++; if (st->level > st->max_depth) st->max_depth = st->level; break; case IKS_CLOSE: tmp = tag_pull (); if (iks_strcmp (tmp, name) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Tag mismatch, expecting '%s', got '%s'.\n", tmp, name); return IKS_HOOK; } st->level--; st->nr_tags++; break; case IKS_SINGLE: if (NULL == hash_insert (tag_table, name)) exit (2); st->nr_stags++; break; } return IKS_OK; } int cdataHook (void *udata, char *data, size_t len) { struct stats *st = (struct stats *) udata; st->cdata_size += len; return IKS_OK; } void check_file (char *fname) { iksparser *prs; struct stats st; FILE *f; char *buf; struct stat fs; size_t sz, blk, ret, pos; enum ikserror err; int done; memset (&st, 0, sizeof (struct stats)); prs = iks_sax_new (&st, tagHook, cdataHook); if (NULL == prs) exit (2); if (fname) { if (stat (fname, &fs) != 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot access file '%s'.\n", fname); exit (1); } sz = fs.st_size; #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_STAT_ST_BLKSIZE blk = fs.st_blksize; #else blk = 4096; #endif f = fopen (fname, "r"); if (!f) { fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open file '%s'.\n", fname); exit (1); } buf = malloc (blk); if (!buf) { fclose (f); fprintf (stderr, "Cannot allocate %d bytes.\n", blk); exit (2); } } else { f = stdin; blk = 4096; sz = 0; buf = malloc (blk); if (!buf) exit (2); } tag_table = hash_new (367); if (!tag_table) exit (2); pos = 0; done = 0; while (0 == done) { ret = fread (buf, 1, blk, f); pos += ret; if (feof (f)) { done = 1; } else { if (ret != blk) { if (fname) fprintf (stderr, "Read error in file '%s'.\n", fname); else fprintf (stderr, "Read error in stream.\n"); exit (1); } } err = iks_parse (prs, buf, ret, done); switch (err) { case IKS_OK: break; case IKS_NOMEM: exit (2); case IKS_BADXML: if (fname) fprintf (stderr, "Invalid xml at byte %ld, line %ld in file '%s'.\n", iks_nr_bytes (prs), iks_nr_lines (prs), fname); else fprintf (stderr, "Invalid xml at byte %ld, line %ld in stream.\n", iks_nr_bytes (prs), iks_nr_lines (prs)); exit (1); case IKS_HOOK: if (fname) fprintf (stderr, "Byte %ld, line %ld in file '%s'.\n", iks_nr_bytes (prs), iks_nr_lines (prs), fname); else fprintf (stderr, "Byte %ld, line %ld in stream.\n", iks_nr_bytes (prs), iks_nr_lines (prs)); exit (1); } } free (buf); if (fname) fclose (f); if (fname && (lint_pr_stats || lint_pr_hist)) { printf ("File '%s' (%d bytes):\n", fname, sz); } if (lint_pr_stats) { printf ("Tags: %d pairs, %d single, %d max depth.\n", st.nr_tags, st.nr_stags, st.max_depth); printf ("Total size of character data: %d bytes.\n", st.cdata_size); } if (lint_pr_hist) { hash_print (tag_table, "Histogram of %d unique tags:\n", "<%s> %d times.\n"); } hash_delete (tag_table); iks_parser_delete (prs); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_LONG int i; while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, &i)) != -1) { #else while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, shortopts)) != -1) { #endif switch (c) { case 's': lint_pr_stats = 1; break; case 't': lint_pr_hist = 1; break; case 'h': print_usage (); exit (0); case 'V': puts ("ikslint (iksemel) "VERSION); exit (0); } } if (!argv[optind]) { check_file (NULL); } else { for (; optind < argc; optind++) { check_file (argv[optind]); } } return 0; }