You will need 'wget' installed in your path so the build system
	can download the dependancies.

1) Prepare Automake

2) Edit modules.conf and adjust to taste.

3) Choose one of the following:

	*) Build The Entire Project (reccommended)
	   make installall

	*) Do it yourself step by step:
	   make install
	   make modules
	   make install_mod

	*) Rebuild all the dependancies
	   make megaclean 

Windows 32:

	Requires: Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or 
	Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition and Platform SDK
	Internet connectivity to download dependency libraries
1) Open /w32/vsnet/Freeswitch.sln

2) Choose Release or Debug build

3) Build solution or your choice of modules using the ide.