/* * libZRTP SDK library, implements the ZRTP secure VoIP protocol. * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Philip R. Zimmermann. All rights reserved. * Contact: http://philzimmermann.com * For licensing and other legal details, see the file zrtp_legal.c. * * Viktor Krykun <v.krikun at zfoneproject.com> */ /** * \file zrtp_error.h * \brief libzrtp errors definitions */ #ifndef __ZRTP_ERROR_H__ #define __ZRTP_ERROR_H__ #include "zrtp_config.h" /** * \defgroup zrtp_errors Libzrtp Error Definitions * * In this section the ZRTP protocol error codes and the library internal errors are defined. * * When ZRTP Protocl error detected, zrtp_callback_event_t#on_zrtp_security_event is called and * zrtp_session_info_t#last_error contains error code. * \{ */ /** * \brief Define protocol error codes according to ZRTP RFC sec. 5.9 */ typedef enum zrtp_protocol_error_t { zrtp_error_unknown = 0, zrtp_error_timeout = 1, zrtp_error_invalid_packet = 0x10, /** Malformed packet (CRC OK, but wrong structure) */ zrtp_error_software = 0x20, /** Critical software error */ zrtp_error_version = 0x30, /** Unsupported ZRTP version */ zrtp_error_hello_mistmatch = 0x40, /** Hello components mismatch */ zrtp_error_hash_unsp = 0x51, /** Hash type not supported */ zrtp_error_cipher_unsp = 0x52, /** Cipher type not supported */ zrtp_error_pktype_unsp = 0x53, /** Public key exchange not supported */ zrtp_error_auth_unsp = 0x54, /** SRTP auth. tag not supported */ zrtp_error_sas_unsp = 0x55, /** SAS scheme not supported */ zrtp_error_no_secret = 0x56, /** No shared secret available, Preshared mode required */ zrtp_error_possible_mitm1 = 0x61, /** DH Error: bad pvi or pvr ( == 1, 0, or p-1) */ zrtp_error_possible_mitm2 = 0x62, /** DH Error: hvi != hashed data */ zrtp_error_possible_mitm3 = 0x63, /** Received relayed SAS from untrusted MiTM */ zrtp_error_auth_decrypt = 0x70, /** Auth. Error: Bad Confirm pkt HMAC */ zrtp_error_nonse_reuse = 0x80, /** Nonce reuse */ zrtp_error_equal_zid = 0x90, /** Equal ZIDs in Hello */ zrtp_error_service_unavail = 0xA0, /** Service unavailable */ zrtp_error_goclear_unsp = 0x100,/** GoClear packet received, but not allowed */ zrtp_error_wrong_zid = 0x202, /** ZID received in new Hello doesn't equal to ZID from the previous stream */ zrtp_error_wrong_meshmac = 0x203, /** Message HMAC doesn't match with pre-received one */ zrtp_error_count } zrtp_protocol_error_t; /** * \brief libzrtp functions statuses. * * Note that the value of zrtp_status_ok is equal to zero. This can simplify error checking * somewhat. */ typedef enum zrtp_status_t { zrtp_status_ok = 0, /** OK status */ zrtp_status_fail = 1, /** General, unspecified failure */ zrtp_status_bad_param = 2, /** Wrong, unsupported parameter */ zrtp_status_alloc_fail = 3, /** Fail allocate memory */ zrtp_status_auth_fail = 4, /** SRTP authentication failure */ zrtp_status_cipher_fail = 5, /** Cipher failure on RTP encrypt/decrypt */ zrtp_status_algo_fail = 6, /** General Crypto Algorithm failure */ zrtp_status_key_expired = 7, /** SRTP can't use key any longer */ zrtp_status_buffer_size = 8, /** Input buffer too small */ zrtp_status_drop = 9, /** Packet process DROP status */ zrtp_status_open_fail = 10, /** Failed to open file/device */ zrtp_status_read_fail = 11, /** Unable to read data from the file/stream */ zrtp_status_write_fail = 12, /** Unable to write to the file/stream */ zrtp_status_old_pkt = 13, /** SRTP packet is out of sliding window */ zrtp_status_rp_fail = 14, /** RTP replay protection failed */ zrtp_status_zrp_fail = 15, /** ZRTP replay protection failed */ zrtp_status_crc_fail = 16, /** ZRTP packet CRC is wrong */ zrtp_status_rng_fail = 17, /** Can't generate random value */ zrtp_status_wrong_state = 18, /** Illegal operation in current state */ zrtp_status_attack = 19, /** Attack detected */ zrtp_status_notavailable = 20, /** Function is not available in current configuration */ zrtp_status_count = 21 } zrtp_status_t; /** \} */ /** \manonly */ #define ZRTP_MIM2_WARNING_STR \ "Possible Man-In-The-Middle-Attack! Switching to state Error\n"\ "because a packet arrived that was ZRTP_DHPART2, but contained\n"\ "a g^y that didn't match the previous ZRTP_COMMIT.\n" #define ZRTP_MITM1_WARNING_STR "DH validating failed. (pvi is 1 or p-1), aborted\n" #define ZRTP_VERIFIED_INIT_WARNING_STR \ "Falling back to cleartext because a packet arrived that was\n"\ "ZRTP_CONFIRM1, but which couldn't be verified - the sender must have a different\n"\ "shared secret than we have.\n" #define ZRTP_VERIFIED_RESP_WARNING_STR \ "Falling back to cleartext because a packet arrived that was ZRTP_CONFIRM2,\n"\ " but which couldn't be verified - the sender must have a different shared secret than we have.\n" #define ZRTP_EQUAL_ZID_WARNING_STR \ "Received a ZRTP_HELLO packet with the same ZRTP ID that we have.\n"\ " This is likely due to a bug in the software. Ignoring the ZRTP_HELLO\n"\ " packet, therefore this call cannot be encrypted.\n" #define ZRTP_UNSUPPORTED_COMP_WARNING_STR \ " Received ZRTP_HELLO packet with an algorithms field which had a\n"\ " list of hashes that didn't include any of our supported hashes. Ignoring\n"\ " the ZRTP_HELLO packet, therefore this call cannot be encrypted.\n" #define ZRTP_NOT_UNIQUE_NONCE_WARNING_STR \ " Received COMMIT with hash value already used in another stream within this ZRTP session\n" #define ZRTP_RELAYED_SAS_FROM_NONMITM_STR \ " Received SAS Relaying message from endpoint which haven't introduced as MiTM.\n" /** \endmanonly */ #endif /* __ZRTP_ERROR_H__ */