# 2005 December 30
# The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
# a legal notice, here is a blessing:
#    May you do good and not evil.
#    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
#    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
# $Id: shared.test,v 1.21 2006/01/23 21:38:03 drh Exp $

set testdir [file dirname $argv0]
source $testdir/tester.tcl
db close

ifcapable !shared_cache {

set ::enable_shared_cache [sqlite3_enable_shared_cache 1]

foreach av [list 0 1] {

# Open the database connection and execute the auto-vacuum pragma
file delete -force test.db
sqlite3 db test.db

ifcapable autovacuum {
  do_test shared-[expr $av+1].1.0 {
    execsql "pragma auto_vacuum=$::av"
    execsql {pragma auto_vacuum}
  } "$av"
} else {
  if {$av} {
    db close

# $av is currently 0 if this loop iteration is to test with auto-vacuum turned
# off, and 1 if it is turned on. Increment it so that (1 -> no auto-vacuum) 
# and (2 -> auto-vacuum). The sole reason for this is so that it looks nicer
# when we use this variable as part of test-case names.
incr av

# Test organization:
# shared-1.*: Simple test to verify basic sanity of table level locking when
#             two connections share a pager cache.
# shared-2.*: Test that a read transaction can co-exist with a 
#             write-transaction, including a simple test to ensure the 
#             external locking protocol is still working.
# shared-3.*: Simple test of read-uncommitted mode.
# shared-4.*: Check that the schema is locked and unlocked correctly.
# shared-5.*: Test that creating/dropping schema items works when databases
#             are attached in different orders to different handles.
# shared-6.*: Locking, UNION ALL queries and sub-queries.
# shared-7.*: Autovacuum and shared-cache.
# shared-8.*: Tests related to the text encoding of shared-cache databases.
# shared-9.*: TEMP triggers and shared-cache databases.
# shared-10.*: Tests of sqlite3_close().
# shared-11.*: Test transaction locking.

do_test shared-$av.1.1 {
  # Open a second database on the file test.db. It should use the same pager
  # cache and schema as the original connection. Verify that only 1 file is 
  # opened.
  sqlite3 db2 test.db
  set ::sqlite_open_file_count
} {1}
do_test shared-$av.1.2 {
  # Add a table and a single row of data via the first connection. 
  # Ensure that the second connection can see them.
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c);
    INSERT INTO abc VALUES(1, 2, 3);
  } db
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM abc;
  } db2
} {1 2 3}
do_test shared-$av.1.3 {
  # Have the first connection begin a transaction and obtain a read-lock
  # on table abc. This should not prevent the second connection from 
  # querying abc.
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM abc;
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM abc;
  } db2
} {1 2 3}
do_test shared-$av.1.4 {
  # Try to insert a row into abc via connection 2. This should fail because
  # of the read-lock connection 1 is holding on table abc (obtained in the
  # previous test case).
  catchsql {
    INSERT INTO abc VALUES(4, 5, 6);
  } db2
} {1 {database table is locked: abc}}
do_test shared-$av.1.5 {
  # Using connection 2 (the one without the open transaction), try to create
  # a new table. This should fail because of the open read transaction 
  # held by connection 1.
  catchsql {
    CREATE TABLE def(d, e, f);
  } db2
} {1 {database table is locked: sqlite_master}}
do_test shared-$av.1.6 {
  # Upgrade connection 1's transaction to a write transaction. Create
  # a new table - def - and insert a row into it. Because the connection 1
  # transaction modifies the schema, it should not be possible for 
  # connection 2 to access the database at all until the connection 1 
  # has finished the transaction.
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE def(d, e, f);
    INSERT INTO def VALUES('IV', 'V', 'VI');
} {}
do_test shared-$av.1.7 {
  # Read from the sqlite_master table with connection 1 (inside the 
  # transaction). Then test that we can not do this with connection 2. This
  # is because of the schema-modified lock established by connection 1 
  # in the previous test case.
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
  catchsql {
    SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
  } db2
} {1 {database schema is locked: main}}
do_test shared-$av.1.8 {
  # Commit the connection 1 transaction.
  execsql {
} {}

do_test shared-$av.2.1 {
  # Open connection db3 to the database. Use a different path to the same
  # file so that db3 does *not* share the same pager cache as db and db2
  # (there should be two open file handles).
  if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="unix"} {
    sqlite3 db3 ./test.db
  } else {
    sqlite3 db3 TEST.DB
  set ::sqlite_open_file_count
} {2}
do_test shared-$av.2.2 {
  # Start read transactions on db and db2 (the shared pager cache). Ensure
  # db3 cannot write to the database.
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM abc;
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM abc;
  } db2
  catchsql {
    INSERT INTO abc VALUES(1, 2, 3);
  } db2
} {1 {database table is locked: abc}}
do_test shared-$av.2.3 {
  # Turn db's transaction into a write-transaction. db3 should still be
  # able to read from table def (but will not see the new row). Connection
  # db2 should not be able to read def (because of the write-lock).

# Todo: The failed "INSERT INTO abc ..." statement in the above test
# has started a write-transaction on db2 (should this be so?). This 
# would prevent connection db from starting a write-transaction. So roll the
# db2 transaction back and replace it with a new read transaction.
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM abc;
  } db2

  execsql {
  concat [
    catchsql { SELECT * FROM def; } db3
  ] [
    catchsql { SELECT * FROM def; } db2
} {0 {IV V VI} 1 {database table is locked: def}}
do_test shared-$av.2.4 {
  # Commit the open transaction on db. db2 still holds a read-transaction.
  # This should prevent db3 from writing to the database, but not from 
  # reading.
  execsql {
  concat [
    catchsql { SELECT * FROM def; } db3
  ] [
    catchsql { INSERT INTO def VALUES('X', 'XI', 'XII'); } db3
} {0 {IV V VI VII VIII IX} 1 {database is locked}}

catchsql COMMIT db2

do_test shared-$av.3.1.1 {
  # This test case starts a linear scan of table 'seq' using a 
  # read-uncommitted connection. In the middle of the scan, rows are added
  # to the end of the seq table (ahead of the current cursor position).
  # The uncommitted rows should be included in the results of the scan.
  execsql "
    INSERT INTO seq VALUES(1, '[string repeat X 500]');
    INSERT INTO seq VALUES(2, '[string repeat X 500]');
  execsql {SELECT * FROM sqlite_master} db2
  execsql {PRAGMA read_uncommitted = 1} db2

  set ret [list]
  db2 eval {SELECT i FROM seq ORDER BY i} {
    if {$i < 4} {
      set max [execsql {SELECT max(i) FROM seq}]
      db eval {
        INSERT INTO seq SELECT i + :max, x FROM seq;
    lappend ret $i
  set ret
} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16}
do_test shared-$av.3.1.2 {
  # Another linear scan through table seq using a read-uncommitted connection.
  # This time, delete each row as it is read. Should not affect the results of
  # the scan, but the table should be empty after the scan is concluded 
  # (test 3.1.3 verifies this).
  set ret [list]
  db2 eval {SELECT i FROM seq} {
    db eval {DELETE FROM seq WHERE i = :i}
    lappend ret $i
  set ret
} {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16}
do_test shared-$av.3.1.3 {
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM seq;
} {}

catch {db close}
catch {db2 close}
catch {db3 close}

# Tests shared-4.* test that the schema locking rules are applied 
# correctly. i.e.:
# 1. All transactions require a read-lock on the schemas of databases they
#    access.
# 2. Transactions that modify a database schema require a write-lock on that
#    schema.
# 3. It is not possible to compile a statement while another handle has a 
#    write-lock on the schema.

# Open two database handles db and db2. Each has a single attach database
# (as well as main):
#     db.main   ->   ./test.db
#     db.test2  ->   ./test2.db
#     db2.main  ->   ./test2.db
#     db2.test  ->   ./test.db
file delete -force test.db
file delete -force test2.db
file delete -force test2.db-journal
sqlite3 db  test.db
sqlite3 db2 test2.db
do_test shared-$av.4.1.1 {
  set sqlite_open_file_count
} {2}
do_test shared-$av.4.1.2 {
  execsql {ATTACH 'test2.db' AS test2}
  set sqlite_open_file_count
} {2}
do_test shared-$av.4.1.3 {
  execsql {ATTACH 'test.db' AS test} db2
  set sqlite_open_file_count
} {2}

# Sanity check: Create a table in ./test.db via handle db, and test that handle
# db2 can "see" the new table immediately. A handle using a seperate pager
# cache would have to reload the database schema before this were possible.
do_test shared-$av.4.2.1 {
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c);
    CREATE TABLE def(d, e, f);
    INSERT INTO abc VALUES('i', 'ii', 'iii');
    INSERT INTO def VALUES('I', 'II', 'III');
} {}
do_test shared-$av.4.2.2 {
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM test.abc;
  } db2
} {i ii iii}

# Open a read-transaction and read from table abc via handle 2. Check that
# handle 1 can read table abc. Check that handle 1 cannot modify table abc
# or the database schema. Then check that handle 1 can modify table def.
do_test shared-$av.4.3.1 {
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM test.abc;
  } db2
} {i ii iii}
do_test shared-$av.4.3.2 {
  catchsql {
    INSERT INTO abc VALUES('iv', 'v', 'vi');
} {1 {database table is locked: abc}}
do_test shared-$av.4.3.3 {
  catchsql {
    CREATE TABLE ghi(g, h, i);
} {1 {database table is locked: sqlite_master}}
do_test shared-$av.4.3.3 {
  catchsql {
    INSERT INTO def VALUES('IV', 'V', 'VI');
} {0 {}}
do_test shared-$av.4.3.4 {
  # Cleanup: commit the transaction opened by db2.
  execsql {
  } db2
} {}

# Open a write-transaction using handle 1 and modify the database schema.
# Then try to execute a compiled statement to read from the same 
# database via handle 2 (fails to get the lock on sqlite_master). Also
# try to compile a read of the same database using handle 2 (also fails).
# Finally, compile a read of the other database using handle 2. This
# should also fail.
ifcapable compound {
  do_test shared-$av. {
    # Sanity check 1: Check that the schema is what we think it is when viewed
    # via handle 1.
    execsql {
      CREATE TABLE test2.ghi(g, h, i);
      SELECT 'test.db:'||name FROM sqlite_master 
      SELECT 'test2.db:'||name FROM test2.sqlite_master;
  } {test.db:abc test.db:def test2.db:ghi}
  do_test shared-$av. {
    # Sanity check 2: Check that the schema is what we think it is when viewed
    # via handle 2.
    execsql {
      SELECT 'test2.db:'||name FROM sqlite_master 
      SELECT 'test.db:'||name FROM test.sqlite_master;
    } db2
  } {test2.db:ghi test.db:abc test.db:def}

do_test shared-$av.4.4.2 {
  set ::DB2 [sqlite3_connection_pointer db2]
  set sql {SELECT * FROM abc}
  set ::STMT1 [sqlite3_prepare $::DB2 $sql -1 DUMMY]
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE jkl(j, k, l);
  sqlite3_step $::STMT1
do_test shared-$av.4.4.3 {
  sqlite3_finalize $::STMT1
do_test shared-$av.4.4.4 {
  set rc [catch {
    set ::STMT1 [sqlite3_prepare $::DB2 $sql -1 DUMMY]
  } msg]
  list $rc $msg
} {1 {(6) database schema is locked: test}}
do_test shared-$av.4.4.5 {
  set rc [catch {
    set ::STMT1 [sqlite3_prepare $::DB2 "SELECT * FROM ghi" -1 DUMMY]
  } msg]
  list $rc $msg
} {1 {(6) database schema is locked: test}}

catch {db2 close}
catch {db close}

# Tests shared-5.* 
foreach db [list test.db test1.db test2.db test3.db] {
  file delete -force $db ${db}-journal
do_test shared-$av.5.1.1 {
  sqlite3 db1 test.db
  sqlite3 db2 test.db
  execsql {
    ATTACH 'test1.db' AS test1;
    ATTACH 'test2.db' AS test2;
    ATTACH 'test3.db' AS test3;
  } db1
  execsql {
    ATTACH 'test3.db' AS test3;
    ATTACH 'test2.db' AS test2;
    ATTACH 'test1.db' AS test1;
  } db2
} {}
do_test shared-$av.5.1.2 {
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE test1.t1(a, b);
    CREATE INDEX test1.i1 ON t1(a, b);
  } db1
} {}
ifcapable view {
  do_test shared-$av.5.1.3 {
    execsql {
      CREATE VIEW test1.v1 AS SELECT * FROM t1;
    } db1
  } {}
ifcapable trigger {
  do_test shared-$av.5.1.4 {
    execsql {
        INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(new.a, new.b);
    } db1
  } {}
do_test shared-$av.5.1.5 {
  execsql {
    DROP INDEX i1;
  } db2
} {}
ifcapable view {
  do_test shared-$av.5.1.6 {
    execsql {
      DROP VIEW v1;
    } db2
  } {}
ifcapable trigger {
  do_test shared-$av.5.1.7 {
    execsql {
      DROP TRIGGER trig1;
    } db2
  } {}
do_test shared-$av.5.1.8 {
  execsql {
    DROP TABLE t1;
  } db2
} {}
ifcapable compound {
  do_test shared-$av.5.1.9 {
    execsql {
      SELECT * FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL SELECT * FROM test1.sqlite_master
    } db1
  } {}

# Tests shared-6.* test that a query obtains all the read-locks it needs
# before starting execution of the query. This means that there is no chance
# some rows of data will be returned before a lock fails and SQLITE_LOCK
# is returned.
do_test shared-$av.6.1.1 {
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE t1(a, b);
    CREATE TABLE t2(a, b);
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 2);
    INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(3, 4);
  } db1
} {}
ifcapable compound {
  do_test shared-$av.6.1.2 {
    execsql {
    } db2
  } {1 2 3 4}
do_test shared-$av.6.1.3 {
  # Establish a write lock on table t2 via connection db2. Then make a 
  # UNION all query using connection db1 that first accesses t1, followed 
  # by t2. If the locks are grabbed at the start of the statement (as 
  # they should be), no rows are returned. If (as was previously the case)
  # they are grabbed as the tables are accessed, the t1 rows will be 
  # returned before the query fails.
  execsql {
    INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(5, 6);
  } db2
  set ret [list]
  catch {
    db1 eval {SELECT * FROM t1 UNION ALL SELECT * FROM t2} {
      lappend ret $a $b
  set ret
} {}
do_test shared-$av.6.1.4 {
  execsql {
    INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(7, 8);
  } db2
  set ret [list]
  catch {
    db1 eval {
    } {
      lappend ret $d
  set ret
} {}

catch {db1 close}
catch {db2 close}
foreach f [list test.db test2.db] {
  file delete -force $f ${f}-journal

# Tests shared-7.* test auto-vacuum does not invalidate cursors from
# other shared-cache users when it reorganizes the database on 
do_test shared-$av.7.1 {
  # This test case sets up a test database in auto-vacuum mode consisting 
  # of two tables, t1 and t2. Both have a single index. Table t1 is 
  # populated first (so consists of pages toward the start of the db file), 
  # t2 second (pages toward the end of the file). 
  sqlite3 db test.db
  sqlite3 db2 test.db
  execsql {
  set ::contents {}
  for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
    set a [string repeat "$i " 20]
    set b [string repeat "$i " 20]
    db eval {
      INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(:a, :b);
    lappend ::contents [list [expr $i+1] $a $b]
  execsql {
} {}
do_test shared-$av.7.2 {
  # This test case deletes the contents of table t1 (the one at the start of
  # the file) while many cursors are open on table t2 and it's index. All of
  # the non-root pages will be moved from the end to the start of the file
  # when the DELETE is committed - this test verifies that moving the pages
  # does not disturb the open cursors.

  proc lockrow {db tbl oids body} {
    set ret [list]
    db eval "SELECT oid AS i, a, b FROM $tbl ORDER BY a" {
      if {$i==[lindex $oids 0]} {
        set noids [lrange $oids 1 end]
        if {[llength $noids]==0} {
          set subret [eval $body]
        } else {
          set subret [lockrow $db $tbl $noids $body]
      lappend ret [list $i $a $b]
    return [linsert $subret 0 $ret]
  proc locktblrows {db tbl body} {
    set oids [db eval "SELECT oid FROM $tbl"]
    lockrow $db $tbl $oids $body

  set scans [locktblrows db t2 {
    execsql {
      DELETE FROM t1;
    } db2
  set error 0

  # Test that each SELECT query returned the expected contents of t2.
  foreach s $scans {
    if {[lsort -integer -index 0 $s]!=$::contents} {
      set error 1
  set error
} {0}

catch {db close}
catch {db2 close}
unset -nocomplain contents

# The following tests try to trick the shared-cache code into assuming
# the wrong encoding for a database.
file delete -force test.db test.db-journal
ifcapable utf16 {
  do_test shared-$av.8.1.1 {
    sqlite3 db test.db
    execsql {
      PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-16';
      SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
  } {}
  do_test shared-$av.8.1.2 {
    string range [execsql {PRAGMA encoding;}] 0 end-2
  } {UTF-16}
  do_test shared-$av.8.1.3 {
    sqlite3 db2 test.db
    execsql {
      PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-8';
      CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c);
    } db2
  } {}
  do_test shared-$av.8.1.4 {
    execsql {
      SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
  } "table abc abc [expr $AUTOVACUUM?3:2] {CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c)}"
  do_test shared-$av.8.1.5 {
    db2 close
    execsql {
      PRAGMA encoding;
  } {UTF-8}
  file delete -force test2.db test2.db-journal
  do_test shared-$av.8.2.1 {
    execsql {
      ATTACH 'test2.db' AS aux;
      SELECT * FROM aux.sqlite_master;
  } {}
  do_test shared-$av.8.2.2 {
    sqlite3 db2 test2.db
    execsql {
      PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-16';
      CREATE TABLE def(d, e, f);
    } db2
    string range [execsql {PRAGMA encoding;} db2] 0 end-2
  } {UTF-16}
  do_test shared-$av.8.2.3 {
    catchsql {
      SELECT * FROM aux.sqlite_master;
  } {1 {attached databases must use the same text encoding as main database}}

catch {db close}
catch {db2 close}
file delete -force test.db test2.db

# The following tests - shared-9.* - test interactions between TEMP triggers
# and shared-schemas.
ifcapable trigger&&tempdb {

do_test shared-$av.9.1 {
  sqlite3 db test.db
  sqlite3 db2 test.db
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c);
    CREATE TABLE abc_mirror(a, b, c);
      INSERT INTO abc_mirror(a, b, c) VALUES(new.a, new.b, new.c);
    INSERT INTO abc VALUES(1, 2, 3);
    SELECT * FROM abc_mirror;
} {1 2 3}
do_test shared-$av.9.2 {
  execsql {
    INSERT INTO abc VALUES(4, 5, 6);
    SELECT * FROM abc_mirror;
  } db2
} {1 2 3}
do_test shared-$av.9.3 {
  db close
  db2 close
} {}

} ; # End shared-9.*

# The following tests - shared-10.* - test that the library behaves 
# correctly when a connection to a shared-cache is closed. 
do_test shared-$av.10.1 {
  # Create a small sample database with two connections to it (db and db2).
  file delete -force test.db
  sqlite3 db  test.db
  sqlite3 db2 test.db
  execsql {
    INSERT INTO ab VALUES('Chiang Mai', 100000);
    INSERT INTO ab VALUES('Bangkok', 8000000);
    INSERT INTO de VALUES('Ubon', 120000);
    INSERT INTO de VALUES('Khon Kaen', 200000);
} {}
do_test shared-$av.10.2 {
  # Open a read-transaction with the first connection, a write-transaction
  # with the second.
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM ab;
  execsql {
    INSERT INTO de VALUES('Pataya', 30000);
  } db2
} {}
do_test shared-$av.10.3 {
  # An external connection should be able to read the database, but not
  # prepare a write operation.
  if {$::tcl_platform(platform)=="unix"} {
    sqlite3 db3 ./test.db
  } else {
    sqlite3 db3 TEST.DB
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM ab;
  } db3
  catchsql {
    INSERT INTO de VALUES('Pataya', 30000);
  } db3
} {1 {database is locked}}
do_test shared-$av.10.4 {
  # Close the connection with the write-transaction open
  db2 close
} {}
do_test shared-$av.10.5 {
  # Test that the db2 transaction has been automatically rolled back.
  # If it has not the ('Pataya', 30000) entry will still be in the table.
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM de;
} {Ubon 120000 {Khon Kaen} 200000}
do_test shared-$av.10.5 {
  # Closing db2 should have dropped the shared-cache back to a read-lock.
  # So db3 should be able to prepare a write...
  catchsql {INSERT INTO de VALUES('Pataya', 30000);} db3
} {0 {}}
do_test shared-$av.10.6 {
  # ... but not commit it.
  catchsql {COMMIT} db3
} {1 {database is locked}}
do_test shared-$av.10.7 {
  # Commit the (read-only) db transaction. Check via db3 to make sure the 
  # contents of table "de" are still as they should be.
  execsql {
  execsql {
    SELECT * FROM de;
  } db3
} {Ubon 120000 {Khon Kaen} 200000 Pataya 30000}
do_test shared-$av.10.9 {
  # Commit the external transaction.
  catchsql {COMMIT} db3
} {0 {}}
integrity_check shared-$av.10.10
do_test shared-$av.10.11 {
  db close
  db3 close
} {}

do_test shared-$av.11.1 {
  file delete -force test.db
  sqlite3 db  test.db
  sqlite3 db2 test.db
  execsql {
    CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c);
    CREATE TABLE abc2(a, b, c);
    INSERT INTO abc VALUES(1, 2, 3);
} {}
do_test shared-$av.11.2 {
  catchsql {BEGIN;} db2
  catchsql {SELECT * FROM abc;} db2
} {1 {database table is locked: abc}}
do_test shared-$av.11.3 {
  catchsql {BEGIN} db2
} {1 {cannot start a transaction within a transaction}}
do_test shared-$av.11.4 {
  catchsql {SELECT * FROM abc2;} db2
} {0 {}}
do_test shared-$av.11.5 {
  catchsql {INSERT INTO abc2 VALUES(1, 2, 3);} db2
} {1 {database is locked}}
do_test shared-$av.11.6 {
  catchsql {SELECT * FROM abc2}
} {0 {}}
do_test shared-$av.11.6 {
  execsql {
    PRAGMA read_uncommitted = 1;
  } db2
} {}
do_test shared-$av.11.7 {
  execsql {
    INSERT INTO abc2 VALUES(4, 5, 6);
    INSERT INTO abc2 VALUES(7, 8, 9);
} {}
do_test shared-$av.11.8 {
  set res [list]
  db2 eval {
    SELECT abc.a as I, abc2.a as II FROM abc, abc2;
  } {
    execsql {
      DELETE FROM abc WHERE 1;
    lappend res $I $II
  set res
} {1 4 {} 7}

do_test shared-$av.11.11 {
  db close
  db2 close
} {}


sqlite3_enable_shared_cache $::enable_shared_cache