/* An XML-RPC server program written in C, as an example of using compound XML-RPC values. For a simple server program that just deals with integer values, see xmlrpc_sample_add_server.c. This example focuses just on the compound XML-RPC values and not the server functions. This server provides the example.divide XML-RPC method that the example client program compound_value_client.c invokes. See that program for details on what the method does. The program takes one argument: the HTTP port number on which the server is to accept connections, in decimal. Example: $ ./compound_value_server 8080& $ ./compound_value_client */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <xmlrpc-c/base.h> #include <xmlrpc-c/server.h> #include <xmlrpc-c/server_abyss.h> #include "config.h" /* information about this build environment */ static void computeQuotient(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const ratioP, xmlrpc_double * const quotientP) { xmlrpc_value * dividendP; xmlrpc_struct_find_value(envP, ratioP, "DIVIDEND", ÷ndP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (!dividendP) xmlrpc_env_set_fault( envP, 0, "Structure is missing 'DIVIDEND' member"); else { xmlrpc_value * divisorP; xmlrpc_struct_find_value(envP, ratioP, "DIVISOR", &divisorP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { if (!divisorP) xmlrpc_env_set_fault( envP, 0, "Structure is missing 'DIVISOR' member"); else { xmlrpc_double dividend; xmlrpc_read_double(envP, dividendP, ÷nd); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_double divisor; xmlrpc_read_double(envP, divisorP, &divisor); if (!envP->fault_occurred) *quotientP = dividend / divisor; } xmlrpc_DECREF(divisorP); } } xmlrpc_DECREF(dividendP); } } } static void computeQuotients(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const ratioArrayP, xmlrpc_value ** const quotientArrayPP) { xmlrpc_value * quotientArrayP; quotientArrayP = xmlrpc_array_new(envP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { unsigned int const ratioCt = xmlrpc_array_size(envP, ratioArrayP); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < ratioCt && !envP->fault_occurred; ++i) { xmlrpc_value * ratioP; xmlrpc_array_read_item(envP, ratioArrayP, i, &ratioP); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_double quotient; computeQuotient(envP, ratioP, "ient); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_value * quotientP; quotientP = xmlrpc_double_new(envP, quotient); if (!envP->fault_occurred) { xmlrpc_array_append_item(envP, quotientArrayP, quotientP); xmlrpc_DECREF(quotientP); } } xmlrpc_DECREF(ratioP); } } if (envP->fault_occurred) xmlrpc_DECREF(quotientArrayP); else *quotientArrayPP = quotientArrayP; } } static xmlrpc_value * example_divide(xmlrpc_env * const envP, xmlrpc_value * const paramArrayP, void * const serverInfo, void * const channelInfo) { xmlrpc_value * retvalP; xmlrpc_int32 argVersion; xmlrpc_value * ratioArrayP; xmlrpc_decompose_value(envP, paramArrayP, "(iA)", &argVersion, &ratioArrayP); if (envP->fault_occurred) return NULL; if (argVersion != 1) { xmlrpc_env_set_fault(envP, 0, "Parameter list version must be 1"); return NULL; } computeQuotients(envP, ratioArrayP, &retvalP); xmlrpc_DECREF(ratioArrayP); if (envP->fault_occurred) return NULL; return retvalP; } int main(int const argc, const char ** const argv) { struct xmlrpc_method_info3 const methodInfo = { /* .methodName = */ "example.divide", /* .methodFunction = */ &example_divide, }; xmlrpc_server_abyss_parms serverparm; xmlrpc_registry * registryP; xmlrpc_env env; if (argc-1 != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify 1 argument: The TCP port " "number on which the server will accept connections " "for RPCs (8080 is a common choice). " "You specified %d arguments.\n", argc-1); exit(1); } xmlrpc_env_init(&env); registryP = xmlrpc_registry_new(&env); xmlrpc_registry_add_method3(&env, registryP, &methodInfo); /* In the modern form of the Abyss API, we supply parameters in memory like a normal API. We select the modern form by setting config_file_name to NULL: */ serverparm.config_file_name = NULL; serverparm.registryP = registryP; serverparm.port_number = atoi(argv[1]); serverparm.log_file_name = "/tmp/xmlrpc_log"; printf("Running XML-RPC server...\n"); xmlrpc_server_abyss(&env, &serverparm, XMLRPC_APSIZE(log_file_name)); /* xmlrpc_server_abyss() never returns */ return 0; }