#include "ks.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "tap.h" static void fill(char *str, int bytes, char c) { memset(str, c, bytes -1); *(str+(bytes-1)) = '\0'; } struct foo { int x; char *str; }; void cleanup(ks_pool_t *mpool, void *ptr, void *arg, int type, ks_pool_cleanup_action_t action, ks_pool_cleanup_type_t ctype) { struct foo *foo = (struct foo *) ptr; printf("Cleanup %p action: %d\n", ptr, action); switch(action) { case KS_MPCL_ANNOUNCE: break; case KS_MPCL_TEARDOWN: break; case KS_MPCL_DESTROY: printf("DESTROY STR [%s]\n", foo->str); free(foo->str); foo->str = NULL; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ks_pool_t *pool; int err = 0; char *str = NULL; int bytes = 1024; ks_status_t status; struct foo *foo; ks_init(); plan(11); if (argc > 1) { int tmp = atoi(argv[1]); if (tmp > 0) { bytes = tmp; } else { fprintf(stderr, "INVALID\n"); exit(255); } } status = ks_pool_open(&pool); printf("OPEN:\n"); ok(status == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (status != KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "OPEN ERR: %d [%s]\n", err, ks_pool_strerror(status)); exit(255); } printf("ALLOC:\n"); str = ks_pool_alloc(pool, bytes); ok(str != NULL); if (!str) { fprintf(stderr, "ALLOC ERR\n"); exit(255); } fill(str, bytes, '.'); printf("%s\n", str); printf("FREE:\n"); status = ks_pool_safe_free(pool, str); if (status != KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "FREE ERR: [%s]\n", ks_pool_strerror(err)); exit(255); } printf("ALLOC2:\n"); str = ks_pool_alloc(pool, bytes); ok(str != NULL); if (!str) { fprintf(stderr, "ALLOC2 ERR: [FAILED]\n"); exit(255); } fill(str, bytes, '-'); printf("%s\n", str); printf("ALLOC OBJ:\n"); foo = ks_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(struct foo)); ok(foo != NULL); if (!foo) { fprintf(stderr, "ALLOC OBJ: [FAILED]\n"); exit(255); } else { printf("ALLOC OBJ [%p]:\n", (void *) foo); } foo->x = 12; foo->str = strdup("This is a test 1234 abcd; This will be called on explicit free\n"); ks_pool_set_cleanup(pool, foo, NULL, 0, cleanup); printf("FREE OBJ:\n"); status = ks_pool_safe_free(pool, foo); ok(status == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (status != KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "FREE OBJ ERR: [%s]\n", ks_pool_strerror(status)); exit(255); } printf("ALLOC OBJ2:\n"); foo = ks_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(struct foo)); ok(foo != NULL); if (!foo) { fprintf(stderr, "ALLOC OBJ2: [FAILED]\n"); exit(255); } else { printf("ALLOC OBJ2 [%p]:\n", (void *) foo); } foo->x = 12; foo->str = strdup("This is a second test 1234 abcd; This will be called on pool clear/destroy\n"); ks_pool_set_cleanup(pool, foo, NULL, 0, cleanup); printf("ALLOC OBJ3:\n"); foo = ks_pool_alloc(pool, sizeof(struct foo)); ok(foo != NULL); if (!foo) { fprintf(stderr, "ALLOC OBJ3: [FAILED]\n"); exit(255); } else { printf("ALLOC OBJ3 [%p]:\n", (void *) foo); } foo->x = 12; foo->str = strdup("This is a third test 1234 abcd; This will be called on pool clear/destroy\n"); ks_pool_set_cleanup(pool, foo, NULL, 0, cleanup); printf("RESIZE:\n"); bytes *= 2; str = ks_pool_resize(pool, str, bytes); ok(str != NULL); if (!str) { fprintf(stderr, "RESIZE ERR: [FAILED]\n"); exit(255); } fill(str, bytes, '*'); printf("%s\n", str); printf("FREE 2:\n"); status = ks_pool_free(pool, str); ok(status == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (status != KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "FREE2 ERR: [%s]\n", ks_pool_strerror(status)); exit(255); } printf("CLEAR:\n"); status = ks_pool_clear(pool); ok(status == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (status != KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "CLEAR ERR: [%s]\n", ks_pool_strerror(status)); exit(255); } printf("CLOSE:\n"); status = ks_pool_close(&pool); ok(status == KS_STATUS_SUCCESS); if (status != KS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "CLOSE ERR: [%s]\n", ks_pool_strerror(err)); exit(255); } ks_shutdown(); done_testing(); }