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README for codec2/unittest Created David Rowe 31 July 2012 Training (experimental) sparse phase VQs: 1/ In ../src/phase.c phase_experiment() enable: print_sparse_pred_error() and 'make' c2sim (in src) 2/ Run over a training database: $ ./c2sim /xhome1/codec2/samples/train.spc --phaseexp > train_phtrain.txt a) check stats in Octave: octave> load ../src/train_phtrain.txt octave> std(nonzeros(train_phtrain(:,1:20))) octave> hist(nonzeros(train_phtrain(:,1:20)),20) 3/ Extract and convert to floats vector you wish to train for example first 20 (out of MAX_AMP == 80): $ ./extract ../src/train_phtrain.txt train_phtrain.flt 1 20 4/ Convert to rectangular: $ ./polar2rect train_phtrain.flt train_phtrainr.flt 5/ Run this program: $ ./vqtrainph train_phtrainr.flt 20 1024 vq.txt Ouput is vq.txt Tests ----- + build up insmallest possible stesp + impl errors v alg errors + use actual phase data as codebook + test vq with rand phases first or known data