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synced 2025-03-14 21:05:46 +00:00
This updates mod_portaudio to use the new v19 api and also contains major behavioural changes. This initial check-in should be tested to find any obscure use cases that lead to crashes etc... All of the old api interface commands are now depricated and any attempt to use them should cause a polite warning asking you to try the new single "pa" command. New Features: *) Mulitiple calls with hold/call switching. *) Inbound calls can play a ring file on specified device. (global and per call) *) Optional hold music for backgrounded calls. (global and per call) Example dialplan usage: <extension name="2000"> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^2000$"> <!--if the next 3 lines are omitted the defaults will be used from portaudio.conf--> <action application="set" data="pa_ring_file=/sounds/myring.wav"/> <action application="set" data="pa_hold_file=/sounds/myhold.wav"/> <action application="set" data="export_vars=pa_ring_file,pa_hold_file"/> <action application="bridge" data="portaudio"/> </condition> </extension> Example API interface usage: call extension 1000 > pa call 1000 call extension 1001 putting the other call on hold > pa call 1001 swap the calls between hold and active > pa switch view the current calls > pa list forground the call with id 1 > pa switch 1 background all calls > pa switch none send a dtmf string (1234) to the current call > pa dtmf 1234 answer the oldest unanswered inbound call > pa answer answer the call with id 1 > pa answer 1 hangup the active call > pa hangup hangup the call with id 1 > pa hangup 1 get device info > pa dump print usage summary > pa help USAGE: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pa help pa dump pa call <dest> [<dialplan> <cid_name> <cid_num> <rate>] pa answer [<call_id>] pa hangup [<call_id>] pa list pa switch [<call_id>|none] pa_dtmf <digit string> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The source of the portaudio v19 library will also be checked in for the sake of the build system. git-svn-id: http://svn.freeswitch.org/svn/freeswitch/trunk@3981 d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
148 lines
5.3 KiB
148 lines
5.3 KiB
import sys, os.path
def rsplit(toSplit, sub, max=-1):
""" str.rsplit seems to have been introduced in 2.4 :( """
l = []
i = 0
while i != max:
try: idx = toSplit.rindex(sub)
except ValueError: break
toSplit, splitOff = toSplit[:idx], toSplit[idx + len(sub):]
l.insert(0, splitOff)
i += 1
l.insert(0, toSplit)
return l
sconsDir = os.path.join("build", "scons")
SConscript(os.path.join(sconsDir, "SConscript_common"))
Import("Platform", "Posix", "ApiVer")
# SConscript_opts exports PortAudio options
optsDict = SConscript(os.path.join(sconsDir, "SConscript_opts"))
optionsCache = os.path.join(sconsDir, "options.cache") # Save options between runs in this cache
options = Options(optionsCache, args=ARGUMENTS)
for k in ("Installation Dirs", "Build Targets", "Host APIs", "Build Parameters", "Bindings"):
# Propagate options into environment
env = Environment(options=options)
# Save options for next run
options.Save(optionsCache, env)
# Generate help text for options
buildDir = os.path.join("#", sconsDir, env["PLATFORM"])
# Determine parameters to build tools
if Platform in Posix:
baseLinkFlags = threadCFlags = "-pthread"
baseCxxFlags = baseCFlags = "-Wall -pedantic -pipe " + threadCFlags
debugCxxFlags = debugCFlags = "-g"
optCxxFlags = optCFlags = "-O2"
env["CCFLAGS"] = baseCFlags.split()
env["CXXFLAGS"] = baseCxxFlags.split()
env["LINKFLAGS"] = baseLinkFlags.split()
if env["enableDebug"]:
if env["enableOptimize"]:
if not env["enableAsserts"]:
if env["customCFlags"]:
if env["customCxxFlags"]:
if env["customLinkFlags"]:
env.Append(CPPPATH=[os.path.join("#", "include"), "common"])
# Store all signatures in one file, otherwise .sconsign files will get installed along with our own files
env.SConsignFile(os.path.join(sconsDir, ".sconsign"))
sources, sharedLib, staticLib, tests, portEnv = env.SConscript(os.path.join("src", "SConscript"),
build_dir=buildDir, duplicate=False, exports=["env"])
if Platform in Posix:
prefix = env["prefix"]
includeDir = os.path.join(prefix, "include")
libDir = os.path.join(prefix, "lib")
env.Alias("install", includeDir)
env.Alias("install", libDir)
# pkg-config
def installPkgconfig(env, target, source):
tgt = str(target[0])
src = str(source[0])
f = open(src)
try: txt = f.read()
finally: f.close()
txt = txt.replace("@prefix@", prefix)
txt = txt.replace("@exec_prefix@", prefix)
txt = txt.replace("@libdir@", libDir)
txt = txt.replace("@includedir@", includeDir)
txt = txt.replace("@LIBS@", " ".join(["-l%s" % l for l in portEnv["LIBS"]]))
txt = txt.replace("@THREAD_CFLAGS@", threadCFlags)
f = open(tgt, "w")
try: f.write(txt)
finally: f.close()
pkgconfigTgt = "portaudio-%d.0.pc" % int(ApiVer.split(".", 1)[0])
env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "pkgconfig", pkgconfigTgt),
os.path.join("#", pkgconfigTgt + ".in"), installPkgconfig)
# Default to None, since if the user disables all targets and no Default is set, all targets
# are built by default
if env["enableTests"]:
if env["enableShared"]:
if Platform in Posix:
def symlink(env, target, source):
trgt = str(target[0])
src = str(source[0])
if os.path.islink(trgt) or os.path.exists(trgt):
os.symlink(os.path.basename(src), trgt)
major, minor, micro = [int(c) for c in ApiVer.split(".")]
soFile = "%s.%s" % (os.path.basename(str(sharedLib[0])), ApiVer)
env.InstallAs(target=os.path.join(libDir, soFile), source=sharedLib)
# Install symlinks
symTrgt = os.path.join(libDir, soFile)
env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "libportaudio.so.%d.%d" % (major, minor)),
symTrgt, symlink)
symTrgt = rsplit(symTrgt, ".", 1)[0]
env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "libportaudio.so.%d" % major), symTrgt, symlink)
symTrgt = rsplit(symTrgt, ".", 1)[0]
env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "libportaudio.so"), symTrgt, symlink)
if env["enableStatic"]:
env.Install(libDir, staticLib)
env.Install(includeDir, os.path.join("include", "portaudio.h"))
if env["enableCxx"]:
cxxEnv = env.Copy()
sharedLibs, staticLibs, headers = env.SConscript(os.path.join("bindings", "cpp", "SConscript"),
exports={"env": cxxEnv, "buildDir": buildDir}, build_dir=os.path.join(buildDir, "portaudiocpp"), duplicate=False)
if env["enableStatic"]:
env.Install(libDir, staticLibs)
if env["enableShared"]:
env.Install(libDir, sharedLibs)
env.Install(os.path.join(includeDir, "portaudiocpp"), headers)