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#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 /* Make sure strdup() is in <string.h> */
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mallocvar.h"
#include "xmlrpc-c/util.h"
#include "xmlrpc-c/string_int.h"
#include "xmlrpc-c/client.h"
#include "xmlrpc-c/client_int.h"
#include "version.h"
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <curl/types.h>
#include <curl/easy.h>
#include "curlversion.h"
#include "curltransaction.h"
struct curlTransaction {
/* This is all stuff that really ought to be in a Curl object, but
the Curl library is a little too simple for that. So we build
a layer on top of Curl, and define this "transaction," as an
object subordinate to a Curl "session." A Curl session has
zero or one transactions in progress. The Curl session
"private data" is a pointer to the CurlTransaction object for
the current transaction.
CURL * curlSessionP;
/* Handle for the Curl session that hosts this transaction.
Note that only one transaction at a time can use a particular
Curl session, so this had better not be a session that some other
transaction is using simultaneously.
curlt_finishFn * finish;
curlt_progressFn * progress;
void * userContextP;
/* Meaningful to our client; opaque to us */
CURLcode result;
/* Result of the transaction (succeeded, TCP connect failed, etc.).
A properly executed HTTP transaction (request & response) counts
as a successful transaction. When 'result' show success,
curl_easy_get_info() tells you whether the transaction succeeded
at the HTTP level.
char curlError[CURL_ERROR_SIZE];
/* Error message from Curl */
struct curl_slist * headerList;
/* The HTTP headers for the transaction */
const char * serverUrl; /* malloc'ed - belongs to this object */
static void
addHeader(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
struct curl_slist ** const headerListP,
const char * const headerText) {
struct curl_slist * newHeaderList;
newHeaderList = curl_slist_append(*headerListP, headerText);
if (newHeaderList == NULL)
"Could not add header '%s'. "
"curl_slist_append() failed.", headerText);
*headerListP = newHeaderList;
static void
addContentTypeHeader(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
struct curl_slist ** const headerListP) {
addHeader(envP, headerListP, "Content-Type: text/xml");
static const char *
xmlrpcUserAgentPart(bool const reportIt) {
const char * retval;
if (reportIt) {
curl_version_info_data * const curlInfoP =
char curlVersion[32];
snprintf(curlVersion, sizeof(curlVersion), "%u.%u.%u",
(curlInfoP->version_num >> 16) && 0xff,
(curlInfoP->version_num >> 8) && 0xff,
(curlInfoP->version_num >> 0) && 0xff
"Xmlrpc-c/%s Curl/%s",
XMLRPC_C_VERSION, curlVersion);
} else
xmlrpc_asprintf(&retval, "%s", "");
return retval;
static void
addUserAgentHeader(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
struct curl_slist ** const headerListP,
bool const reportXmlrpc,
const char * const userAgent) {
Add a User-Agent HTTP header to the Curl header list *headerListP,
if appropriate.
'reportXmlrpc' means we want to tell the client what XML-RPC agent
is being used -- Xmlrpc-c and layers below.
'userAgent' is a string describing the layers above Xmlrpc-c. We
assume it is in the proper format to be included in a User-Agent
header. (We should probably fix that some day -- take ownership
of that format).
if (reportXmlrpc || userAgent) {
/* Add the header */
/* Note: Curl has a CURLOPT_USERAGENT option that does some of this
work. We prefer to be totally in control, though, so we build
the header explicitly.
const char * const xmlrpcPart = xmlrpcUserAgentPart(reportXmlrpc);
if (xmlrpc_strnomem(xmlrpcPart))
xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Couldn't allocate memory for "
"User-Agent header");
else {
const char * const userPart = userAgent ? userAgent : "";
const char * const space = userAgent && reportXmlrpc ? " " : "";
const char * userAgentHeader;
"User-Agent: %s%s%s",
userPart, space, xmlrpcPart);
if (xmlrpc_strnomem(userAgentHeader))
xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Couldn't allocate memory for "
"User-Agent header");
else {
addHeader(envP, headerListP, userAgentHeader);
static void
addAuthorizationHeader(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
struct curl_slist ** const headerListP,
const char * const hdrValue) {
const char * authorizationHeader;
xmlrpc_asprintf(&authorizationHeader, "Authorization: %s", hdrValue);
if (xmlrpc_strnomem(authorizationHeader))
xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Couldn't allocate memory for "
"Authorization header");
else {
addHeader(envP, headerListP, authorizationHeader);
In HTTP 1.1, the client can send the header "Expect: 100-continue", which
tells the server that the client isn't going to send the body until the
server tells it to by sending a "continue" response (HTTP response code 100).
The server is obligated to send that response.
However, many servers are broken and don't send the Continue response.
Early libcurl did not send the Expect: header, thus worked fine with such
broken servers. But as of ca. 2007, libcurl sends the Expect:, and waits
for the response, when the body is large. It gives up after 3 seconds and
sends the body anyway.
To accomodate the broken servers and for backward compatibility, we always
force libcurl not to send the Expect and consequently not to wait for the
response, using the hackish (but according to libcurl design) method of
including an entry in our explicit header list that is an Expect: header
with an empty argument. This causes libcurl not to send any Expect: header.
This is since 1.19; we may find there are also servers and/or libcurl levels
that can't work with that.
We may find a case where the Expect/Continue protocol is desirable. If we
do, we should add a transport option to request the function and let libcurl
do its thing when the user requests it.
The purpose of Expect/Continue is to save the client the trouble of
generating and/or sending the body when the server is just going to reject
the transaction based on the headers -- like maybe because the body is
too big.
static void
addExpectHeader(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
struct curl_slist ** const headerListP) {
addHeader(envP, headerListP, "Expect:");
/* Don't send Expect header. See explanation above. */
static void
createCurlHeaderList(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
const char * const authHdrValue,
bool const dontAdvertise,
const char * const userAgent,
struct curl_slist ** const headerListP) {
struct curl_slist * headerList;
headerList = NULL; /* initial value - empty list */
addContentTypeHeader(envP, &headerList);
if (!envP->fault_occurred) {
addUserAgentHeader(envP, &headerList, !dontAdvertise, userAgent);
if (!envP->fault_occurred) {
if (authHdrValue)
addAuthorizationHeader(envP, &headerList, authHdrValue);
if (!envP->fault_occurred)
addExpectHeader(envP, &headerList);
if (envP->fault_occurred)
*headerListP = headerList;
static size_t
collect(void * const ptr,
size_t const size,
size_t const nmemb,
FILE * const stream) {
This is a Curl output function. Curl calls this to deliver the
HTTP response body to the Curl client. Curl thinks it's writing to
a POSIX stream.
xmlrpc_mem_block * const responseXmlP = (xmlrpc_mem_block *) stream;
char * const buffer = ptr;
size_t const length = nmemb * size;
size_t retval;
xmlrpc_env env;
xmlrpc_mem_block_append(&env, responseXmlP, buffer, length);
if (env.fault_occurred)
retval = (size_t)-1;
/* Really? Shouldn't it be like fread() and return 'nmemb'? */
retval = length;
return retval;
static int
curlProgress(void * const contextP,
double const dltotal,
double const dlnow,
double const ultotal,
double const ulnow) {
This is a Curl "progress function." It's something various Curl functions
call every so often, including whenever something gets interrupted by the
process receiving, and catching, a signal. There are two purposes of a
Curl progress function: 1) lets us log the progress of a long-running
transaction such as a big download, e.g. by displaying a progress bar
somewhere. 2) allows us to tell the Curl function, via our return code,
that calls it that we don't want to wait anymore for the operation to
In Curl versions before March 2007, we get called once per second and
signals have no effect. In current Curl, we usually get called immediately
after a signal gets caught while Curl is waiting to receive a response from
the server. But Curl doesn't properly synchronize with signals, so it may
miss one and then we don't get called until the next scheduled
one-per-second call.
All we do is pass the call through to the curlTransaction's progress
function (the one that the creator of the curlTransaction registered).
This function is not as important as it once was for interrupting purposes.
This module used to use curl_easy_perform(), which can be interrupted only
via this progress function. But because of the above-mentioned failure of
Curl to properly synchronize signals (and Bryan's failure to get Curl
developers to accept code to fix it), we now use the Curl "multi" facility
instead and do our own pselect(). But This function still normally gets
called by curl_multi_perform(), which the transport tries to call even when
the user has requested interruption, because we don't trust our ability to
abort a running Curl transaction. curl_multi_perform() reliably winds up a
Curl transaction when this function tells it to.
curlTransaction * const curlTransactionP = contextP;
bool abort;
/* We require anyone setting us up as the Curl progress function to
supply a progress function:
dltotal, dlnow, ultotal, ulnow,
return abort;
static void
setupAuth(xmlrpc_env * const envP ATTR_UNUSED,
CURL * const curlSessionP,
const xmlrpc_server_info * const serverInfoP,
const char ** const authHdrValueP) {
Set the options in the Curl session 'curlSessionP' to set up the HTTP
authentication described by *serverInfoP.
But we have an odd special function for backward compatibility, because
this code dates to a time when libcurl did not have the ability to
handle authentication, but we provided such function nonetheless by
building our own Authorization: header. But we did this only for
HTTP basic authentication.
So the special function is this: if libcurl is too old to have
authorization options and *serverInfoP allows basic authentication,
return as *basicAuthHdrParamP an appropriate parameter for the
Authorization: Basic: HTTP header. Otherwise, return
*basicAuthHdrParamP == NULL.
if (serverInfoP->allowedAuth.basic) {
CURLcode rc;
rc = curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
if (rc == CURLE_OK)
*authHdrValueP = NULL;
else {
*authHdrValueP = strdup(serverInfoP->basicAuthHdrValue);
if (*authHdrValueP == NULL)
xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Unable to allocate memory for basic "
"authentication header");
} else
*authHdrValueP = NULL;
/* We don't worry if libcurl is too old for these other kinds of
authentication; they're only defined as _allowed_
authentication methods, for when client and server are capable
of using it, and unlike with basic authentication, we have no
historical commitment to consider an old libcurl as capable of
doing these.
if (serverInfoP->userNamePw)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_USERPWD,
if (serverInfoP->allowedAuth.digest)
if (serverInfoP->allowedAuth.gssnegotiate)
if (serverInfoP->allowedAuth.ntlm)
static void
setCurlTimeout(CURL * const curlSessionP ATTR_UNUSED,
unsigned int const timeout ATTR_UNUSED) {
unsigned int const timeoutMs = (timeout + 999)/1000;
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
assert((long)timeoutMs == (int)timeoutMs);
/* Calling requirement */
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, (long)timeoutMs);
static void
assertConstantsMatch(void) {
There are some constants that we define as part of the Xmlrpc-c
interface that are identical to constants in the Curl interface to
make curl option setting work. This function asserts such
static void
setupCurlSession(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
curlTransaction * const curlTransactionP,
xmlrpc_mem_block * const callXmlP,
xmlrpc_mem_block * const responseXmlP,
const xmlrpc_server_info * const serverInfoP,
bool const dontAdvertise,
const char * const userAgent,
const struct curlSetup * const curlSetupP) {
Set up the Curl session for the transaction *curlTransactionP so that
a subsequent curl_easy_perform() would perform said transaction.
The data curl_easy_perform() would send for that transaction would
be the contents of *callXmlP; the data curl_easy_perform() gets back
would go into *responseXmlP.
*serverInfoP tells what sort of authentication to set up. This is
an embarassment, as the xmlrpc_server_info type is part of the
Xmlrpc-c interface. Some day, we need to replace this with a type
(probably identical) not tied to Xmlrpc-c.
CURL * const curlSessionP = curlTransactionP->curlSessionP;
/* A Curl session is serial -- it processes zero or one transaction
at a time. We use the "private" attribute of the Curl session to
indicate which transaction it is presently processing. This is
important when the transaction finishes, because libcurl will just
tell us that something finished on a particular session, not that
a particular transaction finished.
/* It is out policy to do a libcurl call only where necessary, I.e. not
to set what is the default anyhow. The reduction in calls may save
some time, but mostly, it will save us encountering rare bugs or
suffering from backward incompatibilities in future libcurl. I.e. we
don't exercise any more of libcurl than we have to.
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_PRIVATE, curlTransactionP);
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_URL, curlTransactionP->serverUrl);
XMLRPC_MEMBLOCK_APPEND(char, envP, callXmlP, "\0", 1);
if (!envP->fault_occurred) {
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, collect);
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_FILE, responseXmlP);
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER,
if (curlTransactionP->progress) {
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION,
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA,
} else
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 1);
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,
curlSetupP->sslVerifyHost ? 2 : 0);
if (curlSetupP->networkInterface)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_INTERFACE,
if (curlSetupP->sslCert)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLCERT,
if (curlSetupP->sslCertType)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE,
if (curlSetupP->sslCertPasswd)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLCERTPASSWD,
if (curlSetupP->sslKey)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLKEY,
if (curlSetupP->sslKeyType)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE,
if (curlSetupP->sslKeyPasswd)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLKEYPASSWD,
if (curlSetupP->sslEngine)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLENGINE,
if (curlSetupP->sslEngineDefault)
/* 3rd argument seems to be required by some Curl */
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLENGINE_DEFAULT, 1l);
if (curlSetupP->sslVersion != XMLRPC_SSLVERSION_DEFAULT)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION,
if (curlSetupP->caInfo)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_CAINFO,
if (curlSetupP->caPath)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_CAPATH,
if (curlSetupP->randomFile)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_RANDOM_FILE,
if (curlSetupP->egdSocket)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_EGDSOCKET,
if (curlSetupP->sslCipherList)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_SSL_CIPHER_LIST,
if (curlSetupP->proxy)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_PROXY, curlSetupP->proxy);
if (curlSetupP->proxyAuth != CURLAUTH_BASIC)
/* Note that the Xmlrpc-c default and the Curl default are
different. Xmlrpc-c is none, while Curl is basic. One reason
for this is that it makes our extensible parameter list scheme,
wherein zero always means default, easier.
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_PROXYAUTH,
if (curlSetupP->proxyPort)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_PROXYPORT,
if (curlSetupP->proxyUserPwd)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD,
if (curlSetupP->proxyType)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_PROXYTYPE,
if (curlSetupP->verbose)
curl_easy_setopt(curlSessionP, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1l);
if (curlSetupP->timeout)
setCurlTimeout(curlSessionP, curlSetupP->timeout);
const char * authHdrValue;
/* NULL means we don't have to construct an explicit
Authorization: header. non-null means we have to
construct one with this as its value.
setupAuth(envP, curlSessionP, serverInfoP, &authHdrValue);
if (!envP->fault_occurred) {
struct curl_slist * headerList;
createCurlHeaderList(envP, authHdrValue,
dontAdvertise, userAgent,
if (!envP->fault_occurred) {
curlSessionP, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headerList);
curlTransactionP->headerList = headerList;
if (authHdrValue)
curlTransaction_create(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
CURL * const curlSessionP,
const xmlrpc_server_info * const serverP,
xmlrpc_mem_block * const callXmlP,
xmlrpc_mem_block * const responseXmlP,
bool const dontAdvertise,
const char * const userAgent,
const struct curlSetup * const curlSetupStuffP,
void * const userContextP,
curlt_finishFn * const finish,
curlt_progressFn * const progress,
curlTransaction ** const curlTransactionPP) {
curlTransaction * curlTransactionP;
if (curlTransactionP == NULL)
xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "No memory to create Curl transaction.");
else {
curlTransactionP->finish = finish;
curlTransactionP->curlSessionP = curlSessionP;
curlTransactionP->userContextP = userContextP;
curlTransactionP->progress = progress;
curlTransactionP->serverUrl = strdup(serverP->serverUrl);
if (curlTransactionP->serverUrl == NULL)
xmlrpc_faultf(envP, "Out of memory to store server URL.");
else {
setupCurlSession(envP, curlTransactionP,
callXmlP, responseXmlP,
serverP, dontAdvertise, userAgent,
if (envP->fault_occurred)
if (envP->fault_occurred)
*curlTransactionPP = curlTransactionP;
curlTransaction_destroy(curlTransaction * const curlTransactionP) {
static void
interpretCurlEasyError(const char ** const descriptionP,
CURLcode const code) {
*descriptionP = strdup(curl_easy_strerror(code));
xmlrpc_asprintf(descriptionP, "Curl error code (CURLcode) %d", code);
curlTransaction_getError(curlTransaction * const curlTransactionP,
xmlrpc_env * const envP) {
if (curlTransactionP->result != CURLE_OK) {
/* We've seen Curl just return a null string for an explanation
(e.g. when TCP connect() fails because IP address doesn't exist).
const char * explanation;
if (strlen(curlTransactionP->curlError) == 0)
interpretCurlEasyError(&explanation, curlTransactionP->result);
xmlrpc_asprintf(&explanation, "%s", curlTransactionP->curlError);
envP, XMLRPC_NETWORK_ERROR, "libcurl failed to execute the "
"HTTP POST transaction, explaining: %s", explanation);
} else {
CURLcode res;
long http_result;
res = curl_easy_getinfo(curlTransactionP->curlSessionP,
CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE, &http_result);
if (res != CURLE_OK)
"Curl performed the HTTP POST request, but was "
"unable to say what the HTTP result code was. "
"curl_easy_getinfo(CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) says: %s",
else {
if (http_result != 200)
"HTTP response code is %ld, not 200",
curlTransaction_finish(xmlrpc_env * const envP,
curlTransaction * const curlTransactionP,
CURLcode const result) {
curlTransactionP->result = result;
if (curlTransactionP->finish)
curlTransactionP->finish(envP, curlTransactionP->userContextP);
curlTransaction_curlSession(curlTransaction * const curlTransactionP) {
return curlTransactionP->curlSessionP;