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synced 2025-03-25 16:38:47 +00:00
Run "make" in this directory to build the tests and run them. test1: serialize int into memory, unserialize test2: serialize int into file, unserialize test3: serialize A(i) into file, unserialize test4: serialize A(i) into memory, unserialize test5: serialize A(A(i)) into memory, unserialize test6: serialize string into memory, unserialize test7: serialize A(s) into file, unserialize test8: serialize cA(c) into file, unserialize test9: unpack big-endian tpl data file of A(i) test10: unpack little-endian tpl data file of A(i) test11: try to load a corrupt tpl image w/invalid chars test12: try to load a corrupt tpl image w/runaway format string test13: try to load a corrupt tpl image w/internal A length -1 test14: try to load a corrupt tpl image w/internal A length +1 test15: try to load a corrupt tpl image w/invalid magic test16: try to load a corrupt tpl image w/invalid len test17: try to load a good tpl but whose format mismatches map test18: try to map a tpl with malformed format- unbalanced parens: missing ) test19: try to map a tpl with malformed format- unbalanced parens: extra ) test20: try to map a tpl with malformed format- empty A() test21: serialize A(ii) into file, unserialize test22: serialize A(u) into file, unserialize test23: serialize A(u) into file, read tpl from fd using TPL_FD test24: read A(u) tpl file with extra trailing bytes, ok in TPL_FD mode test25: same A(u) tpl file with extra trailing bytes, not ok in TPL_FILE mode test26: test non-blocking tpl_gather using async read of 3 tpls across 2 pipes test27: test tpl_dump() of A(u) to file using TPL_FD, unserialize test28: parent writes A(u) tpl to child through pipe, both use TPL_FD mode test29: parent writes consecutive A(u) tpl then A(c) tpl to child through pipe test30: test pack B (binary buffer) and unpack test31: test pack B (binary buffer) of 0-length and unpack test32: test pack A(B) and unpack test33: test pack f (double) and unpack test34: test pack A(f) and unpack test35: pack A(is) test36: unpack A(is) test37: pack A(A(i)) [example from man page] test38: unpack A(A(i)) [example from man page] test39: try to load a tpl with an unsupported bit flag set test40: pack char array - userguide example test41: unpack char arrray - userguide example test42: test non-aligned pointers in backbone (under Solaris dbx, check -all) test43: test non-aligned pointers in backbone (under Solaris dbx, check -all) test44: test non-aligned pointers in backbone (under Solaris dbx, check -all) test46: test correct-size of backbone "double" datum (Solaris dbx, check -all) test47: store A(i) to file - userguide example test48: read A(i) from file - userguide example test49: write A(s) - userguide example test50: read A(s) - userguide example test51: test tpl_mem_gather (_0: 1 tpl; _1: 2 tpls; _2/_3/_4: 1 tpl in 3 parts) test52: A(A(i)): pack an int; pack parent; pack int; don't pack parent; ser_osz test53: A(A(i)): pack an int; pack parent; pack parent; 0-length 2nd parent el. test54: test callback negative return value for tpl_mem_gather test55: test callback negative return value for tpl_fd_gather test56: test static string using c# format pack/unpack in mem test57: test pack static string using c# to file test58: test unpack static string using c# from file test59: test alignment using cc#cc# pack/unpack in mem test60: test pack-then-load (implicit intervening free, using tpl_free_keep_map) test61: test load-then-load (implicit intervening free, using tpl_free_keep_map) test62: test load-then-pack (implicit intervening free, using tpl_free_keep_map) test63: test pack-then-unpack (implicit dump/load) then pack-then-unpack again test64: pack level 0 types, change and re-pack level 0 types, test implicit free test65: pack int[] using format character # test66: pack two separate int[] using format character # test67: test expected failure if format strings agree but array lengths mismatch test68: test octothorpe support by packing,unpacking two fixed lengths arrays test69: test octothorpic array support A(i#i#) test70: test S(...) structure pack and unpack test71: test cS(...) pack/unpack when preceded by non-structure byte test72: test wildcard structure unpack test73: test wildcard structure unpack test74: test wildcard structure unpack test75: test sc# (string and byte array) test76: test S(sc#) (structure of last) test77: test S(sc#) (structure of last) with wildcard unpack test78: pack A(i)c test79: unpack A(i)c test80: pack and unpack A(S(ci#)) test81: pack and unpack A(S(ci#)) test82: pack cA(i#)S(cf#)A(ci#) test83: unpack cA(i#)S(cf#)A(ci#) test84: repeat test83 with both big and little endian input files test85: tpl_peek at file test86: tpl_peek at in-memory tpl test87: test tpl_gather(TPL_GATHER_FD_BLOCKING) test88: test packing S(ic#f) test89: test unpacking S(ic#f) as S(*) test90: pack and unpack I test91: pack and unpack U test92: pack and unpack A(cIcU) test93: pack and unpack NULL string test94: pack and unpack A(s) with some null test95: pack and unpack null string, empty string, non-empty string test96: pack and unpack A(null string, empty string, non-empty string) test97: pack and unapck 16-bit int/uint (j,v) test98: pack and unapck 16-bit int/uint A(j,v) test99: data peek at c in complex format test100: data peek at i inside S(ic) test101: data peek at c inside S(ic) [expected failure test] test102: data peek at c in simple format c test103: data peek at iscsi in S(iscsiu) test104: data peek at iscsi in S(iscsiu) with NULL string pointer test105: tpl_jot then unpack by normal then by tpl_peek test106: test IS(Iiuijc#)#iiii test107: test S(ic#)# test108: test IS(Iiuijc#)#iiii test109: test S(cijc)# where next structure elt alignment based on i test110: test ssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifffiiii test111: test S(icfv#)# test112: test S(ic#fv#)# test113: test icS(ic#fv#)#ci test114: test multi-dimension i## test115: test S(s)#, S(si)#, S(c#si)# test116: test cs#i test117: test cA(s#)i test118: test tpl_peek(TPL_FXLENS) with cA(i#)S(cf#)A(ci#) test119: test tpl_dump(tn,TPL_GETSIZE,&sz); test120: test TPL_PREALLOCD and TPL_EXCESS_OK flags test121: test s## test122: test S(ic#f$(ci)) test123: setjmp/longjmp based fatal error handler test124: test A(S(c#)s) as per bug report from Eric Rose