2006-04-09 00:10:13 +00:00

508 lines
18 KiB

* FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* Copyright (C) 2005/2006, Anthony Minessale II <>
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is FreeSWITCH Modular Media Switching Software Library / Soft-Switch Application
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Anthony Minessale II <>
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C)
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Anthony Minessale II <>
* switch_module_interfaces.h -- Module Interface Definitions
/*! \file switch_module_interfaces.h
\brief Module Interface Definitions
This module holds the definition of data abstractions used to implement various pluggable
interfaces and pluggable event handlers.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <switch.h>
/*! \brief A table of functions to execute at various states
struct switch_state_handler_table {
/*! executed when the state changes to init */
switch_state_handler on_init;
/*! executed when the state changes to ring */
switch_state_handler on_ring;
/*! executed when the state changes to execute */
switch_state_handler on_execute;
/*! executed when the state changes to hangup */
switch_state_handler on_hangup;
/*! executed when the state changes to loopback*/
switch_state_handler on_loopback;
/*! executed when the state changes to transmit*/
switch_state_handler on_transmit;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom outgoing channel callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel {
/*! the outgoing channel callback hook*/
switch_outgoing_channel_hook outgoing_channel;
struct switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *next;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom answer channel callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_answer_channel {
/*! the answer channel callback hook*/
switch_answer_channel_hook answer_channel;
struct switch_io_event_hook_answer_channel *next;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom receive message callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_receive_message {
/*! the answer channel callback hook*/
switch_receive_message_hook receive_message;
struct switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *next;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom read frame channel callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_read_frame {
/*! the read frame channel callback hook*/
switch_read_frame_hook read_frame;
struct switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *next;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom write_frame channel callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_write_frame {
/*! the write_frame channel callback hook*/
switch_write_frame_hook write_frame;
struct switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *next;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom kill channel callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel {
/*! the kill channel callback hook*/
switch_kill_channel_hook kill_channel;
struct switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *next;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom waitfor read channel callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_waitfor_read {
/*! the waitfor read channel callback hook*/
switch_waitfor_read_hook waitfor_read;
struct switch_io_event_hook_waitfor_read *next;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom waitfor write channel callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_waitfor_write {
/*! the waitfor write channel callback hook*/
switch_waitfor_write_hook waitfor_write;
struct switch_io_event_hook_waitfor_write *next;
/*! \brief Node in which to store custom send dtmf channel callback hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf {
/*! the send dtmf channel callback hook*/
switch_send_dtmf_hook send_dtmf;
struct switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *next;
/*! \brief A table of lists of io_event_hooks to store the event hooks associated with a session */
struct switch_io_event_hooks {
/*! a list of outgoing channel hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_outgoing_channel *outgoing_channel;
/*! a list of answer channel hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_answer_channel *answer_channel;
/*! a list of receive message hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_receive_message *receive_message;
/*! a list of read frame hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_read_frame *read_frame;
/*! a list of write frame hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_write_frame *write_frame;
/*! a list of kill channel hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_kill_channel *kill_channel;
/*! a list of wait for read hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_waitfor_read *waitfor_read;
/*! a list of wait for write hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_waitfor_write *waitfor_write;
/*! a list of send dtmf hooks */
struct switch_io_event_hook_send_dtmf *send_dtmf;
/*! \brief A table of i/o routines that an endpoint interface can implement */
struct switch_io_routines {
/*! creates an outgoing session from given session, caller profile */
switch_status (*outgoing_channel)(switch_core_session *, switch_caller_profile *, switch_core_session **, switch_memory_pool *);
/*! answers the given session's channel */
switch_status (*answer_channel)(switch_core_session *);
/*! read a frame from a session */
switch_status (*read_frame)(switch_core_session *, switch_frame **, int, switch_io_flag, int);
/*! write a frame to a session */
switch_status (*write_frame)(switch_core_session *, switch_frame *, int, switch_io_flag, int);
/*! send a kill signal to the session's channel */
switch_status (*kill_channel)(switch_core_session *, int);
/*! wait for the session's channel to be ready to read audio */
switch_status (*waitfor_read)(switch_core_session *, int, int);
/*! wait for the session's channel to be ready to write audio */
switch_status (*waitfor_write)(switch_core_session *, int, int);
/*! send a string of DTMF digits to a session's channel */
switch_status (*send_dtmf)(switch_core_session *, char *);
/*! receive a message from another session*/
switch_status (*receive_message)(switch_core_session *, switch_core_session_message *);
/*! \brief Abstraction of an module endpoint interface
This is the glue between the abstract idea of a "channel" and what is really going on under the
hood. Each endpoint module fills out one of these tables and makes it available when a channel
is created of it's paticular type.
struct switch_endpoint_interface {
/*! the interface's name */
const char *interface_name;
/*! channel abstraction methods */
const switch_io_routines *io_routines;
/*! state machine methods */
const switch_state_handler_table *state_handler;
/*! private information */
void *private_info;
/* to facilitate linking */
const struct switch_endpoint_interface *next;
/*! \brief Abstract handler to a timer module */
struct switch_timer {
/*! time interval expressed in milliseconds */
int interval;
/*! flags to control behaviour */
uint32_t flags;
/*! sample count to increment by on each cycle */
unsigned int samples;
/*! current sample count based on samples parameter */
unsigned int samplecount;
/*! the timer interface provided from a loadable module */
struct switch_timer_interface *timer_interface;
/*! the timer's memory pool */
switch_memory_pool *memory_pool;
/*! private data for loadable modules to store information */
void *private_info;
/*! \brief A table of functions that a timer module implements */
struct switch_timer_interface {
/*! the name of the interface */
const char *interface_name;
/*! function to allocate the timer */
switch_status (*timer_init)(switch_timer *);
/*! function to wait for one cycle to pass */
switch_status (*timer_next)(switch_timer *);
/*! function to deallocate the timer */
switch_status (*timer_destroy)(switch_timer *);
const struct switch_timer_interface *next;
/*! \brief Abstract interface to a dialplan module */
struct switch_dialplan_interface {
/*! the name of the interface */
const char *interface_name;
/*! the function to read an extension and set a channels dialpan */
switch_dialplan_hunt_function hunt_function;
const struct switch_dialplan_interface *next;
/*! \brief Abstract interface to a file format module */
struct switch_file_interface {
/*! the name of the interface */
const char *interface_name;
/*! function to open the file */
switch_status (*file_open)(switch_file_handle *, char *file_path);
/*! function to close the file */
switch_status (*file_close)(switch_file_handle *);
/*! function to read from the file */
switch_status (*file_read)(switch_file_handle *, void *data, switch_size_t *len);
/*! function to write from the file */
switch_status (*file_write)(switch_file_handle *, void *data, switch_size_t *len);
/*! function to seek to a certian position in the file */
switch_status (*file_seek)(switch_file_handle *, unsigned int *cur_pos, int64_t samples, int whence);
/*! list of supported file extensions */
char **extens;
const struct switch_file_interface *next;
/*! an abstract representation of a file handle (some parameters based on compat with libsndfile) */
struct switch_file_handle {
/*! the interface of the module that implemented the current file type */
const struct switch_file_interface *file_interface;
/*! flags to control behaviour */
uint32_t flags;
/*! a file descriptor if neceessary */
switch_file_t *fd;
/*! samples position of the handle */
unsigned int samples;
/*! the current samplerate */
uint32_t samplerate;
/*! the number of channels */
uint8_t channels;
/*! integer representation of the format */
unsigned int format;
/*! integer representation of the sections */
unsigned int sections;
/*! is the file seekable */
int seekable;
/*! the sample count of the file */
unsigned int sample_count;
/*! the speed of the file playback*/
int speed;
/*! the handle's memory pool */
switch_memory_pool *memory_pool;
/*! private data for the format module to store handle specific info */
void *private_info;
int64_t pos;
switch_buffer *audio_buffer;
/*! \brief Abstract interface to a speech module */
struct switch_speech_interface {
/*! the name of the interface */
const char *interface_name;
/*! function to open the speech interface */
switch_status (*speech_open)(switch_speech_handle *sh,
char *voice_name,
int rate,
switch_speech_flag *flags);
/*! function to close the speech interface */
switch_status (*speech_close)(switch_speech_handle *, switch_speech_flag *flags);
/*! function to feed audio to the ASR*/
switch_status (*speech_feed_asr)(switch_speech_handle *sh, void *data, unsigned int *len, int rate, switch_speech_flag *flags);
/*! function to read text from the ASR*/
switch_status (*speech_interpret_asr)(switch_speech_handle *sh, char *buf, unsigned int buflen, switch_speech_flag *flags);
/*! function to feed text to the TTS*/
switch_status (*speech_feed_tts)(switch_speech_handle *sh, char *text, switch_speech_flag *flags);
/*! function to read audio from the TTS*/
switch_status (*speech_read_tts)(switch_speech_handle *sh,
void *data,
switch_size_t *datalen,
uint32_t *rate,
switch_speech_flag *flags);
const struct switch_speech_interface *next;
/*! an abstract representation of a asr/tts speech interface. */
struct switch_speech_handle {
/*! the interface of the module that implemented the current speech interface */
const struct switch_speech_interface *speech_interface;
/*! flags to control behaviour */
uint32_t flags;
/*! the handle's memory pool */
switch_memory_pool *memory_pool;
/*! private data for the format module to store handle specific info */
void *private_info;
/*! \brief Abstract interface to a directory module */
struct switch_directory_interface {
/*! the name of the interface */
const char *interface_name;
/*! function to open the directory interface */
switch_status (*directory_open)(switch_directory_handle *dh, char *source, char *dsn, char *passwd);
/*! function to close the directory interface */
switch_status (*directory_close)(switch_directory_handle *dh);
/*! function to query the directory interface */
switch_status (*directory_query)(switch_directory_handle *dh, char *base, char *query);
/*! function to advance to the next record */
switch_status (*directory_next)(switch_directory_handle *dh);
/*! function to advance to the next name/value pair in the current record */
switch_status (*directory_next_pair)(switch_directory_handle *dh, char **var, char **val);
const struct switch_directory_interface *next;
/*! an abstract representation of a directory interface. */
struct switch_directory_handle {
/*! the interface of the module that implemented the current directory interface */
const struct switch_directory_interface *directory_interface;
/*! flags to control behaviour */
uint32_t flags;
/*! the handle's memory pool */
switch_memory_pool *memory_pool;
/*! private data for the format module to store handle specific info */
void *private_info;
/* nobody has more setting than speex so we will let them set the standard */
/*! \brief Various codec settings (currently only relevant to speex) */
struct switch_codec_settings {
/*! desired quality */
int quality;
/*! desired complexity */
int complexity;
/*! desired enhancement */
int enhancement;
/*! desired vad level */
int vad;
/*! desired vbr level */
int vbr;
/*! desired vbr quality */
float vbr_quality;
/*! desired abr level */
int abr;
/*! desired dtx setting */
int dtx;
/*! desired preprocessor settings */
int preproc;
/*! preprocessor vad settings */
int pp_vad;
/*! preprocessor gain control settings */
int pp_agc;
/*! preprocessor gain level */
float pp_agc_level;
/*! preprocessor denoise level */
int pp_denoise;
/*! preprocessor dereverb settings */
int pp_dereverb;
/*! preprocessor dereverb decay level */
float pp_dereverb_decay;
/*! preprocessor dereverb level */
float pp_dereverb_level;
/*! an abstract handle to a codec module */
struct switch_codec {
/*! the codec interface table this handle uses */
const struct switch_codec_interface *codec_interface;
/*! the specific implementation of the above codec */
const struct switch_codec_implementation *implementation;
/*! codec settings for this handle */
struct switch_codec_settings codec_settings;
/*! flags to modify behaviour */
uint32_t flags;
/*! the handle's memory pool*/
switch_memory_pool *memory_pool;
/*! private data for the codec module to store handle specific info */
void *private_info;
/*! \brief A table of settings and callbacks that define a paticular implementation of a codec */
struct switch_codec_implementation {
/*! samples transferred per second */
uint32_t samples_per_second;
/*! bits transferred per second */
int bits_per_second;
/*! number of microseconds that denote one frame */
int microseconds_per_frame;
/*! number of samples that denote one frame */
uint32_t samples_per_frame;
/*! number of bytes that denote one frame decompressed */
uint32_t bytes_per_frame;
/*! number of bytes that denote one frame compressed */
uint32_t encoded_bytes_per_frame;
/*! number of channels represented */
uint8_t number_of_channels;
/*! number of frames to send in one netowrk packet */
int pref_frames_per_packet;
/*! max number of frames to send in one network packet */
int max_frames_per_packet;
/*! function to initialize a codec handle using this implementation */
switch_status (*init)(switch_codec *, switch_codec_flag, const switch_codec_settings *codec_settings);
/*! function to encode raw data into encoded data */
switch_status (*encode)(switch_codec *codec,
switch_codec *other_codec,
void *decoded_data,
uint32_t decoded_data_len,
uint32_t decoded_rate,
void *encoded_data,
uint32_t *encoded_data_len,
uint32_t *encoded_rate,
unsigned int *flag);
/*! function to decode encoded data into raw data */
switch_status (*decode)(switch_codec *codec,
switch_codec *other_codec,
void *encoded_data,
uint32_t encoded_data_len,
uint32_t encoded_rate,
void *decoded_data,
uint32_t *decoded_data_len,
uint32_t *decoded_rate,
unsigned int *flag);
/*! deinitalize a codec handle using this implementation */
switch_status (*destroy)(switch_codec *);
const struct switch_codec_implementation *next;
/*! \brief Top level module interface to implement a series of codec implementations */
struct switch_codec_interface {
/*! the name of the interface */
const char *interface_name;
/*! enumeration defining the type of the codec */
const switch_codec_type codec_type;
/*! the IANA code number */
uint8_t ianacode;
/*! the IANA code name */
char *iananame;
/*! a list of codec implementations related to the codec */
const switch_codec_implementation *implementations;
const struct switch_codec_interface *next;
/*! \brief A module interface to implement an application */
struct switch_application_interface {
/*! the name of the interface */
const char *interface_name;
/*! function the application implements */
switch_application_function application_function;
/*! the long winded description of the application */
const char *long_desc;
/*! the short and sweet description of the application */
const char *short_desc;
/*! an example of the application syntax */
const char *syntax;
const struct switch_application_interface *next;
/*! \brief A module interface to implement an api function */
struct switch_api_interface {
/*! the name of the interface */
const char *interface_name;
/*! a description of the api function */
const char *desc;
/*! function the api call uses */
switch_api_function function;
const struct switch_api_interface *next;
#ifdef __cplusplus