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synced 2025-03-21 23:12:08 +00:00
Thanks to Phil Zimmermann for the code and for the license exception we needed to include it. There remains some build system integration work to be done before this code will build properly in the FreeSWITCH tree.
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* Copyright (c) 1995 Colin Plumb. All rights reserved.
* For licensing and other legal details, see the file legal.c.
* bn.h - the interface to the bignum routines.
* All functions which return ints can potentially allocate memory
* and return -1 if they are unable to. All "const" arguments
* are unmodified.
* This is not particularly asymmetric, as some operations are of the
* form a = b @ c, while others do a @= b. In general, outputs may not
* point to the same struct BigNums as inputs, except as specified
* below. This relationship is referred to as "being the same as".
* This is not numerical equivalence.
* The "Q" operations take "unsigned" inputs. Higher values of the
* extra input may work on some implementations, but 65535 is the
* highest portable value. Just because UNSIGNED_MAX is larger than
* that, or you know that the word size of the library is larger than that,
* that, does *not* mean it's allowed.
#ifndef BN_H
#define BN_H
struct BigNum {
void *ptr;
unsigned size; /* Note: in (variable-sized) words */
unsigned allocated;
* User-supplied function: if non-NULL, this is called during long-running
* computations. You may put Yield() calls in here to give CPU time to
* other processes. You may also force the computation to be aborted,
* by returning a value < 0, which will be the return value of the
* bnXXX call. (You probably want the value to be someting other than
* -1, to distinguish it from a n out-of-memory error.)
* The functions that this is called from, and the intervals at which it
* is called, are not well defined, just "reasonably often". (Currently,
* once per exponent bit in nodular exponentiation, and once per two
* divisions in GCD and inverse computation.)
extern int (*bnYield)(void);
/* Functions */
* You usually never have to call this function explicitly, as
* bnBegin() takes care of it. If the program jumps to address 0,
* this function has bot been called.
void bnInit(void);
* This initializes an empty struct BigNum to a zero value.
* Do not use this on a BigNum which has had a value stored in it!
void bnBegin(struct BigNum *bn);
/* Swap two BigNums. Cheap. */
void bnSwap(struct BigNum *a, struct BigNum *b);
/* Reset an initialized bigNum to empty, pending deallocation. */
extern void (*bnEnd)(struct BigNum *bn);
* If you know you'll need space in the number soon, you can use this function
* to ensure that there is room for at least "bits" bits. Optional.
* Returns <0 on out of memory, but the value is unaffected.
extern int (*bnPrealloc)(struct BigNum *bn, unsigned bits);
/* Hopefully obvious. dest = src. dest may be the same as src. */
extern int (*bnCopy)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *src);
* Mostly done automatically, but this removes leading zero words from
* the internal representation of the BigNum. Use is unclear.
extern void (*bnNorm)(struct BigNum *bn);
* Move bytes between the given buffer and the given BigNum encoded in
* base 256. I.e. after either of these, the buffer will be equal to
* (bn / 256^lsbyte) % 256^len. The difference is which is altered to
* match the other!
extern void (*bnExtractBigBytes)(struct BigNum const *bn,
unsigned char *dest, unsigned lsbyte, unsigned len);
extern int (*bnInsertBigBytes)(struct BigNum *bn, unsigned char const *src,
unsigned lsbyte, unsigned len);
/* The same, but the buffer is little-endian. */
extern void (*bnExtractLittleBytes)(struct BigNum const *bn,
unsigned char *dest, unsigned lsbyte, unsigned len);
extern int (*bnInsertLittleBytes)(struct BigNum *bn, unsigned char const *src,
unsigned lsbyte, unsigned len);
/* Return the least-significant bits (at least 16) of the BigNum */
extern unsigned (*bnLSWord)(struct BigNum const *src);
/* Return the selected bit of the BigNum (bit 0 is bn mod 2) */
extern int (*bnReadBit)(struct BigNum const *bn, unsigned bit);
* Return the number of significant bits in the BigNum.
* 0 or 1+floor(log2(src))
extern unsigned (*bnBits)(struct BigNum const *src);
#define bnBytes(bn) ((bnBits(bn)+7)/8)
* dest += src. dest and src may be the same. Guaranteed not to
* allocate memory unnecessarily, so if you're sure bnBits(dest)
* won't change, you don't need to check the return value.
extern int (*bnAdd)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *src);
* dest -= src. dest and src may be the same, but bnSetQ(dest, 0) is faster.
* if dest < src, returns +1 and sets dest = src-dest.
extern int (*bnSub)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *src);
/* Return sign (-1, 0, +1) of a-b. a <=> b --> bnCmpQ(a, b) <=> 0 */
extern int (*bnCmpQ)(struct BigNum const *a, unsigned b);
/* dest = src, where 0 <= src < 2^16. */
extern int (*bnSetQ)(struct BigNum *dest, unsigned src);
/* dest += src, where 0 <= src < 2^16 */
extern int (*bnAddQ)(struct BigNum *dest, unsigned src);
/* dest -= src, where 0 <= src < 2^16 */
extern int (*bnSubQ)(struct BigNum *dest, unsigned src);
/* Return sign (-1, 0, +1) of a-b. a <=> b --> bnCmp(a, b) <=> 0 */
extern int (*bnCmp)(struct BigNum const *a, struct BigNum const *b);
/* dest = src^2. dest may be the same as src, but it costs time. */
extern int (*bnSquare)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *src);
/* dest = a * b. dest may be the same as a or b, but it costs time. */
extern int (*bnMul)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *a,
struct BigNum const *b);
/* dest = a * b, where 0 <= b < 2^16. dest and a may be the same. */
extern int (*bnMulQ)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *a, unsigned b);
* q = n/d, r = n%d. r may be the same as n, but not d,
* and q may not be the same as n or d.
* re-entrancy issue: this temporarily modifies d, but restores
* it for return.
extern int (*bnDivMod)(struct BigNum *q, struct BigNum *r,
struct BigNum const *n, struct BigNum const *d);
* dest = src % d. dest and src may be the same, but not dest and d.
* re-entrancy issue: this temporarily modifies d, but restores
* it for return.
extern int (*bnMod)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *src,
struct BigNum const *d);
/* return src % d, where 0 <= d < 2^16. */
extern unsigned int (*bnModQ)(struct BigNum const *src, unsigned d);
/* n = n^exp, modulo "mod" "mod" *must* be odd */
extern int (*bnExpMod)(struct BigNum *result, struct BigNum const *n,
struct BigNum const *exp, struct BigNum const *mod);
* dest = n1^e1 * n2^e2, modulo "mod". "mod" *must* be odd.
* dest may be the same as n1 or n2.
extern int (*bnDoubleExpMod)(struct BigNum *dest,
struct BigNum const *n1, struct BigNum const *e1,
struct BigNum const *n2, struct BigNum const *e2,
struct BigNum const *mod);
/* n = 2^exp, modulo "mod" "mod" *must* be odd */
extern int (*bnTwoExpMod)(struct BigNum *n, struct BigNum const *exp,
struct BigNum const *mod);
/* dest = gcd(a, b). The inputs may overlap arbitrarily. */
extern int (*bnGcd)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *a,
struct BigNum const *b);
/* dest = src^-1, modulo "mod". dest may be the same as src. */
extern int (*bnInv)(struct BigNum *dest, struct BigNum const *src,
struct BigNum const *mod);
/* Shift dest left "amt" places */
extern int (*bnLShift)(struct BigNum *dest, unsigned amt);
/* Shift dest right "amt" places, discarding low-order bits */
extern void (*bnRShift)(struct BigNum *dest, unsigned amt);
/* For the largest 2^k that divides n, divide n by it and return k. */
extern unsigned (*bnMakeOdd)(struct BigNum *n);
* Precomputed data for rapid base^exp (mod mod) computation with fixed
* base and mod.
struct BnBasePrecomp {
void *array; /* Ponter to array of pointers to words */
unsigned msize; /* Words in modulis (normalized) */
unsigned bits; /* Bits per array element */
unsigned maxebits; /* Maximum exponent bits */
unsigned entries; /* Number of entries */
unsigned arraysize;
extern int (*bnBasePrecompBegin)(struct BnBasePrecomp *pre,
struct BigNum const *base, struct BigNum const *mod,
unsigned maxebits);
extern void (*bnBasePrecompEnd)(struct BnBasePrecomp *pre);
extern int (*bnBasePrecompExpMod)(struct BigNum *dest,
struct BnBasePrecomp const *pre, struct BigNum const *exp,
struct BigNum const *mod);
extern int (*bnDoubleBasePrecompExpMod)(struct BigNum *dest,
struct BnBasePrecomp const *pre1, struct BigNum const *exp1,
struct BnBasePrecomp const *pre2, struct BigNum const *exp2,
struct BigNum const *mod);
#endif/* !BN_H */