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synced 2025-03-14 04:54:49 +00:00
mod_enum can be used as a dialplan app, an api call from the console or as a dialplan interface. Dialplan Interface: put enum as the dialplan parameter in an endpoint module i.e. instead of "XML" set it to "enum" or "enum,XML" for fall through. Dialplan App: This example will do a lookup and set the a variable that is the proper dialstring to call all of the possible routes in order of preference according to the lookup and the order of the routes in the enum.conf section. <extension name="tollfree"> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(18(0{2}|8{2}|7{2}|6{2})\d{7})$"> <action application="enum" data="$1"/> <action application="bridge" data="${enum_auto_route}"/> </condition> </extension> You can also pick an alrernate root: <action application="enum" data="$1 myroot.org"/> API command: at the console you can say: enum <number> [<root>] The root always defaults to the one in the enum.conf section. git-svn-id: http://svn.freeswitch.org/svn/freeswitch/trunk@3494 d0543943-73ff-0310-b7d9-9358b9ac24b2
582 lines
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582 lines
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="configuration" description="Various Configuration">
<configuration name="switch.conf" description="Modules">
<!--Most channels to allow at once -->
<param name="max-sessions" value="1000"/>
<!--Any variables defined here will be available in every channel, in the dialplan etc -->
<variable name="uk-ring" value="%(400,200,400,450);%(400,2200,400,450)"/>
<variable name="us-ring" value="%(2000, 4000, 440.0, 480.0)"/>
<variable name="bong-ring" value="v=4000;>=0;+=2;#(60,0);v=2000;%(940,0,350,440)"/>
<configuration name="modules.conf" description="Modules">
<!-- Loggers (I'd load these first) -->
<load module="mod_console"/>
<!-- <load module="mod_syslog"/> -->
<!-- Multi-Faceted -->
<!-- mod_enum is a dialplan interface, an application interface and an api command interface -->
<load module="mod_enum"/>
<!-- XML Interfaces -->
<!-- <load module="mod_xml_rpc"/> -->
<!-- Event Handlers -->
<!-- <load module="mod_cdr"/> -->
<!-- <load module="mod_event_multicast"/> -->
<!-- <load module="mod_event_socket"/> -->
<!-- <load module="mod_xmpp_event"/> -->
<!-- <load module="mod_zeroconf"/> -->
<!-- Directory Interfaces -->
<!-- <load module="mod_ldap"/> -->
<!-- Endpoints -->
<!-- <load module="mod_dingaling"/> -->
<!--<load module="mod_iax"/>-->
<load module="mod_portaudio"/>
<load module="mod_sofia"/>
<!-- <load module="mod_wanpipe"/> -->
<!-- <load module="mod_woomera"/> -->
<!-- Applications -->
<load module="mod_bridgecall"/>
<load module="mod_commands"/>
<!--<load module="mod_conference"/>-->
<load module="mod_dptools"/>
<load module="mod_echo"/>
<!--<load module="mod_park"/>-->
<load module="mod_playback"/>
<!-- Dialplan Interfaces -->
<!-- <load module="mod_dialplan_directory"/> -->
<load module="mod_dialplan_xml"/>
<!-- Codec Interfaces -->
<load module="mod_g711"/>
<load module="mod_gsm"/>
<!-- <load module="mod_ilbc"/> -->
<load module="mod_l16"/>
<!-- <load module="mod_speex"/> -->
<!-- File Format Interfaces -->
<load module="mod_sndfile"/>
<load module="mod_native_file"/>
<!-- Timers -->
<load module="mod_softtimer"/>
<!-- Languages -->
<!-- <load module="mod_spidermonkey"/> -->
<!-- <load module="mod_perl"/> -->
<!-- ASR /TTS -->
<!-- <load module="mod_cepstral"/> -->
<!-- <load module="mod_rss"/> -->
<configuration name="spidermonkey.conf" description="Spider Monkey JavaScript Plug-Ins">
<load module="mod_spidermonkey_teletone"/>
<load module="mod_spidermonkey_core_db"/>
<configuration name="event_multicast.conf" description="Multicast Event">
<param name="address" value=""/>
<param name="port" value="4242"/>
<param name="bindings" value="all"/>
<configuration name="event_socket.conf" description="Socket Client">
<param name="listen-ip" value=""/>
<param name="listen-port" value="8021"/>
<param name="password" value="ClueCon"/>
<configuration name="iax.conf" description="IAX Configuration">
<param name="debug" value="0"/>
<!-- <param name="ip" value=""> -->
<param name="port" value="4569"/>
<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
<param name="codec-prefs" value="PCMU@20i,PCMA,speex,L16"/>
<param name="codec-master" value="us"/>
<param name="codec-rates" value="8"/>
<configuration name="console.conf" description="Console Logger">
<!-- pick a file name, a function name or 'all' -->
<!-- map as many as you need for specific debugging -->
<!-- <param name="log_event" value="DEBUG"/> -->
<param name="all" value="DEBUG"/>
<configuration name="sofia.conf" description="sofia Endpoint">
<profile name="mydomain1.com">
<!-- <registration name="asterlink">
<param name="register-scheme" value="Digest"/>
<param name="register-realm" value=""/>
<param name="register-username" value="1001"/>
<param name="register-password" value="nhy65tgb"/>
<param name="register-from" value="sip:1001@"/>
<param name="register-to" value="sip:1001@"/>
<param name="register-proxy" value="sip:"/>
<param name="register-frequency" value="20"/>
</registration> -->
<param name="debug" value="1"/>
<param name="rfc2833-pt" value="101"/>
<param name="sip-port" value="5060"/>
<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
<param name="dtmf-duration" value="100"/>
<param name="codec-prefs" value="PCMU@20i"/>
<param name="codec-ms" value="20"/>
<param name="use-rtp-timer" value="true"/>
<param name="rtp-timer-name" value="soft"/>
<param name="rtp-ip" value=""/>
<param name="sip-ip" value="mydomain1.com"/>
<!-- this lets anything register -->
<!-- comment the next line and uncomment one or both of the other 2 lines for call authentication -->
<param name="accept-blind-reg" value="true"/>
<!--<param name="auth-calls" value="true"/>-->
<!-- on authed calls, authenticate *all* the packets not just invite -->
<!--<param name="auth-all-packets" value="true"/>-->
<!-- optional ; -->
<!-- <param name="ext-rtp-ip" value="stun:stun.server.com"/>-->
<!-- <param name="ext-rtp-ip" value=""/> -->
<!-- VAD choose one (out is a good choice); -->
<!-- <param name="vad" value="in"/> -->
<!-- <param name="vad" value="out"/> -->
<!-- <param name="vad" value="both"/> -->
<!--<param name="alias" value="sip:"/>-->
<configuration name="syslog.conf" description="Syslog Logger">
<!-- SYSLOG -->
<!-- emerg - system is unusable -->
<!-- alert - action must be taken immediately -->
<!-- crit - critical conditions -->
<!-- err - error conditions -->
<!-- warning - warning conditions -->
<!-- notice - normal, but significant, condition -->
<!-- info - informational message -->
<!-- debug - debug-level message -->
<param name="ident" value="freeswitch"/>
<param name="facility" value="user"/>
<param name="format" value="${time} - ${message}"/>
<param name="level" value="debug,info,warning-alert"/>
<configuration name="woomera.conf" description="Woomera Endpoint">
<param name="debug" value="0"/>
<param name="host" value="localhost"/>
<param name="port" value="42420"/>
<param name="audio-ip" value=""/>
<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
<configuration name="wanpipe.conf" description="Sangoma Wanpipe Endpoint">
<param name="debug" value="1"/>
<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
<param name="mtu" value="320"/>
<param name="dtmf-on" value="800"/>
<param name="dtmf-off" value="100"/>
<param name="supress-dtmf-tone" value="yes"/>
<param name="span" value="1"/>
<param name="node" value="cpe"/>
<!-- <param name="switch" value="ni2"/> -->
<param name="switch" value="dms100"/>
<!-- <param name="switch" value="lucent5e"/> -->
<!-- <param name="switch" value="att4ess"/> -->
<!-- <param name="switch" value="euroisdn"/> -->
<!-- <param name="switch" value="gr303eoc"/> -->
<!-- <param name="switch" value="gr303tmc"/> -->
<param name="dp" value="national"/>
<!-- <param name="dp" value="international"/> -->
<!-- <param name="dp" value="local"/> -->
<!-- <param name="dp" value="private"/> -->
<!-- <param name="dp" value="unknown"/> -->
<param name="l1" value="ulaw"/>
<!-- <param name="l1" value="alaw"/> -->
<param name="bchan" value="1-23"/>
<param name="dchan" value="24"/>
<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
<configuration name="portaudio.conf" description="Soundcard Endpoint">
<param name="debug" value="2"/>
<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
<!-- partial string match on something in the name or the device # -->
<param name="indev" value="USB"/>
<param name="outdev" value="USB"/>
<param name="cid-name" value="FreeSwitch"/>
<param name="cid-num" value="5555551212"/>
<configuration name="zeroconf.conf" description="Zeroconf Event Handler">
<param name="publish" value="yes"/>
<param name="browse" value="_sip._udp"/>
<configuration name="xmpp_event.conf" description="XMPP Event Handler">
<param name="#debug" value="1"/>
<param name="jid" value="freeswitch@my.jabber.com/me"/>
<param name="passwd" value="mypass"/>
<param name="target-jid" value="freeswitch@reader.org/him"/>
<configuration name="dialplan_directory.conf" description="Dialplan Directory">
<param name="directory-name" value="ldap"/>
<param name="host" value="ldap.freeswitch.org"/>
<param name="dn" value="cn=Manager,dc=freeswitch,dc=org"/>
<param name="pass" value="test"/>
<param name="base" value="dc=freeswitch,dc=org"/>
<configuration name="dingaling.conf" description="XMPP Jingle Endpoint">
<param name="debug" value="0"/>
<param name="codec-prefs" value="PCMU"/>
<!-- *NOTE* change <x-profile></x-profile> to <profile></profile> to enable -->
<!-- Client Profile (Original mode) -->
<x-profile type="client">
<param name="name" value="mydomain.com"/>
<param name="login" value="myjid@myserver.com/talk"/>
<param name="password" value="mypass"/>
<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
<param name="message" value="Jingle all the way"/>
<param name="rtp-ip" value=""/>
<param name="auto-login" value="true"/>
<param name="auto-reply" value="Press *Call* to call FreeSWITCH and be sure to come to ClueCon! http://www.cluecon.com"/>
<!-- SASL "plain" or "md5" -->
<param name="sasl" value="plain"/>
<!-- if the server where the jabber is hosted is not the same as the one in the jid -->
<!--<param name="server" value="alternate.server.com"/>-->
<!-- Enable TLS or not -->
<param name="tls" value="true"/>
<!-- disable to trade async for more calls -->
<param name="use-rtp-timer" value="true"/>
<!-- or -->
<!-- <param name="rtp-ip" value="my_lan_ip"/> -->
<!-- <param name="ext-rtp-ip" value="stun:stun.server.com"/> -->
<!-- default extension (if one cannot be determined) -->
<param name="exten" value="888"/>
<!-- VAD choose one -->
<!-- <param name="vad" value="in"/> -->
<!-- <param name="vad" value="out"/> -->
<param name="vad" value="both"/>
<!-- Component (Server to Server Login) -->
<x-profile type="component">
<!-- All traffic for *@sub.mydomain.com will come to you -->
<param name="name" value="sub.mydomain.com"/>
<param name="password" value="secret"/>
<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>
<param name="rtp-ip" value=""/>
<param name="server" value="jabber.server.org:5347"/>
<!-- disable to trade async for more calls -->
<param name="use-rtp-timer" value="true"/>
<!-- "_auto_" means the extension will be automaticly set to the called jid -->
<param name="exten" value="_auto_"/>
<!--<param name="vad" value="both"/>-->
<configuration name="xml_rpc.conf" description="XML RPC">
<!-- The port where you want to run the http service (default 8080) -->
<param name="http-port" value="8080"/>
<!-- if all 3 of the following params exist all http traffic will require auth -->
<param name="auth-realm" value="freeswitch"/>
<param name="auth-user" value="freeswitch"/>
<param name="auth-pass" value="works"/>
<!-- The url to a gateway cgi that can generate xml similar to what's in -->
<!-- this file only on-the-fly (leave it commented if you dont need it)-->
<!-- one or more |-delim of configuration|directory|dialplan -->
<!-- <param name="gateway-url" value="http://www.server.com/gateway.cgi" bindings="configuration"/> -->
<configuration name="rss.conf" description="RSS Parser">
<!-- Just download the files to wherever and refer to them here -->
<!-- <feed name="Slash Dot">/home/rss/rss.rss</feed> -->
<!-- <feed name="News Forge">/home/rss/newsforge.rss</feed> -->
<!-- None of these paths are real if you want any of these options you need to really set them up -->
<configuration name="conference.conf" description="Audio Conference">
<!-- Profiles are collections of settings you can reference by name. -->
<profile name="default">
<!-- Sample Rate-->
<param name="rate" value="8000"/>
<!-- Number of milliseconds per frame -->
<param name="interval" value="20"/>
<!-- Energy level required for audio to be sent to the other users -->
<param name="energy-level" value="300"/>
<!-- TTS Engine to use -->
<!--<param name="tts-engine" value="cepstral"/>-->
<!-- TTS Voice to use -->
<!--<param name="tts-voice" value="david"/>-->
<!-- If TTS is enabled all audio-file params not beginning with -->
<!-- '/' or with drive: (i.e. c:) will be considered text to say with TTS -->
<!-- File to play to acknowledge succees -->
<!--<param name="ack-sound" value="/soundfiles/beep.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play to acknowledge failure -->
<!--<param name="nack-sound" value="/soundfiles/beeperr.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play to acknowledge muted -->
<!--<param name="muted-sound" value="/soundfiles/muted.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play to acknowledge unmuted -->
<!--<param name="unmuted-sound" value="/soundfiles/unmuted.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play if you are alone in the conference -->
<!--<param name="alone-sound" value="/soundfiles/yactopitc.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play when you join the conference -->
<!--<param name="enter-sound" value="/soundfiles/welcome.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play when you leave the conference -->
<!--<param name="exit-sound" value="/soundfiles/exit.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play when you ae ejected from the conference -->
<!--<param name="kicked-sound" value="/soundfiles/kicked.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play when the conference is locked -->
<!--<param name="locked-sound" value="/soundfiles/locked.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play to prompt for a pin -->
<!--<param name="pin-sound" value="/soundfiles/pin.wav"/>-->
<!-- File to play to when the pin is invalid -->
<!--<param name="bad-pin-sound" value="/soundfiles/invalid-pin.wav"/>-->
<!-- Conference pin -->
<!--<param name="pin" value="12345"/>-->
<!-- Default Caller ID Name for outbound calls -->
<param name="caller-id-name" value="FreeSWITCH"/>
<!-- Default Caller ID Number for outbound calls -->
<param name="caller-id-number" value="8777423583"/>
<configuration name="enum.conf" description="ENUM Module">
<param name="default-root" value="e164.org"/>
<route service="E2U+SIP" regex="sip:(.*)" replace="sofia/test/$1"/>
<route service="E2U+IAX2" regex="iax2:(.*)" replace="iax/$1"/>
<route service="E2U+XMPP" regex="XMPP:(.*)" replace="dingaling/jingle/$1"/>
<section name="dialplan" description="Regex/XML Dialplan">
<!-- Valid fields in conditions: -->
<!-- "dialplan, caller_id_name, ani, ani2, caller_id_number, -->
<!-- rdnis, destination_number, uuid, source, context, chan_name" -->
<!-- *NOTE* The special context name 'any' will match any context -->
<context name="default">
<extension name="tollfree">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^(18(0{2}|8{2}|7{2}|6{2})\d{7})$">
<action application="enum" data="$1"/>
<action application="bridge" data="${enum_auto_route}"/>
<!-- Call the FreeSWITCH conference via SIP -->
<!--<extension name="FreeSWITCH Conference SIP">-->
<!--<condition field="destination_number" expression="^888$">-->
<!--<action application="bridge" data="sofia/test/888@"/>-->
<!--</extension> -->
<!-- Call the FreeSWITCH conference via IAX -->
<!--<extension name="FreeSWITCH Conference IAX">-->
<!--<condition field="destination_number" expression="^8888$">-->
<!--<action application="bridge" data="iax/guest@"/>-->
<extension name="testmusic">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^1234$">
<!-- Request a certain tone/file to be played while you wait for the call to be answered-->
<action application="set" data="ringback=${us-ring}"/>
<!--<action application="set" data="ringback=/home/ring.wav"/>-->
<action application="bridge" data="sofia/test/1234@"/>
<!-- Enter an existing conference -->
<extension name="1000">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^1000$">
<action application="conference" data="freeswitch"/>
<!-- Start a dynamic conference and call someone at the same time -->
<extension name="2000">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^2000$">
<action application="conference" data="bridge:mydynaconf:sofia/test/1234@"/>
<!-- extensions starting with 4, all the numbers after 4 form a numeric filename -->
<!-- continue="true" means keep looking for more extensions to match -->
<!-- *NOTE* The entire dialplan is parsed ONCE when the call starts -->
<!-- so any call info acquired after the various actions cannot -->
<!-- be taken into consideration. -->
<!-- The first match will play a beep and the second one plays -->
<!-- the desired file. This is for demo purposes both actions -->
<!-- could have been under the same <extension> tag as well. -->
<extension name="playsound1" continue="true">
<condition field="source" expression="mod_sofia"/>
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^4(\d+)">
<action application="playback" data="/var/sounds/beep.gsm"/>
<extension name="playsound2">
<condition field="source" expression="mod_sofia"/>
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^4(\d+)">
<action application="playback" data="/root/$1.raw"/>
<!-- send everything with a certian RDNIS to Wanpipe ISDN -->
<extension name="To PRI">
<condition field="rdnis" expression="8881231234"/>
<condition field="destination_number" expression="(.*)">
<action application="bridge" data="wanpipe/a/a/$1"/>
<!-- Call *MUST* originate from mod_iax and also be dialing ext 9999-->
<extension name="9999">
<condition field="source" expression="mod_iax"/>
<condition field="destination_number" expression="9999">
<action application="playback" data="/var/sounds/beep.gsm"/>
<section name="directory" description="User Directory">
<!--the domain or ip (the right hand side of the @ in the addr-->
<domain name="jabber.org">
<!--the user id (the left hand side of the @ in the addr-->
<user id="stpeter">
<!-- omit password for authless registration -->
<param name="password" value="mypass"/>
<vcard xmlns='vcard-temp'>
<FN>Peter Saint-Andre</FN>
<ORGNAME>Jabber Software Foundation</ORGNAME>
<ORGUNIT>Jabber Software Foundation</ORGUNIT>
<TITLE>Executive Director</TITLE>
<ROLE>Patron Saint</ROLE>
<EXTADD>Suite 600</EXTADD>
<STREET>1899 Wynkoop Street</STREET>
More information about me is located on my
personal website: http://www.saint-andre.com/